
Death of a legend and destroying marineford

Flare looked at whitebeard who was covered in wounds and bleeding. He was losing energy rapidly as his old age plus his sickness was putting a toll on his body. He was at the last leg of his life and he wanted to save his son while sinking the marines into the water.

Flare: "Old man, why don't you get going now since ace has been rescued? Maybe you can get out of this alive."

Whitebeard: "Kid, I'm already dead. I won't even live to see next week with my body like this. I know I'm going to die here but I want to send a message to the world before I die, I just want my sons to be safe."

Ace and luffy who were close to whitebeard's ship heard this as they looked back. Ace looked sad as he stood still for a moment, he suddenly shouted.

Ace: "Pops, thank you for saving me and giving me a family. You will always be my father!"

Whitebeard: "Thank you son, now go. Everyone, as my last will, you should all help strawhat luffy and Gol D. Flare whenever they need help. Now go!"

They were all crying but all they all left as they jumped on Moby dick and set sail. The only one who was left behind was Marco who could fly. Marco was currently fighting Kizaru while flying towards us. As he landed beside us, he looked at us.

Marco: "Pops, I-It's been an honor serving under you. I will try my best to lead our men as best as possible. I-I will miss you pops."

Whitebeard: "*Guraguragura* Marco I've watched you grow into a fine man, please follow flare and assist him whenever he needs. I see something great in him. Flare, I'd also like you to assist my sons when they're in trouble. Take this as a dying request."

Flare: "Fine, can they become like my grand fleet since I'm gonna get a bounty after all this. They will be my responsibility."

Whitebeard: "Just lead them well brat, Marco you should get going now. I'm sure this flare brat can hold his own, I'm shocked to see a young man this strong. Even I wasn't no where that strong at his age."

Marco nodded his head to whitebeard as he turned to face flare. He held a look of respect as he looked at the one who even his pops showed respect towards.

Marco: "Gol D. Flare, I look forward to talking with you. Try to survive, we will be sailing to fish man island…. Try to meet us there."

Flare: "Go to Amazon lily instead. I'll meet you there but it's really important, just tell boa Hancock that luffy is there and she should allow you guys to stay on one of the islands close by."

Marco: "Ok? Try to make it back safe. Later-yo."

Marco jumped into the air as he transformed into his Phoenix mode as he flew towards moby dick. Kizaru and Akainu wanted to block him by attacking with light beams and lava fist but whitebeard sent a haki infused with along with his devil fruit that shattered the space which sent everything flying.

Kizaru and Akainu jumped back and landed beside aokiji who was behind them. They all looked at both flare and whitebeard but before they could continue fighting a new person arrived.

Blackbeard and his new crew had just arrived as they were all laughing. They saw a heavily damaged whitebeard beside a man with black armor standing in front of all of the admirals. He laughed as he started talking forward.

Blackbeard: "Zehahahaha! Hey there pops! How you feeling?"

Whitebeard looked at teach with anger in his eyes. He wanted to kill teach himself as he had killed thatch, who was very close to whitebeard and committed a sin which was to kill a fellow crew member.

Whitebeard: "Teach, you're not my son. I'm going to break your bones into dust. Flare, can you hold off these 3 while I deal with teach?"

Flare: "Yea I can hold them off but I can't for too long, this mode drains a lot of stamina. I might have to stop using it to preserve stamina. I'll deal with them."

Whitebeard nodded his head as he jumped towards Blackbeard and his crew. As flare turned around he deactivated his heat level 4 and went back into heat level 3. He wanted to save stamina and be efficient because he had to get away as well.

Flare made 3 shadow clones to deal with each admiral. The clones all nodded and sped towards each admiral as they started clashing. Everyone was shocked to see flare make copies of himself since that was considered to be another devil fruit ability. Everyone was wondering if he had eaten 2 devil fruits which was impossible.

Each admiral was slightly weaker than his clones but was keeping up due to their experience, the clones were weaker than the original so they weren't on the same level of strength that he was on. They were about mid Yonko level in their heat level 3 form which was much weaker than his heat level 3 which was high Yonko.

Flare sprinted towards Akainu as his clone grabbed akainu's good arm. Akainu saw this and tried to use his devil fruit but it was useless against the burning blue flames. Flare arrived in front of Akainu and kicked him in the chest while the clone who was behind him kicked him in his back at the same time. Akainu covered his body in haki while he used tekkai but both hits were too strong. Ryou and hassoken along with his blue flames destroyed akainu's upper body.

Akainu fell to the ground coughing blood as his body couldn't stand. He had been battling whitebeard who was beating him slightly but this hit was almost as painful as taking whitebeard's haki infused devil fruit punch. But this was worse due to it hitting him in the chest and his back at the same time which tripled the damage and the pain.

Flare: "Didn't you say you were gonna kill me?"

Akainu: "Y-You damn demon, you made Roger and Dragon's sons' get away! I will kill you even if it kills me!"

Flare: "Then die!"

