
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Do you remember me?

[Pajaro Island ; Shore ]

Main pov

We woke up early when we were informed that Ivankov had arrived at the shore to pick us up. I had already informed Stella and Robin the night before about our little stay with the revolutionaries so they had already packed their belongings .

Arriving at the shore with all our belongings was pretty easy as I could just put all of the luggage in metal carts and float them everywhere. I had made sure that on our way out nobody saw us.

Reaching the shore I only expected to see Ivankov and maybe some revolutionary guards.

But I hadn't expected that Ivankov would bring some other faces that would make notable impact in the future .

"Wow, you are way taller in person. But you don't compare to Kuma-chi", the pink haired girl said out loud as she gazed up at me.

"Ginny you shouldn't say these rude things to people's face", a man scolded the pink haired girl before turning towards me.

"I'm sorry Tesoro San if she hurt your feelings. It doesn't matter if you are shorter, a person's worth isn't in his height", he smiled as he tried to console me.

My eyes twitched before I smiled, "Don't worry Kuma, I'm not offended at all".

'Like hell I'll be self conscious about my height. Even luffy can defeat people way bigger than him. Yeah…. height doesn't matter at all in one piece.... Yeah', My mind continued to make based justifications.

"Eh? Kuma-chi how was I being rude? I was just stating the facts", argued Ginny.

"You tend to say whatever's on your mind, maybe you should think it through first", Kuma tried to calm Ginny down.

I just sighed at the bickering of the duo. I should have known that if I'll go with the revolutionaries then meeting them would be inevitable.

The large man with an inverted bowling pin figure was Kuma, the future warlord/cyborg and Bonney's father.

Through my memories I had already known his past. It is heart wrenching what happened to him, a slave since birth, had his parents enslaved and killed and if the future was to go as planned then he would suffer more at the hands of Saint Saturn.

He would lose Ginny to sapphire scale disease and her child, Bonney, would be left in his care. But Bonney would have inherited the disease from her mother and to save her Kuma would make a deal with Vegapunk and the government to perform a rather expensive surgery.

Turned into a cyborg and losing his consciousness all for his daughter, or that's what would have happened if I wasn't here. I'm not going to just stand here and let another person suffer at the hand of those celestial dragons and the Gorosei.

Although through my intervention Bonney isn't likely to be born but I don't think I can just turn a blind eye to someone's suffering especially if it's caused by those retched celestial dragons.

"Oi, Have vou packed everything star-boy?", asked a purple haired man with a huge head.

This man was Emporio Ivankov, one of the founders of the revolutionary army and the Okama queen. He would always be seen in a skimpy red dress but luckily today he decided to at least wear a cloak.

I didn't want him to give young Robin more trauma than she already has.

"Yeah, I just finished placing all of it at the deck", I pointed my thumb towards the deck where the last luggage could be seen floating in the air before being place on top.

"So vit's just going to be you and those two right? Then Vwe will have enough room", Ivankov was clearly talking about Stella and Robin.

They were now at the deck as they carefully carried Stella's paintings. She didn't trust her paintings to be carried by my powers as she claimed that I might damage them.

After placing the luggage they came near the railing as Stella called out,

"We are already done placing everything. I think it's time we head out soon the sun seems to be rising over the horizon", Stella pointed to the dim light over the horizon that painted the dark blue sky a bit reddish orange.

Kuma and Ginny who now have seem to stop bickering came near us,

"Yeah I think it's time to return back big bro iva", exclaimed Ginny as she stared at the horizon.

"Of course vwe are heading back right away", Ivankov retorted before giving a evil smirk "Vi want to see dragon's face when vwe tell him who else our star has managed to bring with us".

He must obviously be referring to Robin. Nico Robin was really famous amongst knowledgeable big shots. As she was the only person capable of reading the poneglyphs.

Well to be more precise there is actually two more candidate, Oden's father who's still in Wano and people from the three eye tribe like Charlotte Pudding.

' Although Pudding being able to read poneglyphs when she awakens is just Big Mom's assumption so I'm not sure about that', I thought silently in my head.

