

[POV 3rd]

A cute flying light blue colored cat(ShinyMew not Happy), appeared as his face was full of rage, disappointment and regret. Rage for the other beings who captured and brainwashed his descendants, disappointment for his descendants letting themselves captured as they are weak and regret for not being there and protecting them.

Adam: (=Ancestral Bloodline=), (=Conqueror's Haki=), (=Killing Intent=)

Adam used 3 skills against the mind to knock down the Pokémons below as 2 of the skills were effective on the various other living beings.

His skills then swept for over 100 kilometers in diameter knocking out hundreds of thousands of people and at least millions of Pokémons.

Adam: "This timeline is making me angry for some reason, Alga recover your energy, I will be the one to travel through time cause I remember that she can only bring 1 person when time travelling before felling tired. You and Clee guide me."

Alga, Clee: "Yes father."

Half a minute later, Adam can be seen squatting at the air as he focused feeling the law of time in the surroundings, his 2 children Alga and Clee were behind him while the others, Phil and Devir was watching half a kilometer away for fear that there might be accidents as Girtin was just accompanying them.

Adam was still in deep concentration as he was at the stage where he need to sense and mark the timeline he needs to travel as the farthest he can go was a million years ago.

Adam: "Phil! Help me create a portal, Girtin and Devir, get ready as I can only maintain it for a few seconds at most due to my weak body as I still haven't fully absorbed my skills from forcefully remembering my memories. Alga, Clee, maintain the steady stream of time energy."

Phil, Alga, Clee: "Got it."

Girtin and Devir then rushed to Adam's side as Adam made the portal more than 1,000,000 years ago as they can see the other side of it which was a forest.

Adam: "1 second has passed, 2 seconds has passed, 3 seconds has passed..."

The portal was maintained for 10 seconds before the portal turned to a void one that was clearly from Phil's space ability.

Clee: "Were back! But still 164,184 years after we left. Are they still alive? If not, I'll call my descendants to revive them."

Adam: "No need Clee, they are still alive. I sensed them rushing towards here at the speed of 100km per hour as the slowest, meaning Sloke and Shule. And I sensed that 18 of them are still sleeping, of course it include Snorx and Sling"

Devir: "They are still slow as hell and lazy as fuck!"

Girtin: "Maybe we should train them to their limit therefore making Snorx and Sling energetic while Sloke and Shule are fast at the speed of sound or even light."

Girtin told his idea towards the others as they unconsciously nodded their heads including Adam. They waited for a few more seconds as the first to arrive was a bald white bearded old man wearing pink clothes as they are 5 spoons floating above him and with a red gem on his forehead.

Clee: "Alkam, you're fast!"

Alkam: "Hohoho! Not really sis, this old man just used his (=Teleport=) spell and nothing else."

Adam: "You're Alkam!? You've become older."

Alkam: "Ah-!? F-Father?"

Alkam was at disbelief as he saw Adam standing with the others as he recomposed himself as he then began to hug Adam as Adam hugged Alkam back.

Alkam: "Father, you're back!"

One by one, a lot of people suddenly appeared from Dexys, Hoo, Lia, Ray to Sloke, Shule, Dugio triplets etc. that were carried by Terra. They just felt their bloodlines fluctuate as they rushed towards the place they found it happened. There, they saw their brothers Girtin, Alga, Phil and Alkam together with their sisters Devir and Clee as they saw an additional person that was being covered by Devir and Clee saying...

Devir: 'Come on father, we need to surprise them so hide in this robe, pls, pretty please🥺?'

Clee: 'Please🥺???'

They said to their father Adam through telepathy as the people with psychic powers can feel that their sisters, Devir and Clee are using telepathy towards the unknown person as the unknown person then took off the robe as he then tied Devir and Clee with it. The people were surprised as they saw the figure as they stared for a few more minutes until they said a word in unison.

400+: "FATHER!!!" (A/N: 400+ cuz of their final evo.)

Almost all of them rushed towards Adam wanting a hug as the rest stopped themselves as they were repeating the same words in their heads that was 'I can't go as I'm too big, I might crush some of my siblings' or 'I should not go with them or my pride as an elder sibling will crumble instantly'. But there are still some big people who rushed on a hug as the smaller ones quickly landed on top of them to avoid being crushed to a meatpaste.

Adam: "My children! How are you'll? I miss all of you!"

Adam then used (=Double Team=) and (=Clones=) to multiply himself as his clones went to every single person as they gave them a hug. It went on for 10 minutes until Adam made them disappear as his hug was taking too long and he might not have the chance to talk to them.

But it didn't disappeared instantly, instead they disappeared leaving different colors of ink making the people who hugged his clones drenched in ink.

400+: "Damn you dad!!!"

Adam: "HIHIHIHI! Alright everyone, now that that happened, gather every single descendants that I have! Let me see my grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren etc."

400+: "Yes!"

The 400+ people then disappeared one after another as some instantly reappeared with beings in their true forms together with them and some are still eggs.