
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
376 Chs

Chapter 55

Early chapters here and unreleased novels here: pa.treon.com/FFAddict

Check out my other fanfiction:

One Piece: I Will Wipe Out The Tenryubito!


Upon noticing Abel's action, Senior, who was pursuing from behind, immediately attempted to stop him.

Because the scar-faced man's defense was far beyond what ordinary swords could break!

And if a mistake was made at such a close distance, he wouldn't have time to save Abel.

However, what transpired next not only made him instinctively stop in his tracks but also widened his eyes, revealing an expression of disbelief!

Underneath the scar-faced man's ferocious smile, he failed to notice that Abel's left hand had already stealthily touched his abdomen.

Or even if he had noticed, he didn't care.

Because the scar-faced man had absolute faith in his "Iron Block"!

However, reality often tells us that overconfidence can be disastrous. Overconfidence causes a loss of basic humility and caution, and many have fallen in their area of expertise due to this flaw.

So, Abel was ready to give this guy a valuable lesson!

Clothes Burst!

A golden light emerged from Abel's hand, instantly piercing through the scar-faced man's body.

Yet, strangely, the scar-faced man didn't seem to feel any discomfort, as if the golden light had no destructive force.

However, the effect of that golden light was lethal!


Abel's short sword, unimpeded, stabbed directly into his heart.

Only when intense pain surged, and the strength began to drain rapidly from his body, did the scar-faced man lower his head, showing an expression of disbelief.

"How could..."

The blood gushing in his mouth drowned the words he wanted to say next.

Then, he was swallowed by endless darkness, fell backward onto the ground, and ceased to breathe.

The whole process seemed like the scar-faced man stood there without any resistance, allowing Abel to kill him.

But everyone knew that was only an illusion.

Even Abel was quite surprised. The first time using Clothes Burst in real combat, he hit the not-so-high odds and successfully disrupted the man's "Iron Block".

Without the "Iron Block" for defense, the scar-faced man stood there, stunned without any movement. Wasn't that just inviting him to kill?

Abel had originally prepared for a long battle. If once didn't work, then twice, and if twice didn't work, then three times. Eventually, he'd be able to use the "Clothes Burst" to successfully break the enemy's defense.

"Clothes Burst" really was the nemesis of these 'tanks'!

He needed to hurry up and level up.

"How did you do that?"

Senior didn't want to ask, as he knew that everyone had their secrets, but his curiosity got the better of him.

"It's simple, I dodged, then stepped forward and stabbed him, and it was over."

"Seriously, was this guy too weak? Struggling to fight such a weakling, Pique, I must say, have you been slacking off lately? How about you hand over your subordinates to me?"

Although Senior had guessed that the cheeky lad wouldn't likely tell the truth after asking, such an absurdly misleading answer still caused Senior's mouth to twitch.

Not wanting to risk a stroke from high blood pressure, Senior chose to simply turn around and walk away, as if he never asked.

Truthfully, Abel had no choice either. The "Golden Finger" was ultimately unexplainable, he could only bluff his way out.

Fortunately, Senior was discreet, he wouldn't go around spreading rumors.


"It's over, everything is over!"

"You have no idea what sort of important figure you've provoked!"

"Hahaha, go ahead and kill me. Sooner or later, you'll all accompany me in death."

King Colin Campbell was shouting and screaming as if he had gone mad.

This made Abel and Senior, who had rushed over to kill him and the other nobles, somewhat frown.

Even though the king was rambling incoherently, Abel had a good idea who the 'important figure' he had offended this time was.

If possible, he didn't want to get involved with this trouble.

It would be so much better to let Doflamingo personally detonate this ticking time bomb!

But since he had chosen to blindly follow Senior, there was no point regretting now.

He didn't believe that the shadowy figure behind the scenes would dare to come forward.

At most, they would cause some troubles covertly.

The sky was not falling yet, and even if it did, there were many members of the Donquixote family to bear the brunt.

At least until Doflamingo was overthrown, he wouldn't be easy to mess with.


"Stop your incessant chattering, it's so annoying!"

Abel silenced the clamoring king with a direct shot.

Without the obstruction of the man in the black suit, the remaining ordinary soldiers couldn't protect anyone.

With the king dead, the surviving soldiers lost their last reason to fight and dispersed, fleeing in all directions.

Neither Senior nor Abel intended to pursue and kill them all. Even if they wanted to settle accounts completely, they would need to deal with those inhuman nobles.

"Abel! Mister Pique!"

Upon leaving the royal palace, Abel happened to see Baby-5 and Buffalo descending from the sky.

Both looked exhilarated, eagerly recounting their impressive battle records.

One had to admit that the 'Bomber' duo indeed offered significant help during the previous fight.

Otherwise, by the time Abel had arrived, Senior and the scar-faced man might have already settled their duel.

As for who would have won, it was hard to say.

After all, in the talent-filled Donquixote family, Senior's strength could only be considered average, not the worst but not the best either.

Furthermore, the devil fruit he consumed didn't match well with his personality, leading to negligible improvement in his strength.

Moreover, the Donquixote family was still in its early stages. All of the officers hadn't reached their peak combat strength yet.

And naturally, this included Senior.

If a few more years were to pass, even an amateur CP agent wouldn't be a worthy opponent.

At that moment, the Den Den Mushi in Abel's arms started to ring.

Brring-Brring. Click.

"Is this Abel? How's the situation?" Doflamingo's voice was emotionless.

"It's me. The situation has been handled. Pique is with me, although he seems to have had a tough fight. By the time we arrived, the battle was almost over."

Senior shot a glance at a certain individual babbling away, choosing not to expose his lie.

"Pass the Den Den Mushi to Pique, I need to speak with him."

Senior took the Den Den Mushi. "Young Master, the mission is complete, you can send someone over now."

"No, I'm not worried about the mission. How is he? Is the injury severe?"

"Just some minor scratches."

"That's good, don't be so impulsive next time. There was a problem with my information this time."