Flare and Akainu continued to battle while his clones fought the other 2 admirals. Roughly 5 minutes had passed and Akainu was on the ground knocked out while the other admirals wre on the defensive. Akainu had tried to fight both Flare and his clone but that mistake cost him as flare and the clone easily beat him and knocked him out due to him being beaten and tired. Flare was about to kill him when he heard multiple gunshots, he looked around to see whitebeard taking shots and stabs from blackbeard's entire crew. Flare was a little sad as he really respected whitebeard, even above roger an this was whitebeard's love for his family. As the bullets stopped firing everyone saw the world's strongest man on death's door with multiple bullet wounds and stab wounds.

Whitebeard: "Teach, You...you're not the one roger talked about, the one who will turn this world over. A war is coming and you marines are afraid of it but nothing will stop it.......The One Piece Exist!!!!!!"

With these last words, whitebeard died. His last words triggered even more people to look for the one piece as it was being broadcasted throughout the entire world. His dead body was still standing straight..... even in death his body and will refused to die. A man of utmost respect, Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, the Strongest man in the world. Flare saw this as he also heard a familiar voice in his head.

[Host has extracted Gura-Gura Fruit]

Flare: 'Well I have his fruit, blackbeard can't get it sO I will see what happens once he does his little trick only to get nothing.....meanwhileeeee.'

Flare stomped his foot with haki and ryou as he crushed Akainu's head beneath his heels. Everyone who saw this had eyes wide as not only did whitebeard just die, but navy admiral akainu died as well. Flare wasted no time in dashing towards where the blackbeard pirates were currently cloaking whitebeard's dead body. The other members of the crew saw him as they started attacking him but he simply took out ACE from his inventory and send a haki and blue fire infused slash which killed all of them except 3 of them.

Catarina Devon: "W-What power!"

Van Augar: "I-I barely avoided it!"

Burgess: "S-Strong."

[Host has extracted: Bird-Bird fruit: Model Swan, Giant-Giant fruit]- From Laffitte and Sanjuan Wolf

Blackbeard who was trying to figure out why the ritual wasn't working came out from the curtain to see his new crew in pieces, literally. Most of the crew he gathered in impel down was now dead and he saw a figure in blue armor that seemed to be on fire.

Blackbeard: "Worthless, you guys couldn't even deal with a single guy. Kill him before I kill you instead, I need to try this damn ritual again to make sure I get it before it's too late."

Before blackbeard could react, he saw the other 3 suddenly lose their heads. He looked shocked but he immediately became angry. He went through a lot of shit to get his crew and they get wiped out before he even got a chance. He immediately started using his devil fruit to capture flare.

Blackbeard: " Blackhole!"

Suddenly darkness started to spread everywhere as it began to suck everything inside the ground including the dead bodies. Flare already saw this with his future sight so he jumped into the air as he sent a wave of blue flames. Blackbeard saw this and made a wall of darkness which swallowed the flames.

Flare: 'Right, I forgot that the yami-yami negates other devil fruits... well let's see how he tries to negate a sword to the face.'

Flare started flying towards blackbeard as he infused as much ryou as he could along with hassoken. He wanted to end things quickly as he was almost out of stamina, blackbeard saw this and thought he could negate it but he was shocked when it broke through his darkness and sliced towards him. He didn't have enough to time to dodge as the sword passed his neck and separated his head from his body.

[Host has extracted: Yami-Yami, Cat-Cat: Model nine-tailed fox]- From Blackbeard and Catarina devon

Flare: "Save ace... done, kill akainu and blackbeard....done, Destroy marineford...that's gonna be hard. Thank god I got a reward earlier."

Flare: 'Astaroth can you make me eat a devil fruit without eating the actual devil fruit?'

[Yes but host can only do it once every year]

Flare: 'Better than nothing, make me eat the gura-gura.'

[DING! Host has received an new devil fruit]

Flare suddenly felt his body get a strange feeling as his hands started to tingle, the power of the strongest paramecia rushed through his body. Upon digesting the devil fruit received basic information and moves regarding the devil fruit so he decided to test them out. He was gonna use his remaining stamina along with his new powers to destroy everything that he could, He still had this heat level 3 active so he deactivated it as the blue armor disappeared from his body. When the armor disappeared, they could see a young man not yet 20 years old with his clothing torn. His shirt was basically all gone while his pants was ripped, he also a sword in his hand....a sword that looked awfully familiar to the older generation of marines who ever came into contact with Gol D. Roger.

Sengoku: "Wait a minute... isn't that roger's cutlass? Garp am I wrong?"

Garp: "Nope, that's roger's weapon alright..... it even feels the same. Roger hid it before turning himself in so maybe this kid found where he put it."

Before they could examine it properly, they saw flare take a stance...one that only whitebeard would take. As flare swung his arm around, it suddenly stopped as if it hit something but then something happened that shocked everyone. Flare's hand hit the air as the very air itself started to crack. Flare swung with all his strength and this destroyed everything. A large explosion happened as marineford itself was being ripped apart.

Sengoku: "H-He has whitebeard's devil fruit? But how?

Sengoku could only watch in horror as the tremors shook and destroyed the entire island. The punch also had hassoken and ryou which is why is was working better than it normally would due to the compatibility with the 2 techniques especially since it was very similar to hassoken.
