
Omniverse- starts with Naruto Universe

Larry_Page_0183 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Echoes of a Past Life

Rain lashed against the nursery window, a rhythmic counterpoint to the symphony of nonsensical babbling emanating from the crib. Two-year-old Lerish Holmes wasn't interested in the usual toddler fare - building blocks, picture books, stuffed animals. His eyes, shimmering with intelligence far beyond his years, were fixated on a peculiar metallic sphere lying on the changing table.This wasn't just any toy. It had arrived that morning, nestled innocuously in a brown paper package addressed to "Lerish Holmes." His parents, a renowned physicist with dual Japanese and American citizenship and a history professor at a prestigious university, shrugged it off as a prank by a well-meaning colleague.But for Lerish, the sphere pulsed with an undeniable allure. As he reached out with a chubby hand, the room dissolved into a swirling vortex of colors and sensations. It wasn't a terrifying experience; it was an exhilarating dive into a boundless ocean of information. Images flooded his mind – equations he couldn't yet write, medical diagnoses from fields he'd never heard of, complex deductions woven from seemingly insignificant details.When the world solidified again, he lay in his crib, the sphere cool in his grasp. Yet, something had fundamentally changed. He babbled now with purpose, mimicking the scientific terminology he'd glimpsed in that mind-bending experience. His parents, bewildered and concerned, attributed it to an early growth spurt.Little did they know, their son had become a prodigy unlike any other.Over the next few years, Lerish's development was nothing short of phenomenal. He spoke in complete sentences by the age of one, holding complex conversations with his professors-parents by two. While other children built sandcastles, Lerish built intricate contraptions out of Legos, each piece meticulously placed with a purpose only he understood. He devoured books, not with pictures, but with complex scientific and philosophical texts that left his teachers speechless.Lerish, however, was acutely aware of his uniqueness. He understood how his accelerated development could be perceived as unsettling, even alienating. He learned to control the flow of information from the sphere, filtering it to mimic a more typical childhood learning pace. He reveled in the joy of discovery alongside his peers, even if he already grasped the underlying principles.He was building a life, a childhood, even if it was one built on a foundation of extraordinary knowledge. He wasn't just a prodigy; he was a strategist, a conductor of his own intellect. He could choose when to let his brilliance shine, when to use the vast library within him to solve a problem, or simply enjoy a day at the playground with his friends.Unlike his past life, Lerish didn't crave fame. In his previous existence, he'd been a successful software developer in Silicon Valley. A life filled with intellectual challenges, the thrill of creating groundbreaking code, and a vibrant social circle of equally brilliant friends. However, the constant pressure to innovate, the competitive environment, and the fleeting nature of fame left him yearning for something more.Now, reborn into this new reality, Lerish was determined to forge a different path. He would use his extraordinary gift, this strange echo of his past life, to make a difference in the world on his own terms. He would decide when and how to unveil his genius, leaving his mark not through fleeting fame, but through the profound impact he could have on the world around him.The nursery door creaked open, his mother's gentle voice breaking through his reverie. "Lerish, honey, bedtime," she said, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and a hint of worry.Lerish, the boy with two lives and a universe within him, offered her a smile. "Coming Mommy," he chirped, his voice brimming with a confidence that belied his young age. His journey, unlike any other, was just beginning.