
Lucius part 1

"So it all comes down to the two of us"  said a blond elf boy in his late 70's or maybe a little older (about 15-16 relative to a human) looking around the empty plains knowing that there was no help in miles for either side.  Well of course he assumed that had been his opponents goal… Just the two of them… 

"I suppose it was inevitable."  Replied to a brown haired human boy of about the same relative age as he started to prepare a simple body strengthening spell to increase his physical stats by 10% almost enough to put the two of them on equal ground.  Looking around he saw the grassy landscape and knew that this was it, one way or another this would all come to an end. He gripped his sword Icarus and took a ready stance.

"Maybe you're right.  Still I do wish there was another way" The blond said as he prepared the only spell he knew, no the only one he could learn.  A simple anti magic barrier, a spell that most considered impractical and borderline useless. He admired the flowers one last time and even now he felt unworthy of all he had been given.  With this simple thought he put his hand on his sword Arondite.

"Me too.  Sadly it was not to be"  After that soft reply from the teenage human both boys charged in to what may be their final battle a duel between [Pride] and [Humility].

… Much earlier… 

I am lying here in my room waiting for midnight to strike as I expect most kids my age do.  After all my birthday is tomorrow, my fifteenth birthday I would finally be able to get my stats and skills.  I really don't want or expect anything special. I just want a decent set of physical stats to help out around the town with the guard or maybe a skill that could help me get a decent paying job in town.  Obviously I would love to get something amazing like a great skill such as [Limit Break] or a base stat index above 2

150 but it's not like I will be upset or surprised if I don't get something that great. 3 minutes more… 2… 1… 0!  Suddenly I felt a strange energy flowing into me. Finally… I immediately incant the skill everyone gets when they turn 15 (or the racial equivalent) [Status].

Name:Lucius Smith













    Wait what, I must be seeing things my base stat index (BSI) cannot possibly be 650.  I'll do the math again (1000/10)+(1000/10)+90+90+90+90+90=650. I rub my eyes but the status remained.  This can't be right and average BSI is 50 to 70 above 80 and you can go to the knights academy if your stats are mainly physical or the magic academy if your stats are mostly magic based.  Obviously skills can affect this if you applied with a BSI of 70 and your skill was [Limit Break] or something else insane you'd get in pretty easily. Hell the crown prince nicknamed Wargod only has a BSI of 300.  So now what in Neowaria is a BSI of 650? My parents told me earlier that we would talk about my stats and skills at sunrise but I am not sure I can sleep until then… wait a minute I never even checked what my skill did.  I incant the skill… 

 [Pride]... Nothing.  I feel nothing. All my friends and family always told me that when A skill activates you feel a certain energy… must be a "passive" or "auto" type.  I would have felt it activate had it been an "active" or "toggle" type… I guess I will figure it out tomorrow. 

I need to sleep. I guess I will talk to my parents tomorrow.  I am going to have trouble sleeping tonight aren't I?

As the sun rose Lucius jumped out of bed.  Lucius was fairly tall standing at 5'11", he was the sort of person who was hard to miss in a crowd with his bright red eyes dark brown hair well defined face that was while not to an insane degree fairly handsome not to mention his above average height.   He ran down the stairs at speeds he wouldn't have been capable of yesterday. His father was as always back swinging a wooden sword around and practicing his movement and occasionally magic. You see Lucius' father Mark was much like Lucius only much taller standing at 6'4" and obviously older he was also the captain of the town guard.  He did not have this title for nothing. He had a BSI of little under 150 and well balanced stats. In short he was a powerful magic swordsman. His magic aptitude was fire. This wasn't something in his status but something he had learned from his lack of success in other types of magic. He then encanted his favorite magic in his head while still swinging.  Suddenly he let go of his sword with one hand and his other hand shot forth a fire lance at devastating speed towards a straw target. Suddenly Lucius felt a strange energy flow through him. He knew at once that [Pride] had activated. Surprised he wanted to see if the activation had changed his stats so he invented [Status]. His jaw dropped.

Name:Lucius Smith











Magic:{Fire Lance}

    End Ch.1