
One Piece : Kill Roger At the Beginning

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods ended, the Rocks Pirate disbanded and everyone thought it was over. Until, a man named Rocks·D·Will came out of Impel Down! He vowed to take revenge on every single person who led to his tragedy. Defeat Kaido and Kill Oden in Wanokuni. Kill Roger to declare the start of his journey in this world. He declared to the world that Rocks has returned and this era, is called Rocks. Watch how Will conquers the world of One Piece with the help of his On- Hook system. **PS- Roger won't literally be killed in the first chapter. The title only means that killing Roger will truly mark the beginning of his journey. ******************* Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · アニメ·コミックス
149 Chs

Subduing the Shandians

The silver-white dragon soared into the sky.

After a while, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

And between the dragon's horns, Hina's small body lay there.


The little girl turned her head and looked behind her. The big boat below could no longer be seen there and even the Gaya Island had already turned into a small black spot.

She was a little scared, but also a little excited. After all, this is a rare experience in itself.

Soon, Will led her into the clouds, and there was nothing else to be seen except a vast expanse of whiteness.

Emerging through the thick clouds, they reached the White Sea, located right under the Sky Island.


The little girl spit out a series of bubbles in the sea of ​​clouds.

But in the next second, her expressions changed from surprise at the beginning to horror because she couldn't breathe easily anymore and took deep breaths to stabilize her breathing. 

Seeing this, Will reacted immediately and took her out of the White Sea and came to the interlayer between the White Sea and the White - White Sea.

"Cough cough..."

"That scared Hina to death. Woohoo, Hina almost died!"

She patted her small chest with lingering fear, having already adapted to the atmospheric pressure at this altitude. 

However, before she could calm down, Will led her into the White - White sea above.

"Woooo..... No, no... Wooo"

The little girl patted Will angrily.


Before she could say anything else, Will had already rushed out of the White - White sea



1) The White Sea is the lower part of sky ocean, located 7000 meters above the Blue Sea, comprised of Sea Cloud. 

2) The White-White Sea is the upper part of sky ocean. It is located 10,000 meters above the Blue Sea. Skypiea (among other sky islands) is located here. ]


The scenery in front of them suddenly became brighter.

Under the sunlight, the surrounding scenery was a bit dazzling.

The whole sea was pure white as far as the eye can see and those clouds were like balls of cotton.

Will gradually returned to human form and carried Hina by the collar, like a kitten.

"Well, have we reached our destination?"

Hina blinked her eyes, a little dazed.

Will smiled and said, "Yes, this is Sky Island!"

"Let's go, let's find the historical text and take care of Lucy's affairs first. We will then go to Upper Yard ."

He rubbed Hina's hair: "I hope your luck is still as good this time!"

The reason why he brought Hina was not only because of her navigation skills, but also because Hina had the best luck in the previous trip to the Gabi sea last time and she even got a Devil Fruit. So he took her in case her good luck works once again too. 

As for the reason why they came to Sky Island this time , the first thing was to get a rubbing of the historical text for Lucy. 

The second is to see if you have the luck to find Thunder Fruit.

The first is business and the second is purely incidental.

After all, even Will cannot guarantee when the Thunder Fruit will appear and where exactly. So it all depended on their luck. 

After flying some distance with Hina, Will finally saw an island.

"Upper Yard!"

This is the other half of Gaya Island that was washed up by the Knock Up Stream and it is also the location of the golden town of Shandora!

"Tsk!" Will stroked his chin and flew towards Upper Yard. 

"It seems that I never need to worry about money in this life. It just automatically comes to me. First the treasures of the Rocks, then the treasures of the ancient ruins in Gabi Sea and now the golden town of Shandora in front of me "

"Hey, Will, Sky Island is over there, not over there!"

Will's sudden turn made Hina startled for a moment, and hastily sounded a reminder.


Will gave Hina a headshot. 


Hina covered her little head, feeling aggrieved.

"Why hit Hina on the head? Hina is going to be stupid if you continue doing this!"

"Then just stay silent and don't give your free advice. Unless you think I am blind. "

Will said sarcastically and continued moving towards Upper Yard. 

Hina complained: "Hmph, but you still can't hit Hina's head!"

Naturally, Will was embarrassed to say that it felt good to do it. Sometimes he just can't help but want to run her head. 

Soon, a village appeared in front of him.

This is the Village next to Upper Yard, where the Sandia people live.

Their ancestors were Blue Sea people who rushed up with Gaya Island.

The Sandians also noticed Will's arrival.

Deeming them enemies, they immediately took out their weapons and stood on guard.

"Not bad!" Appreciation appeared in Will's eyes.

These Sandiyas are all excellent fighters, but unfortunately their numbers are a bit small.

This is also caused by their long-term war with the Sky Island people.


Maybe it was because Will was able to fly in the air, or maybe it was because he was carrying Hina, but the Sandians didn't act immediately and gave a warning. 

Will held up his hands, signaling that he meant no harm.

"I'm from Blue Sea, I have something to discuss with your chief, can you call him out?"

