
One Piece: Reincarnated with the Error System

Rose has lived a pretty good life in her opinion, becoming a decorated physicist at a young age, but after being ridiculed and exiled from the academic circle after making a seemingly impossible discovery, she turns to anime and video games to help her fend off the sadness. Upon her death, however, that discovery that made her peers mock her may just give her a second chance at life... ----------------------------------------------------------------- One Piece x Lord of the Mysteries fanfiction with error pathway Chapters are released daily (for now), with the occasional double release ;)

BrimRoseRed · アクション
12 Chs

Rose's Ingenious Evil Plan

Rose once again awoke to her chambers' wooden ceiling, with no idea of how she passed out. As she closed her eyes in an attempt to recollect how she ended up in this spot.

'Oh, right...'

Memories flash through her mind of attempting to do three push-ups, failing on the fourth and then sending a crew-mate straight into the ocean by making him fall through the floor, only to collapse from over-exhaustion.

'Serves him right, can't he see that I'm a helpless, weak scholar at heart?'

Rose shed a silent tear, realising that she would never go fist-to-fist with Garp unless some subtle trickery was at hand.

Other than her failed stamina training, with Whitebeard's assistance, she had discovered a part of the principle behind Observation Haki. It turns out that Observation Haki is nothing more than utilising Haki to detect a special form of energy emitted by all life. Thanks to this, her [Error Manipulation] proficiency increased from 1 to 1.01.

'What an increase. Well, I was already expecting this, given that the greatest physicist of all time's understanding of the laws of physics only gave me one point of proficiency. I think I would be insulted if this minor breakthrough gave me more than 0.01 points of proficiency.'

Rose lifted herself out of the bed in her quarters. Rose began to plan her second step to god-killing. Acquiring the proper equipment and resources (read: test subjects).

'Charging straight into Dr Vegapunk's lab, MADS, would only earn me a one-way ticket to Impel Down, or more realistically, a 'Fist of Love' from Whitebeard because of the idiotic idea. I'll have to go about this in a more covert approach.'

Rose suddenly stood up and brushed off her now slightly smelly two-day-old clothes and finished the details of her next plan in her mind. Rose walked out of her quarters to the cheerful greetings of her fellow crew-mates, who were now much more respectful to their strategist after having to fish the last guy who laughed at her out of the ocean

"Yo! Whitebeard!" Rose yelled to the giant man, sitting in the centre of his ship. "I've got a question and a plan!"

Whitebeard turned his head and signalled for Rose to continue speaking.

"The question is, do you guys have any clothes that would fit me? I'd prefer a lab coat if you have one!"


Whitebeard looked at his gang of gigantic men who would probably think that "science" is a type of dessert if you asked them, and then, silently, looked back at Rose, a scrawny teenage girl.

"Dumb question. Okay, now for the plan!" Not to be deterred, Rose marched on valiantly. "Say, Whitebeard, what do you think is the greatest advantage that the World Government has going for them?"

Whitebeard pondered for a moment, and then answered, "Is it the Marines? Or perhaps the fear of the people?"

Rose shook her head, grinning, and answered, "None of the above! The greatest advantage that the World Government holds, that barely any other group, including pirates, has is technology. Are you aware of the Ancient Weapon Pluton?"

Whitebeard opened his eyes slightly, surprised that Rose even knew such a carefully kept secret as the Ancient Weapons.

"I see that you're aware of it then, that warship capable of destroying islands in a single shot, as well as man-made devil fruits, cloning, and cybernetics, all of these are a unique advantage held by the world government, something that pirates, who are a bunch of uneducated fighters, could not copy."

Whitebeard smiled at the fact that his strategist just subtly called him an idiot, but he couldn't help but agree, although he had never heard of a man-made devil fruit, he had no reason to doubt that a man as intelligent as Vegapunk couldn't create it. He looked at Rose and spoke, "And so you are suggesting that we somehow cripple the world government's technology? Gurarara~, although I'm always up for a fight, I'm not suicidal!"

Rose's smile deepened as she spoke, "I'm not suggesting that we destroy the technology, I want to take it, along with their equipment, all for myself, and leave them clueless."

Whitebeard laughed loudly "GURARARA~! As I expect from my strategist! An incredibly bold idea! And how exactly do you plan to do that? Not only would you need a master in stealth, but you would also need someone incredibly familiar with the equipment!"

Rose laughed at this response, "Familiar with the equipment? Captain, you are speaking to the most accomplished scientist in human history, if the smartest men in the world look up to people like Vegapunk, then people like Vegapunk look up to me."

Indeed, although it was mentioned that Rose had won a Nobel prize at the age of 24, the one she earned at 25 wasn't mentioned, or the one at 26, or the two she earned at 27.

Rose's smile deepened even further. Rose's body began to distort in Whitebeard and the crewmates' vision as the air around her began to crackle and glitch. Rose's contorting body spoke "And as for stealth, given that vision is nothing more than your eyes reacting to the photons that one's body reflects, and your Observation Haki detects only the unique energy given off by life. what would happen if those photons suddenly changed nature, or that energy were to change?

What would happen if an error were to occur upon the emission of that energy or the reflection of those photons?"

Rose's figure stopped contorting and glitching, and to the awe of everybody on the ship, revealed a replica of the captain of her crew, Whitebeard.

[Error Manipulation: Perception Error]

The fake Whitebeard laughed and spoke, "So how about it, Captain? Wanna help me steal some cool stuff?"

Whitebeard smiled, and after giving his 'Fist of Love' to his right-hand man, Marco, for giggling when 'Whitebeard' spoke in a woman's voice, and then screamed to the navigator.

"Set a course for the last known location of MADS!"

Gimme yer powerstones >:)

BrimRoseRedcreators' thoughts