
Exposed Again?!

In the Kamui dimension, Leon was standing beside the woman's headless body, it stained the dark floor red with blood dripping from the neck.

He was somewhat conflicted whether to take the corpse or not, but the idea of the police somehow manage to relate the murder with him sent a chill down his back.

The battle between him and the woman occurred in the middle of the street, and magic is very advanced in this world, so who knows if there was someone who spied on him from afar. It would be bad to leave the corpse as evidence and he couldn't let the risk of someone tracking him into his house.

So, he had no choice but to transport the woman and himself into the Kamui dimension.

At least by doing this, it will reduce some of the worries on his mind. He no longer needs to wonder if the police will bust the door of his house or not.

Leon let out a sigh while holding his throbbing eye.

It feels hot as though his eyes are burning from playing games two days straight without rest.

While it's good that it doesn't bleed, the blurriness is also getting a little worse.

"Maybe I should purchase the Hashirama Cells now..." Leon said, rather hesitated.

[Points - 120]

He obtained 110 points from killing the woman, and barely enough to purchase the cheapest Hashirama Cells, but looking at the uncommon tier of the cells, hesitation climbed to his face.

[Hashirama Cells (Common) - 100 Points]

[Hashirama Cells (Uncommon) - 150 Points]

He only needs 30 more points to purchase the uncommon version of the Cells, and he had a feeling that if purchased the common version, he will need a lot more points to upgrade the Cells to the uncommon tier.

With this in mind, Leon decided to postpone the purchase of Hashirama Cells until he obtains 30 points, it's only a little more.

After sorting his thought, Leon started to search the woman's belonging while trying to avoid getting close to the neck.

The combination of blood and raw flesh made him a little disgusted.

In the end, he found nothing except for a single mobile terminal, too bad he needs a password to unlock it, so he had no choice but to put the mobile terminal away for later.

From what the woman said, she was a member of Blanche. Leon had a feeling that he heard it somewhere before, but he can't seem to put his finger on it.

Maybe it's because his previous memories are not taken by Sharingan, so it's somewhat hard to recall and prone to forgetness.

Still, that was just Leon hypothesis.

Blanche, though he didn't remember anything about it, there is a chance that his sister might have a relation with it. Even if it's not, he could at least find some clues from it that may lead him to Ciri.

Maybe he should ask Tatsuya about the Blanche tomorrow.

Or just forget about it and let nature take its course. One way or another trouble is gonna happen, and he just needs to take care of it one by one.

But Leon clenched his hand and shook this thought immediately.

His sister, Ciri is in real danger now, and he can't forgive himself if something happened to her just because he is too careful and didn't take the initiative to search for her whereabouts.

"Should I teleport to Tatsuya and Miyuki house now?" Leon muttered in hesitation. His heart told him to go to their house but the rational mind in him rejected the idea.

Even though he never go to their house, Leon watched the anime so he knew what the inside of their house looked like.

With this, he is able to teleport to Tatsuya and Miyuki house directly.

In the end, he followed his reason and abandon his rash decision.

Who knows what Tatsuya will do to him when he suddenly appeared in their living room.

He would be lucky if Tatsuya didn't try to kill him immediately.

It will also reduce their trust and good impression on Leon. This will create a wall between their newly made friendship and resulted in the inability to gain their cooperation in searching for his sister.

Even though Leon worried about Ciri, he had no choice but to wait until tomorrow to ask Tatsuya.

So Leon teleported himself from the Kamui dimension into his bedroom.

After what happened today, he has no appetite for dinner so looking at the soft and fluffy bed, he goes into a deep slumber.

At dawn, Leon awoke to the second day of his life in this world, it was somewhat quiet and lonely.

He is not in the mood to cook and eat by himself, it seems so pitiful to him.

After taking a shower, he put on his first high uniform, then walking towards the first high school cafeteria, even if there is no student there this early in the morning, at least the cook is there.

Twenty minutes later, in the chilly air of the early morning, a young woman and a man could be seen entering a Temple. It was Tatsuya and Miyuki.

The moment Tatsuya passed through the gate, he met with a violent greeting by twenty eager priests. They attacked Tatsuya together without giving him a chance to respond, yet one by one the nimble and strong looking priests were out of combat.

The sign of defeated breathing from the priests littered the Temples courtyard, while Miyuki only looks at her brother in worry.

"Miyuki-kun! Long time no see." An elated voice suddenly called out from Miyuki's blind spot, and no matter how hard she tried, she can't seem to find the source of the voice. It moved from one place to the other, always out of her sight.

"Sensei! Please stop erasing your presence and sneaking up on me like that!" Miyuki said, rather helpless. From her reaction, it seems to be a daily occurrence and she was already used to it.

"That won't do... telling me not to sneak about is impossible." the man addressed as sensei by Miyuki let out an amused voice, "I'm a shinobi, and sneaking about is what I do."

This man clad in the black robe is called Kokonoe Yakumo, he is the martial-arts teacher of Tatsuya and Miyuki.

Kokonoe Yakumo has a clean-shaven head yet he looks handsome and somewhat aloof.

He is a self-proclaimed shinobi and also widely known as ninjutsu or ancient magic user, though he is only willing to teach his disciples the ways of ancient magic or traditional shinobi magic in order to surpass their physical capabilities and nothing more. The twenty priests that attacked Tatsuya is also Kokonoe's disciples.

"Sensei... there's no such occupation as a ninja nowadays." Miyuki protested.

