
Chapter 2: Giant Robot

Opening the front door, Max and his wife walked toward the kitchen to put down the groceries they had just bought. However, right after entering the kitchen, they noticed the poorly fixed hole in the wall.

"Did... we ever have that before?"

Verdona asked while looking at Max to make sure she wasn't going crazy. Max stared at the hole before walking towards it.

"No... no we didn't."

Once getting close enough to the hole, Max then saw the large crash site right outside his backyard.

"Definitely not that either."

Max thought for a bit before coming to a conclusion.

"Call 911. I'll take a closer look to see if I can find anything."

"Okay but please be safe."

Verdona went to the home phone before carefully dialing the number 9-1-1. Max on the other hand grabbed his shotgun before walking towards the crash site. He was met with nothing but an empty pod deep into the pit.

He decided it was best to leave it as it is and wait for the authorities. He took one last look around the area before getting ready to go back in.

Right when he was about to turn around and head back inside. He noticed a bright flash of blue inside the forest behind their house. Thinking that might be something related to the crash, he decided to head into the forest, clutching onto his shotgun.


*About a minute earlier*

Kane had just entered the forest behind his grandparent's backyard before stopping near a tree and thinking of ways to turn back human. He eventually stumbles upon the idea of tinkering with the hourglass button on his chest, the same symbol that was on the watch. He tried just touching it a bit, twisting it, and pulling on it but nothing happened. Not until he placed his entire hand of claws on the symbol.

The same bright blue flash shined through the surrounding area. After some time, the flash went away, and in the middle of it was Kane, back in his human form and his hand still on his chest.

"So that's how it works..."

Looking back on his wrist to see if the watch was still there, Kane was met with the same strange watch wrapped around his wrist, only this time, the blue hourglass symbol was a very light blue compared to its original dark blue.

'That's weird. I could've sworn it was a dark blue before. Maybe the transformation has something to do with that, I'll test it later. I should... really get back home and see how grandma and grandpa are dealing with the crash.'

Catching his breath for a few minutes, Kane finally stood back up and got ready to head back to his grandparent's house.

When turning around, however, he was met with his grandpa, holding a shotgun and aiming it at him.

"Woah! H-hey Grandpa Max."

"Kane? What in the hell are you doing over here?"

"Oh... um, I reached home a bit early so I decided to take a walk and take in some nature y'know? I lost track of time though..."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're safe. We should head back though. Something crashed into our backyard, did you see it?"

"Whaaaaatttttt? I didn't see anything... are you guys alright?"

"Yeah, it looks like it was there for a good few minutes before we arrived. I didn't really see anything other than some pod though. Hopefully not too much trouble."


Although Max bought Kane's story, kinda, he was still a bit suspicious about the blue flash and how weird it was that Kane decided to take a walk all of a sudden when he showed no interest before.

They both walked back to the house, where Verdona had just finished talking to the authorities on the phone about what had happened in their backyard. They dispatched a group of people but it'll take them a bit to arrive since they lived quite far from the city.

Once Verdona saw Kane walking back with Max, she was a bit surprised but relieved knowing Kane was also safe. She asked him about where he was and Kane retold the same story he told Max. Verdona had a similar reaction to Max where she believed him but was a bit suspicious.

They were all standing in the backyard looking at the crash site. Verdona and Max were talking while Kane was trying his best to hide the watch under his sleeve. However, randomly, a large robot fell from the sky and landed about a mile away from the Myers.

Kane was the first to notice this, followed by his grandparents. They looked at the giant robot that definitely towered their house by a good amount.

The robot immediately locked his system on the location of the crash site and the empty pod, as it started moving towards it. Noticing that the pod was empty, it moved its tracking onto the three humans standing near the site. Only for them to start running into the house.

Seeing their attempt, the robot's shoulders opened up for two smaller robots to deploy. The two robots went to the other side of the house in order to surround the people inside.

Max and Kane saw this. Although they had started running the moment they saw the robot. The smaller robots quickly caught up to the house and started shooting lasers through the house.

Kane's grandparents were dazed by the situation and could only continue running and ducking to avoid the lasers. Kane on the other hand, was wondering whether the watch had something to do with the giant robot's arrival.

"Grandpa Max! Find somewhere to hide!"

Kane said as he started running back in the robot's direction.

"WHAT?! Kane! Get back here!"

Max and Verdona were both even more shocked by Kane's words and decision. Max stood back up and was ready to chase after Kane but was forced to crouch back down after a barrage of lasers shot into the house.

