50 Chapter 50

"3… 2… 1… GO!"


Sabo disappeared and appeared in front of Urouge.


He gave him a hard uppercut on his chin.



Urouge flew back and fell on the floor.

Sabo stood back, letting Urouge stand back up. Urouge has a big smile on his face.

I could see that his size increased a little bit, and Sabo also seemed to notice.


Urouge appeared in front of Sabo and tried to punch him in the face, but Sabo managed to block his punch with his arms. He flew back a little but managed to land.

"Is that all you've got?"

Sabo started taunting him.

Instead of getting mad, Urouge's smile just got bigger.



Sabo sent a huge air blade towards Urouge with his leg.

Urouge ducked down, making the Rankyaku miss him by a hair. But Sabo wasn't done. He appeared right in front of him with his right leg, ready to kick him.



He kicked Urouge straight in his face with Tekkai, sending him flying onto the island. He hit a tree and fell on the ground.


Sabo appeared in front of him again.



He kicked him on his face again, sending him flying.

"Shouldn't we stop this, Ken?" asked Mikita

"Urouge isn't done for yet."

"How do you know that?"

"You may not have realized it, but every time he gets hit, he grows a little in size."

"Oh, I see it now! Is that his Devil Fruit?"

"Could be. Let's just see what he can do."

She nodded, and we went back to watching the fight.




Sabo is just decimating him with kicks.


Sabo tried to kick him again, but this time Urouge caught his leg. He stood up, and he had become twice his original size. He held Sabo's leg up with his left hand and punched him like a punching bag with his right hand.



Sabo managed to use Tekkai before he got hit in his face.

But Urouge didn't stop and kept hitting him.





Sabo grabbed his fist and used his other leg to kick Urouge's hand from his leg. When he got free, he jumped in front of Urouge and stood in front of him with his two hands aimed at his chest.




He hit him straight on his chest.


Urouge flew towards the cloud sea, but I stopped him before he fell in.

"Calm down, Sabo. It's just a spar."

"Haha. I'm sorry, Ken. I just got too excited."

He scratched the back of his head.

"Please let me get a rematch!" said Urouge

"You really want to join my crew, huh."

He nodded.

"Well, I would have let you join without taking a test anyway?"

"Huh!? Then why!?"

"Hahaha, I wanted to watch a show."

He looked speechless.

"That's Ken for you." said Ace

I held my hand out to Urouge.

"Welcome aboard."

He grabbed my hand with full force.

He smiled at me.

"Thank you, Captain."

"Since you're new here, I need to teach you the rules. Rule number one…"

I held his hand with full force.

"...Don't challenge the Captain."

"Auw, please forgive me, Captain! I was just joking!"

He fell on his knees from the pain. I let go of him.

"Just remember that rule, and you'll be fine. Oh, and Sabo."


"I'll be starting your Haki training soon."

He smiled.

"Aren't you forgetting something very important?" asked Sabo

"Oh yeah, you're now officially my right-hand man and the one with the most authority beside me."

(An: Some of you may not like this choice of mine, but… I don't care.)

"Hahaha, take that, Ace!"

Ace fell on his knees.

"There is no way!"

I jumped back on the ship.

"Don't start crying, Ace. If you don't hurry up, Deuce will master them before you, and then he'll be my left-hand man and have higher authority than you."

A fire burned in his eyes.

"I'll definitely master it first!"

"Good, you have the right spirit."

'I'm in so much pain right now, but I need to firm it. Especially after I put Urouge in his place.'

"Are you okay, Ken?" asked Deuce

"I'm fine."

"You need to rest more if you want to get better quicker."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm going to my cabin. Laffitte, get us to Conis's house."

"Yes, captain."

I went to my Cabin and laid down on my bed.

I looked at my swords at the side of my bed.

'In less than three years, Luffy will start his journey.'

(An: I'm going to be honest. I didn't keep track of the time. So I don't know how many months it's been since they've started their journey. It might have already been a year, and I wouldn't know.)

'By then, I want my entire crew to be able to use Haki proficiently. And I need to be at least on the same level as an Admiral. Luffy got to that level when he was 19, so I'm sure that with one extra year, I should be easily able to do that. I don't know about being on the same level as a Yonko, but if I manage to get there, I'll try to become allies with maybe one or two Yonko's.'

