

[POV Aria]

I saw Uncle Edward suddenly took out a spear with its tip being a blade.

"Old man, what is this weapon?" Gionna asked.

"This is my personal weapon, Murakumogiri, a naginata, a type of spear or halberd." he said.

"So, are we gonna fight?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Gionna said finding somewhere to hide.

Ye, it's super obvious, seeing the weapon on uncle and the enemy gangsters with their guns, bats, swords, knives etc. it was unavoidable for us to have a war.

"Gangsters... Assemble." said a man with a shield, he must be the tank.

"GUAAAHH!!" a man using a hammer shouted.

And so, the hundreds of gangsters made their move and we are the same as well but because we are weak, we fought while hiding behind Uncle Edward by throwing stones, trash, etc.

The gangsters are absolutely annoyed by us for we are just hiding and throwing things at them.

"Damn bitch, show yourselves so that we can kill you!" an enemy shouted.

"Are you stupid? Why would we showing ourselves if all of you will just kill us" Gionna said.

"Enough talking, take this! RATATATATATATA!!!" an annoyed enemy said while using a machine gun but it was useless as Uncle Edward keep using his naginata weapon and slashing it endlessly and the bullets are changing their directions barely touching us.

"Fireball!" an enemy awakened shouted, is he stupid? Why would he shout his attacks?

"Vine Whip!" now here's another one still shouting their attacks, but it was useless in front of Uncle.

And suddenly, a sudden burst of energy that was Uncle Edward's haki was released, it was like a medium dome-shaped energy that contains pressure even though Uncle was avoiding it for us, we can still feel it unlike half of our enemies that was now almost unconscious and were now kneeling while the others are feeling uncomfortable. And did I just saw a guy moaning in pleasure while lying down and breathing heavily? Masochist.

I'm glad that Gionna was just next to me or she might almost kneel as well for she's still 10 with stronger than average willpower.

"Now, should we finish them all?" I asked.

"Just kill them, from what I can see, the more you kill the more you get stronger so go and kill them." Uncle just casually said.

"Thank You Very Much!"

"You need to kill to get stronger?" Gionna asked as if wary of me.

"I only get stronger when I kill or do quests from people in this world." I said.

"Oh, so you're from another world, naruhudo." she said.

"Nevermind that cause it's grinding time." I said as I picked up a sword lying on the ground unsheathing it from its scabbard as I showed a wicked smile that made our enemies flinch on fear.




I killed my enemies and they turned into XP, how nice of them, hope I can meet them again in the afterlife and return their favor by making them as XPs BUAHAHAHAHA. Nope, I need to be lady like, I should practice it for I can meet father properly and not by my personality on my 1st life. Inner Peace.

5 minutes for the quest to finish, I have annihilated them all, not all for Gionna wants to join the fun as well and killed at least 12 of them by just throwing stones.

"Let's goo, leveled up by 6 with the previous levels before the quest level 6, quest ongoing level 19, now I'm level 25 and after the quest was additional 10 levels" I rejoiced.

"Miss, you said that when you are level 20, you can go meet your father, that's what you said right? Then please take me, I want to meet the hero." Gionna said.

"What!? You can meet Adam now? Then do it, create a portal. I wanna meet my old friend." Uncle Edward said.

"Yes, I'm gonna meet father now. I wonder what he's impression to me?" I started thinking what possible scenarios my father Adam may say in our conversation.

<Level reached 20>

<Open a Portal to Planet Eden?>

<Yes> <No>

I pressed yes and a portal that was 2 times the size as me appeared and we can see through the other place that was a jungle.

We stepped towards the portal and found ourselves surrounded by trees obviously cause we are in a forest.

We walked in a random direction till we heard some loud noises.

"What is that?" Gionna asked pointing at our left where there are something that I really don't wanna see, thousands of gross looking humanoid cockroaches with armors and weapons are making their way at us.

"Hiieeee, humanoid cockroaches!" I shouted.

"Eh? H-Humanoid cockroaches, but I see z-z-zombies!" Gionna said.

"It's an illusion, don't fall for it." Uncle Edward said and continued. "It must be Adam for he can control his clones and give them illusions of their greatest fear, fortunately I managed to overcome it thousands of years ago."

"Those things are i-illusions?" I asked.

"Yeah, and can't you see that there are 7 little girls over there running for their lives." Uncle Edward said.

"EH?!" I and Gionna said while the 7 girls also noticed us.

"EH!!" what they said.

"Huh?" a woman then said while floating above them as if spectating the little girls.

"Dear, it seems that we will receiving guests in a thousand years." she said and suddenly, a man appeared beside her and started staring at us. He is like my fath- no, it is my father Adam Gaia in the flesh.