
Chapter - 3 The Power of Invisible Air

"Hey, we're part of the Navy, and we've got demanding official duties. We don't have time for acting," a calm voice suddenly interjected.

Li Fan looked up and saw a tall man with white hair and two cigars in his mouth approaching.

This was Smoker, known as the White Chase Smoker, a figure dreaded by pirates in the East Blue Sea.

Pirates feared him not only because of Smoker's formidable accomplishments. Since he assumed command in Loguetown no pirate had successfully passed through the "town of beginning and end" to enter the Grand Line.

As time went on, many pirates didn't even dare to venture near Loguetown. They remained in the East Blue Sea, hesitant to set sail.

Consequently, the number of pirates congregating in the East Blue Sea grew. After all, not every Navy force in the region possessed Smoker's competence in apprehending pirates.

Furthermore, some East Blue Sea Navies were corrupt, even colluding with pirates, causing harm to ordinary people.

"Don't dismiss the idea, Navy," Li Fan said, giving Smoker a friendly pat on the shoulder. "By the way, you're exceptionally tall and sturdy. How about joining me and playing a role?"

Li Fan promptly assigned Smoker the role of the berserker Hercules.

While Smoker's height fell short of Hercules, Li Fan believed that this minor issue could be resolved using the system's special effects technology.

"You see, sailors need a break too, right?"

"So, why not take some time off and come act in my production?"

"I assure you, I'll take good care of you when it comes to rewards and other considerations."

"I've heard that the pirate captain I dispatched had a bounty of 10 million Berries."

"Consider this my way of rewarding you."

"And if you feel it's not enough, I also have Berries to offer."

Saying this, Li Fan unstrapped his backpack from his back and opened it before Smoker and Tashigi.

The banknotes inside came into view gradually.

"Wow... that's a substantial sum. This must be 100 million Berries," Tashigi remarked, his eyes widening slightly.

"One hundred million Berries!" The Navy personnel behind Tashigi and others expressed equal surprise, just as Smoker did.

While the Navy frequently places bounties on pirates, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions, the salary for Navy soldiers isn't particularly high.

Even a commodore at the Navy Headquarters might not earn 10 million Berries in a month.

In Smoker's capacity as a naval captain, his monthly salary was less than 5 million Berries.

This underscores the significance of 100 million Berries to Smoker and his colleagues.

Nevertheless, even in the face of such an offer, Smoker had reservations about accepting Li Fan's invitation.

"It's wiser to hang on to your money."

"The pirates have been taken care of, so it's time for us to return to Loguetown"

"As for that bounty, you can choose to come to Loguetown to collect it. I'll personally hand it to you."

"Or if you prefer not to venture far, you can visit a nearby Navy base to claim the reward. I'll provide you with a certificate."

Upon hearing this, Li Fan contemplated with his hand on his chin.

In his view, crafting a compelling movie required not only excellent acting but also robust physical abilities. For instance, if a non-swordsman were to portray Sasaki Kojiro from the script, many aspects would likely fall short.

This was why Li Fan had extended an invitation to Zoro, whom he had encountered by chance. Zoro could potentially excel in the role of Sasaki Kojiro in the play.

And in Li Fan's view, Tashigi was the ideal choice to portray Artoria.

"Well, Navy comrade, how about I accompany you back to Loguetown?"

"Afterward, maybe you could spare some time to join my film project," Li Fan proposed.

"No, I'm not interested in such things. You can find someone else," Smoker declined with a firm shake of his head.

"This is quite challenging. I do have plenty of good swords here," Li Fan commented, casting a discreet glance at Dasqi.

Simultaneously, Li Fan drew his long knife once more. The sunlight illuminated the blade, casting a glint of cold light.

"What a beautiful sword!" Dasqi's eyes sparkled as she approached Li Fan. "Could I, um, take a look at it?"

"But your boss won't let you participate in my production," Li Fan responded, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Smoker frowned and stated, "Tashigi, as a member of the Navy, you don't have time for this. It's best if you leave..."


An abrupt explosion echoed as Li Fan's other hand summoned a gust of wind. The powerful wind surged toward the coastline, sweeping away the pirate ship docked there.

Furthermore, the piercing hurricane traversed the waves, causing significant waves to part.

"Invisible Air!" Li Fan declared solemnly.