"Ah, don't be mistaken, Miyuki-chan. I'm not a ninja but a legitimate shinobi."

Yakumo seems to be fascinated by Miyuki's uniform, so he asked, "Is that the uniform of the First Highschool?"

"Yes... the entrance ceremony was yesterday."

"Oh, is that so... hmm, it's pretty nice." Looking at Miyuki's uniform, Kokonoe seems to be lost in thought.

"... Sensei?" Miyuki is bewildered by her teacher reaction and at a loos at what to do.

"Hmm... interesting." Kokonoe let out an amused voice, "That green uniform, I saw it last night during my sneaking routine in the neighborhood."

"Master, you can't seem to break your shinobi habit." Tatsuya interrupted from the side. Behind him, twenty disciples sprawled out on the ground.

"Onii-sama, are you okay?" As Tatsuya walking towards them, Miyuki rushed to him with a towel in hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Tatsuya smiled towards his sister, then turned his attention to his master, "So master... what did you saw last night? I doubt you would mention it if it's not important."

Kokonoe smiled in response and started to explain what he witnessed last night to Tatsuya and Miyuki. It was basically what happened on the street, the battle between Leon and the woman.

Kokonoe is a veteran and experienced ninjutsu user so when he erased his presence, it's impossible for someone to find him if he doesn't want to be found.

"This man didn't seem to be using magic but supernatural power, the ability he showed last night is very dangerous and also versatile, but the aftermath doesn't seem to be light... isn't that right, Leon-kun?" Kokonoe smiled, looking at the empty wall in the courtyard, nothing can't seem to escape from his sight.

Supernatural power is the same as magic. Those who used supernatural power can apply his Psions (MP or Mana Points) to directly cause phenomena through will alone, just like Leon's Mangekyou and some of Tatsuya's abilities.

The supernatural power is used without an Activation Sequence, so the user gains overwhelming speed, but usually less versatile than systematic magic.

After hearing the surprising remarks from their teacher, both Miyuki and Tatsuya focused their attention on the temple wall, but Miyuki can't seem to find anything, while Tatsuya is trying to activate the Elemental Sight, a sensory ability that allows Tatsuya to identify the landscape down to every detail. This made him able to see through the walls or even below the earth.

But before Tatsuya was able to activate his elemental sight, a familiar young man clad in the first high uniform passed through the temple wall just like a ghost in the folktale.

"As expected of Kokonoe sensei, nothing can escape from your eyes." Praise escaped from Leon's lips. He is very surprised that the self-proclaimed shinobi was able to notice his presence even though he was hiding behind the wall. The fact he knew his name also indicates that he already investigate Leon's background.

'What a terrifying shinobi.' Leon thought.

With the wall being so high and no gate in sight, Leon had no choice but to use Kamui once again to pass through the wall rather than take the risk of being attacked because of a bunch of misunderstandings.

This is all because he was exposed once again!

"Leon-kun?! what are you doing here?" Miyuki exclaimed.

The surprised expression of Miyuki is very cute right now that Leon can't help but stare blankly at her snow white face.

Leon comes to himself when he felt someone standing beside him, it made him wary that Kokonoe is able to get into his blind spot, though it was also his fault for losing his reason to beauty.

"Ah, forgive me, Miyuki, and Tatsuya too. I had no intention to eavesdrop on your conversation," Apologetic smile formed on Leon's lips, "I was on my way to school before I saw you two going towards the hill. It's a school day so I'm somewhat worried if the two of you are in trouble or something."

"Is that so..."


Miyuki and Tatsuya didn't seem to buy it so Leon had no choice but to change his story slightly.

"Well, I'm somewhat curious, so I started to follow the two of you." an awkward laugh escaped from Leon's mouth, "But I lost sight of you both and found myself stranded in a temple between the woods with no sign of gate whatsoever. Seeing that I had come so far, it's a waste to go back so I had to use my ability to scout the temple. I had no weird intention, I swear!"

After Leon's honest explanation, they finally forgave him for following them.

Five minutes later, the four of them sitting down on the temple with a cup of coffee in their hand. With the misunderstanding out of their way, Leon started to explain what happened to him after he parted from them, the ambush by someone from an organization called Blanche.

When Leon mentioned Blanche, Tatsuya raised his eyebrow as if surprised, while Kokonoe is on his usual unreadable smiling face.

Tatsuya then explained the organization called Blanche to Leon, this made him remember some of the events from the show, and no longer need to worry about killing a member of the terrorist.

Leon had no idea that someone spied on him last night even though he activated his Mangekyou, this put a great alarm in his mind and also a reminder that there are many who can put him in danger in this world.

'Did he heard about the system?' Leon pondered, rather restless. 'If Kokonoe was there from the start, then everything about the system and my existence is already exposed to him.'

Leon is looking at Kokonoe intently, the man doesn't seem to show any indication that he knows something about the system or even his existence.

There is also a possibility that Kokonoe arrived only when Leon already started fighting against the woman, so he didn't hear what the woman said.

Still, it was good that Kokonoe is the one who spied on him and not someone from the Ten Masters Clan, or else he is absolutely screwed. His musing was broken by Kokonoe's voice.

"So... Leon-kun, do you want to be my disciple?" Leon was surprised by the offer from Kokonoe that he can only look at him silently.

Don't forget to leave some reviews, comments, and votes! It will give me motivation in writing this fanfic.

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