"Hey! Robin isn't yours to brag around other people like a property", fumed Stella from the deck as Robin beside her nodded silently in agreement.

"Oh, what if vwe just kidnap her and use her for information", Ivankov grinned as he raised his hands with his palm facing the sky.

His fingers were flexed like cat as his nails elongated, " Hehe what if our plot was to just use vyou guys until vwe hit jackpot and this moment is jackpot".

He giggled as he covered his mouth with his other hand. Robin and Stella just glared at Ivankov as his remarks seemed to have triggered them.

"Big bro Iva what are you saying?", asked Ginny with a confused look.

Kuma just sighed as he already knew what Ivankov was upto.

Stella immediately touched the book that was strapped to her hip holster as Robin also crossed her arms.

"Why yo-", before Stella could finish cursing Ivankov raised his arms as he shouted.



Ivankov then laid on the ground as he started to pound it with his fist while laughing.

"Did you really think we had something of that sort in mind", he laughed.

"You should have seen your faces!!", he laughed harder.

"HEEHAW!!", he started laughing continuously while occasionally stopping to strike a pose and shout his catchphrase.

Stella and Robin now seemed really furious. If looks could kill then Ivankov would have been dead till his next life and over.

I just sighed as I raised my hand towards Ivankov as one of the rings on my finger flew towards him.

The right on touching him instantly transformed into a chain as it wrapped all around him tightly.

"Eh! Star-boy what are you doing?!?!", shouted Ivankov as he was now on the floor having trouble to free himself.

"If I don't do this then you will be at their hands. And believe me you don't want that", I told him to his face as I remembered a painful memory of how Robin used a very dangerous technique on Franky.

Robin and Stella seemed to have calmed down a bit as they saw me punish Ivankov.

Robin even put her hands down which seemed to be in a grabbing pose.

'Be thankful that I saved you and your future generations, Ivankov', I said in my mind.


"Why.. do…I…. feel so weak?", asked Ivankov as he panted.

" The chain is made of Seastone", I answered as I pointed at the chains which tightened it's grip.

"What!?, you can really do that!?", exclaimed Ginny.

"I was skeptical at first but it seems that what dragon said is true", Kuma muttered in a low voice.

"Wow! I've never heard of a devil fruit ability that let's you control it's worst enemy!", exclaimed Ginny with stars in her eyes.

"Tesoro-San if you don't mind can you share with us how your powers actually works", Kuma asked politely.

Ginny grinned as she nodded, "Yeah yeah I want to know if your performance has anything to do with your powers as well".

I smirked, "Well since you guys asked so nicely", I started to explain to them the inner workings of my abilities with full enthusiasm.

'I always have time for fans', I thought with a grin.

"Oi... I'm…. Still….. On…. The….. Ground…..", Ivankov muttered through hurried breaths as he wriggled on the ground like a worm.

He was ignored by everyone.


Half a day had passed since we set sail towards Baltigo Island . The sailing had been smooth so far as we encountered no pirates and instead encountered a lot of free food also know as seakings. Although even if we did encounter pirates I doubt there is any in paradise that can give us trouble.

Right now we were having we were all having lunch that I had prepared using the ingredients in the ship.


"This is really good!!", exclaimed Ginny with a full mouth.

Kuma smirked as he took another bite of my version of the tuna crescent ring, "Maybe you should teach me how to cook this Tesoro-san".

"Vi have to agree Vi have never had a dish like this before, vyou can maybe cook a lot more at the base for the rest of members", Ivankov remarked while nodding his huge head.

He was freed after a few hours as he apologized to Robin and Stella multiple times. He was finally forgiven as his cries seemed to annoy Robin and Stella.

I was happy that they loved my cooking but I had to refuse.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to deny. I'll spend most of my time training with Dragon", I said with a apologetic smile.

"Yeah but vyou shouldn't expect too much from Dragon as he's a very busy man", Ivankov said with a sigh.

I already knew I had to do most of it myself but I was just going to use this opportunity to learn the fighting style used by Sabo, the dragon claw technique. Besides I need a place to relax and be sure that no one will harm Stella or Robin while I train.

