
One Piece: Prince Of The Charlotte Family

Kizaru exclaimed, "His speed surpasses even my light!" Sengoku acknowledged, "He's a true monster with incomprehensible abilities!" Charlotte Linlin commented, "Wilhelm is my greatest creation, albeit a bit rebellious." King of the Beasts Kaido grumbled, "Wilhelm? hic- That fellow is terrifying; he scarred me for life!" Whitebeard declared, "In both swordsmanship and Haki, he surpasses even Roger!" Mihawk conceded, "As the world's greatest swordsman, he deserves the title!" The Five Elders remarked, "His ambition rivals that of Rocks!" _____________________________________________________________ Support me and read additional chapters on my Patreon: patreon.com/ChaosTranslation It will motivate me to upload more chapters :D! ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Riding A Whale As A Pirate

ParagonOfChaos · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

CH14: Human Fruit

Sea Circle Calendar 1503, April 2nd.

According to the guidance of the recording pointer, Wilhelm successfully arrived at the Drum Kingdom. If his guess is correct, there is a high possibility that a Zoan fruit is on this winter island, covered with ice and snow year-round. Moreover, it should appear in places where reindeer herds appear. The scope of the search can be greatly narrowed.

Originally, even with the narrowed scope of the search, Wilhelm wasn't 100% sure he could find it. However, his luck is very good.

"Finally found it?" Snowflakes fluttered and the wind howled in the snow. Holding a not-so-large fruit with a strange spiral pattern in his hand, Wilhelm couldn't help but smile. He spent half a month back and forth in this forest, ready to give up, but finally found this fruit for everyone. It's not very big, mushroom-shaped, red on the top and white on the bottom, with strange patterns.

"Roar—" Fingley yelled excitedly, making the reindeer herd in the distance tremble and flee in all directions.

"Let's go!" Playing with the mushroom-shaped human fruit, Wilhelm chuckled. "Next, when Smoothie and the others come over, it's time to head to Sky Island!"

It's a pity for him. The more anticipated Paramecia Munch-Munch Fruit has not yet appeared. Wapol, who is still the prince of the Drum Kingdom, does not possess Devil Fruit power yet. Half a month ago, Wilhelm visited the treasure house of the Drum Kingdom, but unfortunately, he didn't find any Devil Fruits. However, finding this human fruit was somewhat rewarding—not returning empty-handed.

"The pirates are coming..."

"It's the BIG-MOM Pirates!"

"Oh my god, why are New World pirates coming here?"


On the port of Drum Kingdom, a medium-sized pirate ship arrived slowly. It caused panic among many residents, and the king's army in this country was heavily armed. But the flag belonging to the BIG-MOM Pirates made them hesitate to act rashly. Some people were sweating coldly.

A tall, good-looking, long-legged girl with a high brown ponytail stepped forward. Looking at the panicked port and the timid king's army, she couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile. "What a bunch of cowards, they peed their pants in fright when they saw Mother's flag!" Cinnamon, the sixteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, had her left hand on her hip and the right hand with a long sword at her waist. There was some indescribable pride in her heart.

"No matter where you go these days, just seeing the flag of the BIG-MOM Pirates, even Marines dare not act rashly. And most pirates are even more frightened, fleeing in panic. Not to mention this weak King's army." 

"Our purpose is not to cause trouble. It would be best not to attract Marine's excessive attention," a head of white wavy hair was loosely scattered behind her. She inherited the lineage of the long-leg family and was also exaggeratedly tall. "What is the guy doing to this cold and snowy backcountry?"

"Who knows..." Strong, the fifteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, folded her arms. With a tall and bloated figure, she leaned on the mast and said indifferently, "In the Charlotte family, Wilhelm has always been a maverick. Even if it is his mother's order, he may not completely obey it!"

At this time, ahead, the white sky. A gigantic vulture came flapping its wings. Above, stood a silver-white figure.

"His Royal Highness Wilhelm!"

"It's so handsome!"

"Still as cool as ever!"

"How dazzling! Master Wilhelm's light is too dazzling..."