I looked at the ceiling.

'Unlike Luffy, who doesn't care about fleets or making a lot of allies, I do care. If I managed to become allies with Whitebeard when we are on equal footing, that would mean that I have the support of the Strongest Man in the world and all his fleets and allies. That is something that will be crucial for my future plans.'


'After all, the total destruction of the World Government and the Navy isn't something you can do alone. I also need to get in contact with Dragon. Having the whole world on my side will be the only way to take down that being. IM.'

(An: He wants to take down the World Government to be truly free. How can you call yourself free when you're a wanted man.)

Ten minutes later, we arrived at Conis's house. I went outside and saw my crew is already on the beach. I jumped down.


Conis ran to me.

"Are you okay!? What happened?"

"It's nothing."

"What do you mean, nothing! Look at the amount of bandages!"

"Alright, calm down, Conis." said Pagaya

"But father."

"His crew doesn't look that worried, so he must be fine."

"I guess."

I patted her head.

"Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine."

"But how did you get like this?"

"Oh, this. I just got a couple of scratches while fighting with Enel."

"So you guys where te reason that there were so many lightning attacks!" said Pagaya

"What happened to Enel?" asked Conis

"Oh, that idiot. I cut him up into little pieces."

"Is that true?" asked Pagaya

"We didn't see it, but Ken wouldn't lie about that." said Sabo

Conis suddenly hugged me and started crying.

"Thank you so much!"

I hugged her back.

"It was nothing."

"So when will the wedding be held?" asked Ace

Her head turned red, and she ran away from embarrassment.

"Was that necessary, Ace? We were having a wholesome moment. Why did you have to ruin it?"

"Hahaha, sorry. I couldn't stop myself."

I looked up and saw the old god and his bird coming towards us. He landed and walked towards me.

"Did you really do it!"

"Do what?"

"Kill Enel."

"Before I answer your question, who are you?"

"He is the Old God of Skypiea. Enel became the God after defeating him." said Pagaya

"So, if you defeat God, you become the new God."

"Yes." said the old God

"I see. Well, that means that I'm God now. That's pretty cool."

"Wait, no, it doesn't work like that!"

"Why not? You just said that that's how it works."


I smirked.

"If you want your old position back so badly, defeat me then. If you attack me while I'm weakened, you might stand a chance."

He grabbed his lance.


Pagaya stood in between us.

"You will be leaving soon anyway, so can't you please let him have his old position back?" asked Pagaya

"Hm? Fine, but I want two things in return."

"If it is whiting my power, I'll do it." said the old God

"Pagaya, I saw that your a mechanic and can make cool stuff."

"Yes, I'm a mechanic."

"Then, I want you to teach Laffitte everything you know."

"That no problem. You could have asked me whenever, and I would have accepted. After all, you saved us from that tyrant."

"I just want one more thing. I want any Devil Fruit you have, old God."

The old god looked at me for a second.

"I have two of them. But I don't know what either of them are."

"It's fine, just give them to me."

"Alright, I'll go and get them for you."

He flew off on his bird, and a little later, he came back with two fruits in his hand.

He gave them to me.

One looked like a giant blueberry.

'Tsk, I know this one from the library in Marine HQ. It's the Beri Beri no Mi/Berry-Berry Fruit. It a Paramecia fruit that turns the user into berries. It makes them immune to blunt attacks, but you can damage them with Haki or a sword. And if they use their Devil Fruit, they can't control which part of their body turns into a berry. Everything will turn into berries. It's basically the opposite of Buggy's fruit, but useless.'

I threw it to Robert.

"Store this useless fruit until we find a place to sell it."

He nodded and put it into his Shadow Storage.

I looked at the other fruit.

'There's no way! This is the…'


[Have fun guessing the fruit. I'll give you guys one tip. It's a Zoan.]

One Piece Quotes:

"Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love."

– Sengoku The Buddha

"Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew!"

– Usopp

"Fools who don't respect the past are likely to repeat it."

– Nico Robin

Extra Quote (not One Piece):

"Depression is like a heaviness that you can't ever escape. It crushes down on you, making even the smallest things like tying your shoes or chewing on toast seem like a twenty-mile hike uphill. Depression is a part of you; it's in your bones and your blood."

― Jasmine Warga

(I felt this one.)