"Tesoro-San what about the training we have talked about?", asked Robin as she ate her seaking sandwiches.

"Yeah, don't worry about it for now", I smirked as I remembered what I had promised her.


{After the rooftop fun time}

[Hotel Peacock ]

I carried Robin on my back as she seemed to have tired herself by playing too much on the roof.

"I'll go take a shower and freshen up. You should place Robin in her room to sleep until dinner", Stella said as she opened the door to our room and started heading towards the bathroom.

I nodded as I saw Stella's departing figure. Once I saw that she was in the bathroom and she couldn't hear us anymore I spoke out loud.

"If you wanted to be carried on my back you can just ask you know, no need to pretend to be sleepy"

I felt Robin flinch a bit at my words.

"If you knew then you should have told me sooner", Robin said with a frustrated voice "You can keep me down now".

I laughed as I carefully placed her on the floor. Seeing Robin act in a childish manner was a bit unexpected at first but now I understood that she was more relaxed with us and seemed to trust us.

"Oh I almost forgot, we will be leaving this place soon. I need to train with someone's assistance", I said to Robin, "So we should pack our belongings as we will leave tomorrow morning".

"Um, ok all of my belongings still must be at the shore", Robin recalled her bag of necessities that she had backed this morning to run away.

I hit my head as I had forgotten about that too, "Oh yeah sorry I forgot about that".

"Don't worry about it, one of the puppets must still be on standby", I reassured her.

The rest of the metal puppets would have returned to the sea and turned into scraps due to my command.

"Well I'll just help you make dinner since my stuff will just be at the shore", Robin replied with a sigh as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Well I always like company while cooking", I smirked as I followed her.

The cooking preparation went splendidly, Robin was a very quick learner and paid utmost attention to my instructions. I saw that she was most proficient with the knife as she cut up several pieces of meat with precision.

"So when do you plan on leaving?", I asked as I put all the vegetables into the hot oil.

Robin seemed to have stopped cutting the meat, "How did you know?", she asked with a serious tone.

"Just a knowledgeable guess. I saw the conviction in your eyes when you spoke about the void century. I know you will leave one day to uncover the secrets of the world", I continuously stirred the pot.

"I guess there is no point in hiding it now. Yes, I'll have to leave one day. I need to know about the void century and what is reason for the way how the government prohibits the world from learning about the past. I'm thankful for Stella-San and your kindness in accepting me into your family but I will have to leave", she said determinately.

"I just hope that after I have completed my dream I can be accepted back into this family", Robin muttered this sentence with a hint of sadness in her voice.

I stopped stirring the vegetables before putting the stove on low heat.

I turned towards her as I smiled, "Like you will ever stop being family in the first place".

Robin smiled at my confirmation and at the same time Stella walked into the kitchen having already freshened up and in new clothes. She now wore a light red crop top with matching shorts.

"Huh? Robin I thought you were asleep?", she asked curiously as she sat down besides Robin and started helping her with chopping meat.

"We were just having some deep conversations", I answered as Robin started explaining to her what we were talking about.

"What!? You won't stay with us?", Stella gasped.

Robin shook her head slowly as she answered, "I'm sorry Stella-San but I have to do this, for all the scientists in OHara and every voice that has been silenced by the government for seeking answers. Even if I have to face all the troubles all alone I will continue on".

"But we can help you with that can't we?", she looked at me as she said that.

"No, this is my dream and you guys have yours. Besides by the looks of it you guys will have your hands full in the coming years", she said with a knowing glance.

"Ah, so you already know about that", I raised my brow at Robin's deduction skills.

Stella was silent for a moment as she replied, "I see".

She reached out to hold Robin's hand with a smile, "But always remember you are not alone and our arms will always be open for you to return to".

Robin smiled as she turned towards Stella and me, "I'm really grateful to you Stella-San and Tesoro-San".

"The only thing you should ever thank me for is the food that I cook for you", I smirked as I started serving the meal that had just finished cooking.

"As for when you are leaving, I won't let you go without getting strong enough to defend yourself", I told Robin with authority, "That's why I'll train you myself while we are with the revolutionaries".

