

[POV Girtin]

Today was the day one of us siblings will contact 'The Ultimate Homo', Gald. And as the unfortunate me who picked the short straw out of 400+ straws, of course I can only blame on my st*pid luck.

Now I see my brothers, sisters and genderless siblings all snickering at me as I just prepared on my things for a few years. Of course I'll just run and come back in a century, cause I don't wanna be picked by the short straw again for the 70th consecutive time. I felt like being affected by some sort of energy but I resisted as I don't want to be like Gald.

I then walked near Phil and Alga as the 2 made the portal towards 'HELL' as I subconsciously gulped as I then entered the portal made by them. As usual of me coming here, I learned on how to use (=Protect=) as the foreign energies began to disperse around me.

I searched for quite some time until I found Gald naked with other umm... let me not say that.

Gald: "Oh, brother Girtin, you're here again! Do you really wanna join me that much?"

Me: "No! And I'm here for the usual."

Gald: "As I said like a year ago, it's fun here so why not join me?"

Me: "Then I'll take my leave."

Gald: "Boring~ just join me brother, we have cookies here."

Me: "Cookies!?"

Gald: "Yezz~ Cookies~"

Me: "Daga Kotowaru!!! Even though I liked cookies, I will not join you even if I was tortured and died so no!"

I then created my own portal as I left towards another universe.

I drifted in the space for quite some time until I found a planet. I felt some kind of foreign energy as well but it was not harmful to me so I let them enter my body as I felt I can do some strange things but held it in myself.

I wandered around the planet as I sensed the breath similar to myself or to my father. 2 of them to be exact but I still went towards them thinking that it might be a relative as the 2 have similar to our family.

I flew as I then saw a boy, he does have the breath of my father but it's not pure but rather the one who resides on that boy, I tried to sense it as I then sensed a dragon. Maybe stronger than most of my siblings as the dragon that resides on that boy might be similar to strength on myself, and it looked like the dragon sensed me as well.

Well it might be as we're both dragons me having ghost energy as well. I watched the boy for quite some time as I felt some distress in energy on that boy as a red gauntlet appeared on his right hand with a green orb in the center. It began to speak as well, I decided to create a simple barrier that the mortal boy cannot sense what we will be talking about.

Me: "Who are you? How did you have the same aura as my father?"

Dragon: "No no, who are you? But you really did have his scent and seems quite recent as well. Ah, before that please help me escape this prison."

A female voice full of distress and some anxiousness.

Me: "You're trapped there?"

Dragon: "Yes yes I'm trap and I have to see what this boy do every single day, too disgusting."

Me: "How did you even got caught and imprisoned?"

Dragon: "C-Cause, I was having a spar with my sister that we only destroyed a city and a powerful person then imprisoned us and I really really wanna meet papa. I, no, we sisters miss our dad."

Me: "What's the name of your dad?"

I was quite suspicious as she said father as the voice might be my half-sibling or so or there's a possibility that my father was the mysterious powerful person she was speaking of.

Dragon: "My father's name? I-I..."

Me: "So it starts with 'I'?"

I thought dad really cheated on my mother.

Dragon: "I forgot..."

Me: "..."

So still not sure, maybe I can ask where's her sister.

Me: "So, whe-"

Dragon: "Underworld."

Me: "Did you read my mind?"

Dragon: "No, I just went to the flow called plot."

Me: "What???"

Dragon: "Nevermind, I just knew that by watching what this kid watch. So get me out of here!!!"

Me: "Hmm, the one who imprisoned you was indeed strong, only a little stronger than me but I can still take you out of that little boy."

Dragon: "Just do it!!"

Me: "Okay okay..."

It took me a few minutes as I took the dragon from the little boy as I then saw that the dragon integrated on myself, she summoned herself as the same red gauntlet.

Me: "So miss Dragon..."

Dragon: "What?"

Me: "Please lead the way to your sister."

Dragon: "Ah, okay... just follow the yellow red line."

Me: "Where?"

Dragon: "Oh I forgot, teleport first to the underworld."

Me: "Where is that???"

Dragon: "Fine, I'll do it... send me your magic."

Me: "Magic?"

Dragon: "Damn it! I'll just forcefully take it..."

I don't know what happened as I was then transported in another place, the sky was still the sky but it was full of flying bats and birds.

Dragon: "Those are not bats and birds, they're devils and fallen angels. Now follow the yellow red line!!"

Me: "That's an orange line."

Dragon: "Just follow it and it will lead us to the current sacred gear user of my sister."

Now my adventure after I ran at home continues...