
One Piece Gold List

作者: Raj
Anime & Comics
連載中 · 164.4K ビュー
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  • NO.200+

What is One Piece Gold List

WebNovel で公開されている、Raj の作者が書いた One Piece Gold List の小説を読んでください。Li Fan traveled through One Piece for ten years, signed in to become stronger, and accept disciples.The fate of Nami, Rebecca, Robin and others were rewritten by Li Fan, who became a strong man on the...


Li Fan traveled through One Piece for ten years, signed in to become stronger, and accept disciples. The fate of Nami, Rebecca, Robin and others were rewritten by Li Fan, who became a strong man on the sea in the name of Li Fan’s disciple. When the time Zoro challenged Mihawk, a huge gold list that enveloped the world suddenly appeared. Those who are recorded by the gold list can get rewards. Mihawk: It turns out that someone’s swordsmanship is better for me! ! Sengoku: There are so many people in the world who have swordsmanship better than Mihawk! Rayleigh: The world is getting more and more interesting. World Swordsman: It turns out that the world’s number one swordsman is not Mihawk, but Li Fan. Teacher Li Fan, please teach us swordsmanship.

2 タグ

Love In Sadness

I'm a high school student and it's my first time that i'm in love with my classmate. It's our first day in school and our teacher is calling our first name and you will just stand up when your name is called. and because the boys are called first, and of course i looked at most of them, But there was a man who captured my heart when his name was called. he stood with a smile on her face and you'll really fall in love especially when you stare in her eyes. And I didn't expect our eyes to meet, that's why I had a hard time avoiding this, and i didn't notice that my teacher was calling me because i only focused on him. That's why my friend poked me and i came to my senses i was shoked, and most of my classmates laughed while looking at me. I suddenly stood up and told ma'am that. "Ma'am did you call my name" While i told that to ma'am i was really nervous. "yes, i've been calling your name for while now and are you sick" , ma'am "no ma'am i'm fine" I sat and looked at him again, when i looked at him he was still looking at me and smiling, maybe he laughed because of me. that's why i avoided looking and i'm really ashamed of what happened. My friend asked me what happened and why so I didn't hear anything when ma'am called me. " Hey yesha, did something happen?" ,erica She asked while she was also laughing. "Nothing i was just thinking so I didn't notice that ma'am was calling me" ,yesha I don't know what to do i feel like i'm shy and really ashamed of my classmate. "are you sure you're okay?" ,erica and she still keeps on laughing. "i'm really not going to be okay cause you laugh out loud" I just bowed down in and looked at him again. "are you not carried away?",lucas a question to me by one of my classmates. "What do you mean?" ,yesha "I've been looking at you since earlier, and it's obvious that you like someone you've been looking at since earlier" , lucas "wait, how did you say that I like him? , yesha "Enzo is the name of the one you've been looking at for a while, my classmate since elementary but he's not my friend" , lucas All I can is he's really too good when it comes to love. "I am yesha",yesha I reached my hand because i am introducing myself, and it is also a symbol that i want to know his name. "I'm lucas but if you want call me luke",lucas "Nice to meet you luke",yesha "I am also like that to you yesha" ,lucas This story is about of story of High school love story, so let's start the story and i hope you guys you like.

Jovelle_Jover · 若者
13 Chs

I Have A Divine Library

In an upheaval of global proportions, where gaming realities crash into our own, the foundational laws of the world are flipped on their head. Mankind is thrust into an era where everyone must choose new vocations. With monsters on a rampage, the emergence of dungeons, mysterious realms, and quests poses both threats and opportunities. For the sake of survival, humans are compelled to adopt new professions, embarking on paths of advancement and strength. Into this chaos steps eighteen-year-old Alex Watson from another realm, awakening an unprecedented hidden job class: 「The Profession of Teaching」 「Divine Library Access」: Embarking on the teaching path bestows you with an internal Divine Library, offering insight into the unseen aspects of beings and objects alike—strengths, vulnerabilities, and more—alongside the capacity to mend these vulnerabilities. 「Mentorship Legacy」: As a mentor, you're entitled to guide a number of disciples (this capacity expands with your level), with the mentor-disciple bond allowing for the monitoring of disciple loyalty. 「Knowledge Transfer」: True to the essence of teaching, you're tasked with the enlightenment and development of your disciples. Teaching skills or bestowing gifts can unexpectedly yield extra rewards through a probabilistic return system. ... Hence, Alex Watson's journey becomes one of monumental success. He devotes himself to educating students, welcoming disciples, guiding the mightiest among them, and sharing his wisdom across the globe.

wendaryakis · ファンタジー
14 Chs

A teenager under several depressions

A boy born in a middle class family and in just few bucks his father and his family get food and other stuff but as the boy grow and he went to a school his father is not educated but still he wants his son to complete his dreams however boy so sharp that he get things quickly and got positions in his starting stage and that makes his father to invest all his savings in the education of his son but as the he grow up he become poor and poor in studies but still his father has a hope now the child become depressed and start self blaming and this cause anxiety and other saveral disease but however his father manage to pay bills and school and coachings fee but child has lost all his potential and as the time passed father start hoping bigger and child start depressing more and more and just because of these family pressure he get no jobs no proper degree that's why his father start hating him and he becomes a failure and in just a year his relatives start giving example to their child that if not work hard you become like him and this make him more sad and depressed and by the passage of time he become a sign of failure and even his freind starts ignoring him then he become father and he do the same to his and same his do this with his son and a depressed person creats a depressed environment to avoid this we should create a social system in which a person can live his life without competition with elite class Thank you

Rao_Ahsan_3699 · 現実
1 Chs
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I think there is already this novel in webnovel name: One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher! I think there is already this novel in webnovel name: One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher! I think there is already this novel in webnovel name: One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!


This is just a copy of One peice gold list:The strongest teacher and his just add bad photo link to it


Why are you still posting it or are you dumb😂😂😂😂. This fanfiction is already completed and all you're doing is just a waste of your time and space, try to find something else meaningful to do in your life 😂😂😂😂😂


this is literally a copy of a already finished translation


