
Death is just the Beginning

Nexus was just able to swing his sword with every ounce of his energy before a crabman stabbed him from behind and just like any other grunts Nexus died in the cold embrace of the ocean in despite of them battling near a damn volcano.

Before he could even start see his life before dying a ship has crashed on him insta killing him in the war of his King Orm but it was not looking good for him.

As he died he was with a certain peace that his time has ended just the thought of not being remembered by others hurt him a little as he was an orphan with little friends who according to his assumptions should be dead by now. Just that tinge of regret.

As he was contemplating these thoughts a sudden wave hit him why the hell is he thinking death should be an absolute silence as he was pondering and questioning more and more he realised that he was pulled from some kind of suction and instinctively he pushed towards the direction he was being pushed by his own accord and the next thing he new there was so much cold that he just started to cry or more accurately in his way wail as loud as he can.


He could understand some chatter that was happening and then there was a fuss going on in the room. Only to lead it to sobbing and then a giant of a man took hold of him and said " Ohh little child just lost his father in the damn ironborn raid and now mother dead at childbirth it will be hard for him to survive know."

As he received the sobbing man's message he tired into a deep sleep.

Being a man in a babes body made him immune to some willfulness and his answers for his parents.

The only thing he knew about the world was that this continent was called westeros, they were in The North that was ruled by the Starks who were the Kings of Winter and now Wardens and lord Paramounts of North for the Iron Throne.

And that he got most of the information from the elders and they themselves knew much.

221 A.C.

He is already 6 years old and ventures with the fisherman to catch prized fishes in order to just be near the ocean.

According to the elders they should be moving in few moons or what is called as months to the wintertown as the words of Starks are "Winter is Coming".

As he continued his ventures with the kind fishfolk something the fisherman called themselves their haul for fresh fishes always increased as being an Atlantean he could tell about the water as much as the fishes themselves the fishfolk took the hauls as a sign of their good deed of not throwing or abandoning me in the ocean or forrest something that I am so much happy for.

We travelled a little earlier than the time was initially decided as our hauls were enough to get a safe entry and boarding for ourselves. The sheer amount of people made me a little uncomfortable as the amount of people I was seeing for the past 6 years have been not more than 30 but now here people couldn't be less than thousands. We got ourselves a good accommodation and now we wait the passing of this winter which could take a well over 6-7 years themselves.

I sat in a comfortable corner and started to think of what kind of future would I like for myself.

After many thoughts I decided to get under the protection of a big might and here in Wintertown or more specifically the whole North only the name Stark matters at the end and talking that into my mind I planned myself to work for the Starks until I could stand on my own feet.

Watching of my surrounding I knew that the other children were playing whereas the men and women were making some new accomplics, I ran away from their watchful eye slowly and steadily to not get any suspicions. And by some god's grace the main gate of the Castle called Winterfell was open not knowing for what i simply ran inside but alas the guards caught me and shoved me down to the ground...damn it hurt like hell but just as I was about to cry I heard a firm yet gentle voice that came from the stables . A woman with grey dress and a black fur coat over shoulders with dark black eyes....That was the point I first saw the lady who I swore to be a sworn shield but all in the mere future.

"Stop, this insolence can't you see he is just a little child he is younger than your lady herself, show some honour you are soldiers of House Stark and not some low life brigands." thundered the beautiful lady as she strode towards me being both fierce and gentle as the same time.

She bowed down and proceeded to ask " What's your name child ?".

I looked up to her in full admiration and started answering in a clumsy child like toned " My name is Harold but I like people to call me Nexus and I am from the Red fish village of Stony shore. I came here looking for work and a good place to stay in return of my services"

Looking quite intrigued she asked at what kind of services and he replied in a most serious tone and face he could muster"I can help Winterfell fill with most fresh fish any village could provide where you my lady just need to provide me with one fishing boat and at least 10 good carts and men to protect them for sending them back.

With a surprised face the lady started to laugh at the top of her lungs and replied " Look like I just found a little fool for myself and what about your parents little fishmen"

With a solemn detached voice he said "Dead"

This made the atmosphere more serious and eerie just as she was going to say something horses started to enter the castle in a fray . At the Vanguard stood a big man with a big sword at his back a a direwolf painted on his breastplate armour.