"Welcome, Lord Wilhelm!~"

On the huge pirate ship, the pirates of the BIG-MOM pirate group, as well as a large number of Homiz, quickly noticed the silver-white noble figure standing on the vulture's back. It's like seeing a fanatical fan of an idol. All of them had stars in their eyes, their eyes were shining, and they all shouted excitedly. He kept waving his hands and cheering there.


"You're finally here!"

And the three Smoothie sisters complained. But when they saw Wilhelm, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. And the three of them have long been familiar with such an overly lively scene. No way, this younger brother is too popular in the BIG-MOM Pirates. Unlike other brothers and sisters who are older or younger with a big age difference, Wilhelm is not only about the same age as them but also played together from childhood to adulthood. The relationship is naturally much closer.

Especially, as the most handsome of the children of the Charlotte family. The former Wilhelm was an out-and-out "little boy" when he was a child, and his impeccable "prosperous beauty" made even girls like them feel a little jealous. Plus, the terrifying talent inherited from Charlotte Linlin, born with monster-like powers... Such a character... Simply perfect!

This "thrilling noble son" with a cold personality, amazing potential, and an unlimited future. In the BIG-MOM Pirates, he is a well-deserved "star" like a star holding the moon. Even the Katakuri, who they usually claim to be the "highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family", can't compare to this day. The Charlotte sisters all had to admit it. 

Just being able to quietly admire that perfect face there is a kind of enjoyment. The existence of Wilhelm made the sisters' visions worse. Ordinary men, compared with the cool and handsome Wilhelm, are nothing like mud, and they can't catch their eyes at all. 

Wilhelm's figure had disappeared on the back of Fingley, who was rushing straight. He came directly to the pirate ship and appeared in front of the three sisters.

"Don't get in the way!" His tone was indifferent. He frowned slightly. It was as sharp as a falcon, and the cold eyes that people dare not look directly swept across. The pirates and soldiers, who were so excited and cheered enthusiastically there, couldn't help but look stagnant, and a cold sweat broke out... They secretly swallowed his saliva. 

"Wilhelm, you're still so cold!" Looking at Wilhelm's heroic figure, Smoothie smiled and said, "Everyone is very happy to see you!"

"I didn't expect you to come from New World..." Ignoring the pirates and soldiers, and staring at the three long-legged sisters who are just sixteen years old, Wilhelm said bluntly: "The prestige of the BIG-MOM pirate group although not small also means there are many enemies in this sea, and it is very dangerous to rush to the first half of the Grand Line."

"You can run around, so we are fine, don't underestimate the strength of the three of us!"

Cinnamon, who has always been extremely confident in his strength, glared at Wilhelm with dissatisfaction when he heard the words and retorted.

"Don't say that, Wilhelm..." Smoothie sat there with her long legs crossed lightly, holding her face in his hands, and looked at her younger brother's ridiculously handsome face with a smile, and said, "It's rare that our sisters came all the way here, why don't you want to see us?"? It is very sad..."

"Huh? Wilhelm, what's that in your hand..." Looking at the mushroom-shaped fruit in Wilhelm's hand, Smoothie couldn't help shrinking her eyes.

"Devil Fruit?"

"That kind of pattern... it looks like it!"

Both Smoothie and Cinnamon noticed it too, full of surprise. Unexpectedly, Wilhelm found a Devil Fruit.

"This is what I just found, Zoan: Human Fruit!"

Seeing the three sisters looking at them with burning eyes, Wilhelm didn't pay any attention and said directly: "It's useless for ordinary humans to eat it. Animals will become like humans if they eat it. It can unlock their wisdom and have human-like abilities." The ability to learn!"

"Zoan: Human Fruit?" The three sisters were all amazed. And Smoothie took the human fruit with some interest and played with it there. Strong and Cinnamon quickly lost interest and stopped paying attention. This kind of ability is nothing special, at most it can turn animals into people. It's not such a powerful Devil Fruit ability.

"Don't underestimate it..." Wilhelm didn't care, and said slowly: "The effect of Devil Fruit's ability depends on how it is used!" For others. Everyone has such an ability. At most, you can only find a beast with good strength to cultivate. He never thought of being so "wasteful". But whether it can make the best use of everything depends on whether his next experiment can be successful.


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