
One piece: Path finder

Waking up Rei realized he was in One Piece, a world where everything can happen. Under the guidance of strict parents, Rei was protected from the evil of the world. He followed his parents' path as he had nothing to do. While doing his thing, he encountered a life-changing event one after another. *** Mc is marine but he is not like a loyal dog. He is just staying at the marine because it is more suited to his personality. There will be a lot of original characters, groups and pirates. No harem. Mc will be sort of overpowered given the fact that he had resources and past life experiences.

Finn3 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

All eyes on me

Rei entered the hallway he was led by a young officer after he showed him a paper.

' Seem like this is a place where I stay for a time being. ' Rei noted as he could hear the cheering of the crowd.

" A battle happening? " He asked.

The young officer nodded with a smile. " It started a few hours ago. You are lucky. We are waiting for you. If you arrive here on time, we might start sooner. "

Rei scratched his head and laughed in dry. " Sorry about that I was lost in this festival. "

" It is okay. Today is supposed to be Joyful. "

The young officer opened the door revealing an area where two people fighting. Rei's eyes widened in surprise.

Numerous people were looking from the sidelines. There was a blackboard behind them and it showed the names of people fighting right now.

" Why don't they broadcast the fight to the whole island? "

The young officer smiled, " Well, it's mainly because of two reasons. Information leakage. We don't want our future powerhouse to be targeted by pirates. Second, children should not watch people fight. "

His eyes landed on Rei. " Except you are different from other children. "

" Well, gotta go. I wish you the best of luck. "

Rei said, " What is your name? "

His instinct picked up a powerful feeling from the man.

" Bogard. "

In an instant, the man disappeared from his view.

Rei nodded. He can't remember anything about that name. It doesn't matter.

He arrived at the bunch, twenty people were looking intensely at the fight. Rei didn't say a word to them and sat quietly.

Under the sun, two men aged 18 fought. Their battle was boring in Rei's eyes.

Having seen the techniques of Reagan many times, their movement seems stiff. Not as nimble as the old man.

Nevertheless, they got power which Rei lacked for the time being.

After a few minutes, the fight concluded with the loser throwing out of the ring.

" The winner is Foen. "

The crowd cheered as well as the people around Rei.

This process happened a few times, two men showed up, beating each other. Rei yawned.

He fell asleep a few times.

Someone shook his hand lightly, Rei woke up. He saw a young officer in front of him holding a paperboard.

" Rei. It's your time. " He said while writing something.

Rei nodded and stood up. " I don't get any weapon. "

" We don't have any additional weapons. They all carried their specific weapon of choice. But don't worry about your life, we strictly said wooden weapon. "

" I see. " Rei nodded. He wanted to try a few sword techniques but looked like he had to wait.

He stepped into the arena. He can hear people whisper at the sight of him. Well, he had no problem with them because he would be worried about it when some kid precipitate in this fight.

This is it. This is the place where he will join the plot line. Rei said to himself. ' From here everyone will know of me. I will be the pillar of Marine because of my techniques. They will know of me. '

Rei breathed in slowly gathering his strength. ' That is great. It had been boring in the same routines for many years. '

He stretched his legs. Warming up his body, he felt the energy spread through his inner strength.

Under the gazing sun, Rei stepped into the view of people for the first time. It was nervous and felt like he was against the very being of who he was.

He was used to being in the shadow for a long time even if he was born into this brand new world some stuff still needed time to fully let go. But Rei didn't let the gazing of strangers affect him that much.

He walked into the ring made of flat stones. He can't tell what kind of stone he was standing on but it felt strong.

More like steel but he knew it was just a natural stone. While Rei was observing the ring, a young navy man arrived in front of him.

He carried a wooden sword like any other here in this place. Rei nodded to which the young man pointed at his sword.

" No weapon? " He asked.

Rei shook his head. " No, I thought there are weapons for me. "

" Well, it is bad luck. Call me Gem. "

" Rei. "

They both exchanged their names. After that, the battle took place at the alert of the Referee.

Gem bent down immediately closing the range between him and Rei with a fast speed. He swung the sword with all the force he could mutter at that moment.

' Good. ' Rei was relaxed at the sight of his enemy being ruthless.

He blocked the strike by kicking at the sword before it could reach full force. Using his light body, Rei used the sword as a foothold to lift him to the sky.

He reached about 2 meters controlling the limbs Rei landed on the stone gracefully.

Gem didn't waste any time for a brief opening he launched a series of thrusts. Rei dodged a few but some landed on his body.

Other than a brief pain, it was weak compared to the old man. ' Alright, I have seen enough. Look like someone send a weak one at me. '

Rei grabbed the sword and instantly crashed with a bare hand. Gem was shaken and ready to take a step back but Rei was faster.

He knocked the air out of Gem using his right leg.

Gem due to the force suddenly threw at him in the chest and fell to the ground losing consciousness. Rei looked down at the young man he just knocked.

It had no thrill.

Rei's eyes went silent for a moment. He moved at the unconscious Gem with a lighting-like movement. His hand was brought to the throat of the prey.

Chill. He felt a chill around his body. The pressure was so tense that he felt like he might pass out from this chill.

" Stop. "

Rei looked up, sweat falling from the face. A rough hand garbbbed his hand.

It was from the hero's Garp.

" I know you want to kill this man. "


I stopped posting this novel because of the interesting plotline I just write.

Thank you for reading.

I will appreciate it if you check my other novels. It only had two chapters so you don't need that many time.