
Chapter 12.3


Guys, I am participating in the upcoming WPC, so check out my book Island of Mystery and Life.

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Nejire's POV (In Class At UA)

I submitted the analysis but I am still scared of what sensei says to me.

The Pro-Hero with gloomy eyes entered the classroom, everyone stood up, "I have gone through all your analysis, they are all bogus except one, I asked for analysis and you ended up praising the pros"

Tamaki gave a smile, he knew that there was no one other than him who did the analysis properly, his analysis was on Fat Gum.

"Tamaki, when you write an analysis in the future next time try to focus on the quirk in place of different foods Fat Gum likes", the whole class giggled, "Silence, now the one who did the analysis properly, and shocked me was Nejire Hadõ, so Hadõ whose help did you take, I asked you not to take help from the Professionals."

Everybody stared at the cyan girl, Mirio and Tamaki were giving her menacing yet pitiful looks, "Sensei, I just took the help of a friend, I promise I didn't ask any professional for help."

Aizawa raised his eyebrows, thinking he might know the unknown helper, he asked, "Can you tell me his name?"

Nejire replied, her head was down, "Sensei, he asked me not to reveal his name."

"Just as I suspected, that problem kid is the one", Aizawa thought, "Miss Hadõ can you meet me during the break, and I don't want any excuses."

Nejire nodded her head, "Now class it's time for the results, Togata– 56, Amajiki- 68, Hadõ-0...... Hadõ gets a zero because help from an unknown source, but her analysis gets 100, her analysis was on par with a Professionals"

The class continued till she heard the bell, what felt like an eternity was now over, she gave a huff.

Tamaki and Mirio came to her sit, Tamaki asked, "How did a meathead like you get 100, yesterday you were asking me for the analysis and now you get some mysterious person's help, just who is he?"

Nejire replied, "I didn't even know that his analysis was this good, he just made it in a few hours, so I was scared of getting scolding for not doing the analysis"

Mirio said with his mouth widened, "What..... We spent days collecting every piece of information from the internet and this mysterious helper of yours did it in just a few hours and got 100, from the infamous Aizawa-sensei. Just who is he?"

Nejire wanted to brag but was forced by Izuku's word, "Sorry, I can't tell you"

Mirio replied, "The only ones whom you can ask for help are me Tamaki, and probably Izuku-kun, you didn't ask any of us and Izuku-kun is too young for such a detailed report, so do I know him?"

Nejire flinched when she heard Izuku's name, Tamaki asked, "By the way on whom did you do the analysis, since he made it in such a small amount of time, the hero must be pretty flashy and popular, so who is the hero?"

"A- Aizawa-sensei, I mean Pro-Hero Eraserhead", Mirio flinched while Tamaki's mouth was wide open, "There's no way one could make a report on sensei's quirk, just who is that genius and how did he get so much information, Mirio was hardly able to find All Might's quirk, who is the No.1 Hero, all he got were rumors and your mysterious helper got tons of information on sensei whose name isn't known to the general public and who hate media"

Nejire was thinking the same, how the emerald boy did such an analysis on her teacher, the next class started, she didn't pay much attention to it, although she never ever paid attention in any classes other than of the Erasure Hero himself. Soon the class was over and the break started, "Goodbye Nejire, may God help and protect you", Mirio and Tamaki waved their hands in unison. Nejire was shaking, not knowing what will happen to her, she went to the staff's room, it was empty and the gloomy eyed man was sitting reading her analysis.

"M-May I come in sensei?", Nejire's voice was fidgeting.

"Miss. Hadõ, please come in", Aizawa pulled a chair, showing his hands he asked Nejire to sit, "So Miss. Hadõ, you won't tell me his name, will you?"

Nejire replied with a shaky voice, "Sorry sensei but I can't"

"I get that, so does that boy who happens to be fourteen years old", Nejire's eyes widened.

"I take that as yes, and does he have green messy hairs, and goes by the name Midoriya Izuku", Nejire flinched, she nodded her head, "You are in big trouble, you know he is a former vigilante and is a wanted criminal who first helps his victims and then attacks them. I suggest you stay away from him"

Nejire was terrified at the horrific revelation, she thought, "Aizawa-sensei is never wrong, so is Izuku a criminal......... No, what the hell I am thinking, there's no way he is a criminal, sensei must have misunderstood him for someone but his analysis is too perfect, No I don't believe it.", Nejire raises her head with conviction in her eyes she replied, "No sensei, you must have misunderstood him for someone else, Izuku can never be a criminal, I have spent time with him and I must have known if he was a criminal or a wanted person."

Aizawa huffed, "That problem kid caught one more in his web, so how do you know him? Are you his girlfriend by any chance?", Aizawa glared at her with menacing eyes at the last question.

Nejire replied, her voice still shaky, "N-No sensei, I am n-notch-his g-girlfriend, he is just helping me to improve my quirk", she explains how she met and how he helped her to improve her stamina.

"Midoriya, you may come in now", the emerald boy entered the room, his face full of guilt, "Sorry Nejire, you got in trouble because of me, I didn't know that it was Aizawa-sensei who asked you to make the report."

Nejire was still trying to grasp the situation while Aizawa gave a giggle, Nejire was shocked, she had never seen nor even heard of her teacher to smile, all she saw was his gloomy face, "So Midoriya, is she your next victim, or did you already trapped her just like you did to me?"

"That's mean sensei", Izuku laughed, Nejire still didn't know what was going around her.

"So she is your girlfriend, who would have thought that a problem kid like you would ever get a girl", Aizawa teased the green-haired boy, whose face was all red, "W-We is not in that type of r-relationship yet."

"So there's a chance, problem kid you know this girl is the same as you, you two will make great couples", Aizawa started laughing, Nejire was able to hear giggles from the door, "You all can come in now."
