
the first siren

A 17 year old kid with brown hair and grey eyes was sitting on a couch in a hotel watching the news with devastation as he heard the reporter on the screen saying California, Idaho and many more state's and countries are in similar situations are being bombed by a unknown source. When a loud blaring siren went off. Jacobs eyes immediately opened wide one thought passed through his mind 'shit'. He grabbed his bag and a few thing and ran to the bottom floor to the basement parking lot and the loudest noise he ever heard went off then a wave of pressure passed him and everything went black.

Jacob woke up and with the building crumbling ever so slowly he tried to push him self up but couldn't his arms and legs are numb to the point a 5 year old can kick his ass without him doing anything but push slightly he kept trying to get up and eventually getting to his knees gritting his teeth from the pain in his limbs. He crawled him self to the closest wall he could find. In the background he could hear cry's in the distance once in a while. There's dust clouds and grey Ash in the air Jacob lungs are burning. he pulled him self up using the wall and walked to the closest exit he remembers his eyes are stinging and can barely see a meter in front of him he found the exit but it's blocked by concrete blocks from broken pillars. he yelled "hel...*cough..cough*..help" he yelled out but there was no answer he tried again and again still there was no response. he followed the wall to another door it open but it was still blocked but there is a crevice he could crawl through he tried it out leaving his tattered backpack that turned to only riped cloth . Jocob continued threw the crevice and pulled him self up a flight of stairs and crawled to the front door. to find every thing grey, crumbling and fire's spread around. he sat down and leaned on a wall and just stared with disbelief at the devastation around him.