Robin nodded in understanding, "Then I'll try to get strong enough to get your approval".

I smiled at her agreement, I was happy that Robin was this mature and understanding since such a small age.

"And your comment about being alone, I think you are wrong. I'm sure that you will find some people in the future who will care about you just as much as us or even more", I smirked.

"There are many crazy people in this world that are willing to put their life on the line for their friends, some might even wage war on the government for them"

Robin chuckled at my comment, "I doubt I'll find someone who will be that crazy to take on the world just for their friend".

I cleared the table properly before handing the their bowls of food. The rich aroma of lamb soup with a side of stir fried veggies and bread filled the room.

Stella gulped at the sight before coughing into her fist, "Well as a wife I'll soon learn how to cook so that I can return the favor".

After I had finish serving Robin and Stella I stood behind Stella as I bent down and purred into her ear,

"There are other ways to return the favor you know", I said seductively.

I could feel the steam rising above her head as I smiled at successful mission.

"Don't talk like this in front of Robin", Stella said in a low tone as she pinched in my hand .

"No it's fine, I've read about it in the books. Besides my ears are too sharp and the walls of this hotel aren't thick enough, especially during the nights", Robin exclaimed stoically as she continued to put food in her mouth.

"Ah…..i see….", I chuckled nervously as I scratched my chin.

'I have to complain to the hotel owner', I thought in my head.

The dinner went awkward at first but after a couple of new topics the mood was jolly again.



After the lunch we soon reached the island due to me propelling the ship through turbines. We managed to reach Baltigo way earlier than expected.

Baltigo or also know as Land with White soil is the main base of operations for the revolutionaries.

Our arrival seemed to have taken the other revolutionaries by surprise as they had probably expected us to be coming tomorrow morning.

Some of them came over to see if we had any luggage that we need help in carrying. They were a bit disappointed when I refused but instantly became amused when I used my powers to levitate all of it using my powers.

"It's a bit windy", Stella exclaimed as she held her skirt with one hand when it attempted to flutter.

She was now wearing a short red sleeves with a long beige skirt. She held her fedora with one hand as it shaded her face from the bright sun in the sky.

"Yeah it sure is", Robin who was next to Stella agreed with her.

She also had a similar get up to Stella and the only notable difference was that she wore sunglasses.

Stella told me that they had got matching outfits when they went shopping one day as a bonding activity.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it", Ginny said as she jumped off of the ship before yawning.

"The interior of the base is way better than the exterior. Although I think Ivankov got the most decorated room amongst the rest of the revolutionaries", Kuma added with a smile as too got off the ship. The ground shook a bit when he landed on his feet as dust was thrown all over.

"Heehaw", Ivankov shouted as he jumped down.

"VYou shouldn't 'think' that my room is the most fashionable amongst the rest of vyou because it actually is", Ivankov bragged as he placed his hands on his hips and struck a pose.

"You guys arrived way earlier than expected", a deep voice could be heard from the side.

We turned to see a tanned man with a red tattoo on the left side of his face , he had spiky black hair and wore a green cloak. It was Dragon.

He grinned before he continued, "I hope you guys had a pleasant journey even with all the trouble makers being in one ship".

"Eh? VWho's the trouble maker?", Ivankov held his chin as he contemplated.

"I think he's talking about you big bro Iva", chuckled Ginny.

"VYou are one to talk!", Ivankov shouted as he started fighting with Ginny.

Kuma tried to stop them but was dragged into the fight.

Dragon shook his head at this as he looked at me before his gaze switched to Stella and then Robin. His eyes widened at an instant as the look of shock could be seen on his face.

"Nico Robin…..", Dragon muttered to himself but it had been heard by everyone present here.

Now Kuma, Ivankov and Ginny and stopped their play fighting as they all stared at Dragon anticipating his reaction.

Robin had furrowed her eyebrow as she expected a bad response out of instinct but what Dragon said next surprised all of us.

"Do you remember me Robin?", Dragon said with a grin.

"Huh?", we all exclaimed in confusion.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts