
Episode 80 - Our greatest ally (3)

My words caused a handful of Constellations standing behind me to murmur among themselves.

I wondered if others had heard of my new Modifier already, but fortunately, that didn't seem to be the case.

[I'm sure the Bureau's naming division was behind that title? Do they still do that nowadays?]

[I thought there wouldn't be any other Modifiers that could exceed the 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon', but....]

[Tsk, why do young ones these days prefer such Modifiers anyway?]

….Well, I guess I can tell what they are complaining about, then.

Virudhaka completed the simple entry procedure and then, stared at my shoulder.

[What is that dumpling?]

[It's my lunch.]

[….How peculiar. A fool showed up with cotton candy yesterday, and now we have you.]

Cotton candy?


Much to my relief, Virudhaka let me through without much hassle.

[You have entered the channel that directs the scenario's location.]