Kane took cover behind a wall in order to think of a plan to take on the robot and at the same time dodge the lasers before he got sliced into pieces. The first and probably best idea for him was to use the watch.

'This is probably my best chance at beating this thing. I'm not sure if speed will get me this win but it'll be better than staying human.'

Pressing on the button, the dial popped back up, now with its full blue color.

'It seems to have recharged or something. The color is back to normal.'

Not having time to dwell on the difference in color, he stared carefully at the figure being shown.

Instead of the lizard-like figure that showed up last time which gave him superspeed, he was met with another humanoid figure, this time with antennas extending from its head, elongated fingers, and a tail that all looked like conductors.

'That's new. Wait, I wonder if there's anything else in this...'

Kane instinctively twisted the dial before a second figure showed up. This time it was much larger than the previous two. Still somewhat humanoid and still with a tail, but this time with a lot more muscle and a much bigger torso.

'You can never go wrong with muscle. Please please please be enough to stop these stupid robots.'

Kane pushed down the dial, and the same blue flash shined through the area.

Kane's torso grew immensely, along with the rest of his body. Muscles begin to build and stack upon one another. A large and powerful tail extends out of Kane's back before his eyes turn blue and the hourglass pops out onto Kane's chest.

Due to the large size of the new transformation, Kane had a hard time not breaking everything around him.

Kane took a look at his new transformation and felt the raw power of it.

At the same time, a laser shot through the wall behind Kane and hit his back. However, he did not feel anything but a slight sting. Now knowing the durability of his form, he decided to take down the small robots and then hopefully destroy the big one in order to keep his grandparents safe.

Looking around, Kane quickly found one of the small robots. He ran towards it, using one of his hands to block any laser coming toward his face.

In a few moments, Kane caught up to the robot and pushed his hand through the wall separating them, grabbing onto it with great force. This immediately crushed the robot before Kane smashed it into the ground.

Another concentrated laser shot from behind hit Kane. He turned around and saw that the other small robot had entered the house. Kane swung his large tail which whipped the robot into the wall, destroying it.

Now done with the small robots, Kane started heading in the direction of the big robot.

Max and Verdona peeked their heads above the counter they were hiding behind once they heard the lasers stop. They were met with the image of a giant dinosaur running toward their backyard. The smaller robots, now on the floor, were completely destroyed.

With each footstep, the ground shook and Max could only stare in complete awe. Verdona on the other hand was worried as to what happened to Kane before coming to an idea.

"Is that... Kane?"

"There's no way. I mean... how could he transform into Vaxasaurian like that?"

Max on the other hand was still holding onto his shotgun in case another robot showed up or even if the monster decided to chase after them instead. However, he couldn't figure out how the alien reached his house, where his grandson was, or why a giant robot is chasing them in the first place.

Back with Kane, he finally got a clear image of the giant robot, who closed the gap and reached their house.

Although Kane's new transformation was definitely very big, the robot still towered over him.

The robot who saw Kane burst through the wall to fight the robot, saw the hourglass symbol on his chest. Instantly recognizing the symbol, the robot ignored everything else and begin concentrating its force on subduing Kane.

A full-power laser shot from the hands of the robot, landing exactly in Kane's position. He almost instantly put both his hands up to block the laser, but this time, it actually hurt him a bit. This lasted for a few moments before the robot's laser died down.

Kane quickly let down his hands and sprinted to the robot's feet before punching and smashing it over and over. The robot's legs were getting destroyed rather fast by the sheer power of Kane. Consequently, the robot decided to jump into the air in order to avoid his flurry of punches.

The robot then spun its feet a few times before slamming back down onto Kane, smashing him into the ground. He held his ground by holding up the robot with all his might and was about to push it off when the robot shot another round of lasers through both its hands, directly hitting Kane again.

The pain and burden began to add up and Kane instinctively started to grow in size. This came as a surprise for him but he was glad this was one of his abilities. Spikes grew from his entire back down to his tail. Along with the size increase, came a great strength increase.

Now, with the increased size, Kane pushed the robot off his back before pulling it from its legs and slamming it back down to the floor. He jumped high and tackled the robot onto the ground. Once gaining the advantage, he began throwing his barrage of punches once again only this time with much more power.

Each punch destroyed the robot more and more before the robot exploded into bits and pieces. Kane withstood the explosion, and seeing the robot defeated, finally let his guard down a bit. Only to be met with another problem...

After hearing the explosion, Max and Verdona ran out in search of Kane only to see the same dinosaur, now 5x bigger standing over what is presumably the robot, and staring right at them.