

I was orphaned very early when I was 12, lost my parents in a car accident, so far so good, this is something that sometimes happens nothing out of the ordinary.

Being a minor had to stay with a legal guardian, this guardian was a distant aunt, she was not married and had no children, so she was the first to offer me to take care of me, except we never had much contact, she was cool with me but I did not feel comfortable I thought she stayed with me out of obligation and missed my parents.

On my 13th birthday she presented me with a switch, after that the contact between us that was little ended up getting smaller still.

I started to learn several things with the internet, to program, to hack and to edit between some things about software and hardware, thus I met the manga, anime and novel, many of these stories were about another world always fun to read and always imagined me in their place.

The protagonists were super forte, had allies, had beauties and enemies. I never liked very good protagonists, always the enemies came back and injured other people, was not it better to finish what started? Of course, you do not have to go out killing, I believe every case is a case.

So the time went by I started working with computer technology at age 15, no matter what it was, I did. For that I took course and more courses on this, I was in love, when I was 18 years old my aunt became ill and shortly afterwards died. I was a little sad at the time, because another close relative had died.

Since I was older I was responsible for myself, I worked for some time and I always collected money and my aunt also kept my parents' money and hers in an account for me, I was very happy to know that she cared for me too much.

With this money I went to college and graduated in several areas related to computing, administrative management, engineering (various areas of engineering), architecture among others. (NA: this is a fiction, so he can do several colleges at the same time at a young age)

After graduating with my 23 years I started working freelance full time, I was kind of doing everything digital, had several clients, many big companies asked for my advice.

But I was late with a project, why? I was updating my series, manga, novel and comic book. To make up for it I worked a full week without sleep. After sending the project ready, I deleted it.

"Oh, my head," a young man gets up complaining.

"Where am I?" The young man looks sideways in a white room, in front of him was a simple old man sitting at a table. With a very common face, drinking tea.

"Hey, sir, where is this place? I was kidnapped? I remember being home! "Says the desperate young man, looking from side to side.

The old man hearing this starts to laugh.

The young man without understanding asks: What are you laughing at?

The old man says to the young man: You died my young man and this place and the sky!

I died!!!! The young man says amazed, because he knows that he died.

Old man: yes, due to extreme tiredness.

Young: Are you?

"I am a God," says the old man wrapped in a golden light.

The young man looks at the old man and speaks with a little sarcasm: then I am a celestial being.

Looking sideways young question: where are the cameras? This can only be one of those internet games.

When the young man hears a smile and says: Do not make me laugh, boy.

"If you are a God, what is your power?" Asks the young man with some fear.

Old man: I have several powers, but I am known as God of desires. Speak your greatest wish maybe I can accomplish it.

Young man: I never stopped to think about it, I live one day at a time. Maybe my wish is to do what I always do.

Old man: what do you mean?

Young: every project I kind of make a wish.

Young man: Well, I always like to create things, change, redo, edit something. It's always fun.

Old Man: Is it fun?

Young man: well for me it is, I do not know for the others, since it made me happy when I was younger.

Young: Well, what will happen to me now ?!

Old Man: You will reincarnate in a fantasy world.

Young man: you're going to give me that in return you want what? Nothing comes easy

Old man: I do not want anything, of course if you want to give me something that might be my grandson?

Young: grandson? You just want this?

Old man: yes, it's kind of boring to be alone.

Young man: where are the other gods?

Old man: they're doing their thing.

Young man: you just want that?

Old: Of course

Young man: Then I'll call you grandfather.

Young: Seriously, I never imagined reincarnation. Type in the novels and manga?

The old simple mind nods.

Young: Is that true? Can I choose the place?

Old man: yes!

Young: I Want to go to One Piece!

Old man: Which timeline?

Young: I want to be Luffy's age, so I want to reincarnate with 10 years!

Young: And you will give me powers? Half skeptical question

Old man: yes, and I will give you 6 wishes.

Old man: Well your time here is running out I have to explain about your reincarnation.

Old man: how your body died I brought you soul, then you will anger reincarnate I another body.

Young: That sounds stranger than I thought.

Old man: as I was saying, you will reincarnate in a body without a soul, that is, a kind of bark.

Young man: why this?

Old man: that's the only way for you to reincarnate.

Young man: Okay, and my powers?

Old Man: You will choose them and your "shell".

Young: how so?

Old Man: You can choose a character from any story to be your new identity.

Young: Well I have some idea of which character I will be!

Old: So what ?!

Young: Gray Fullbuster!

Old: Okay! Now your skills?


1st Devil Ice Slayer

2°Twelve Physical Immortal (Emperor Dominetion): Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique: Infinite Force

3rd Talent born for the 3 types of Haki

Young "I already chose my powers, can I choose to take with me 3 anime characters ?!"

Then the old man looks like he's thinking.

Young man asks Young "Is this too much?"

Old Man: Well that's part of your desire, but it goes into other things like character power, age, and loyalty.

Young: They can be born at my age, just leave them with their memories of skills, and they be friendly to me.

The Old man surprised by the young question "Why did not you choose eternal loyalty ?!"

Young man: "I want to have friends and not slaves!"

The old man smiles a smile and says "well, very good. You had to be my grandson! "

Young thing exhibited

Old man: "Well what would this character be?"

Young man: "Well it would be Namikaze Minato, Senju Tsunade and Grayfia Lucifuge"

Old man: Two Hokage and one almost maou !! You're crazy!

Young man: please, Grandpa!

Old man: they are very strong!

Young: grandpa in one piece everyone is strong!

Old man: you have a reason. But no skills of them can be taught.

Young: Can they learn the world's One Piece Skills or New Skills Concept?

Old man breathes and says: it can!

Young man thank you Grandpa I love you!

Old man: you just want to take advantage of me!

Young: Hihihi!

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