
48 - Sports

Princess Laura didn't know where to start from. There was a whole lot to say and tell about the werewolf mating. She had heard her father discuss topics about mating over the years and it was one of the most senstive and secretive things of the werewolf kingdom.

Mating was spoken about before outsiders. It was one of the scared firm of werewolves and wasn't meant for outsiders. It was strictly for werewolves.

The only reason she had agreed to tell the prince all that she knew was because he was getting married to her and that meant he had to learn about the werewolves customs and how things work since they were from different kingdoms.

Just as she was about to start, the prince asked. "Can werewolves mate in wolf form?"

"They can but with other supernaturals it's impossible." She answered.

The prince nodded and asked next, "how does the marking work?" He had read this the mating book but he needed to sure she wasn't telling him the wrong information.