The Sandiyas looked at each other, but their guard was not lifted. Soon someone went away to inform the chief about the situation here. 

After a while, the crowd parted, and a man wearing a fur mask came over.

He looked up and down at Will and at Hina who was staring at them curiously.

"People from Blue Sea, what do you want to do?"

Instead of answering his question directly, Will laughed: "Interested in negotiating a deal?"

The chief frowned slightly, "We have nothing here that you need!"

"No no no!"

Will stretched out his index finger and shook it a few times. 

The chief raised his palm, and all the Sandians aimed their weapons at Will.

"I repeat, we don't have what you need."

Even with so many weapons pointed at them, Will didn't panic at all. Not to mention him, even Hina was unfazed and watched with interest.

This time, the chief's heart sank, the visitor was a bit too confident!

This kind of person is either a fool or has great confidence in his own strength!

Intuition told him that the person in front of him was the latter!

For future partners, Will is still very tolerant.

"Want to hear me out?"

The chief gave Will a deep look, but nodded in agreement in the end. 

"I know something about your origins and what happened afterwards!"

Will said calmly. 


The chief and others looked at Will in surprise.

"Four hundred years ago..."

Will began to tell everything he knew, including the agreement between the great warrior Kalgara and Nolando, what happened to Nolando later, and his ending.

It made the Sandia people cry when they heard it.

Unexpectedly, their ancestor's friend Nolando would end up like that in the end.

"So, your long-cherished wish is to return to Upper Yard and reclaim Shandora!"

"But for four hundred years, you have not succeeded, and you have not been able to fulfill the last wish of the great warrior!"

The chief sighed deeply: "Thank you very much for the news you brought us. So, what do you want to trade with us?"

"I will help you regain Apayado, and help you return to Shandora, so that you can ring the golden bell again and realize the promise of the year!"

At this moment, all the Sandia people looked at him in unison.

There was hope in their eyes.

"Is it really possible?"

The chief was also very excited, but he calmed down soon.

"Do you have that strength?"

"Also, what do we need to pay?"

These two issues are also the main concerns in everyone's mind.

If the price of regaining Apayado / Upper Yard is too high, then they need to consider it.

Will didn't answer the Chief right away.

Instead, he turned around and looked in the direction of White White Sea, where there was Upper Yard and the Sky Island. 

"This is a treasure land!" he said.

Will was referring to not only here, but also other Sky Islands.

The shellfish here can be used in daily life or for fighting.

For example, as long as the ship is equipped with a blast shell, it can sail even in the Calm Belt.

There are also Impact Dials, Reject Dials and Axe Dials , etc, if the quantity is enough, they can arm an extremely powerful army.

Also, the clouds here are very special and have many uses.

Cloud iron can be used to make special weapons and ships.

Some of the techniques of the Sky Island folks are also nice.

Of course, there is the most important point, that is, he wants to build an aerial base. 

No matter which world you are in, air supremacy is crucial.

Even in One Piece, a world where the strong come first, it also plays an extremely important role.

The reason why the Sky Island people's wings are an ornament is because they cannot move or fly.

But Will knew at least a few ways to make their wings work as they should.

"I need you to rule all of Sky Island for me!"

The Sandians were taken aback by Will's words.

"Dominate the entire Sky Island? I'm afraid this person is making fun of us, isn't he?"

This was the thought in everyone's mind. 

The chief also frowned and stared at Will.

"You want my people to serve you?"

Will laughed, "That's true."

The chief shook his head: "I don't think we have the ability to rule the entire Sky Island!"

As a matter of fact, what he wanted to say was that he doesn't believe Will has that strength.

Will just smiled at the Chief's apparent mistrust.

"First of all, you are my spokesperson in Sky Island. And the people of Sky Island don't have the strength to defeat me, so their resistance is meaningless."

"Secondly, your strength is not a problem either. You are all born fighters. I will leave some cultivation experience behind and you just need to practice according to that method. When the time comes, you will be able to suppress those Sky Island people even without my help!"

"Finally, about my strength. "

A smile curled up on Will's mouth.

His eyes fell on the White sea in the distance.


There was a soft buzzing voice in the Sandian's ear.

They just felt a bright light flashing in front of their eyes. Then, they saw Will slowly put Enma back into the scabbard.

A series of question marks appeared in the Sandian's mind.

"What is he doing? "

Suddenly, the chief was startled and raised his eyes to look forward.

Then he was dumbfounded!

"Oh my..."

A huge silver-white slash with a height of 100 meters flew towards White White Sea. 

Wherever it goes, everything is divided into two!

After the silver-white slash flew to an extremely far place, it suddenly exploded.

A shock wave shattered the clouds over there.

And the White White Sea that was divided into two cannot be closed for a long time!

Will looked back at the Sandians with a meaningful smile. 

"Is this proof enough? "

Sandian: "..." "..."

There were swallowing sounds one after another.

The slash that split White White Sea into two was actually just a random move? If he attacks seriously, can even Upper Yard be divided into two parts?


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