
Nuclear Martial Myth

Stepping beyond the limits, the scenery is vast as the sky! The northern wind rises blowing away clouds and fog revealing a clear sky stretching for millions of miles. And below the skies…lies the corpses of gods! Legends tell the story of the first mortal to break the limits pioneering the prosperity of martial arts. His name was Dugu! History books later write that his eyes were like the bright moon, his flesh and blood resembled the stars, and his punches were the descent of the bright day sun. A single breath from him could create a forbidden zone filled with radiation. Sages of later generations tried to recreate the charm of the martial myth through a painting. In it, a giant stands between heaven and earth, his muscles knotted like steel wires. His bronze skin was littered with scars and hot red-gold blood dripped onto the world boiling the rivers and lakes. The steam escaping from his body coiled around him like vengeful dragons. The giant opened his mouth and angrily roared at the kingdoms of gods in the sky and threw a shocking punch. The world was torn apart. Continents shattered, stars burst, and the sky cracked. The aloof immortals in the sky wailed and were shredded to pieces with no dregs left. During his era, no gods or demons dared to violate the sovereignty of the little creatures below the sky. Each one obediently descended, followed the law, and paid their taxes. The majesty of the human alliance could not be violated! The man hailed as a martial myth! The limit breaker Dugu! With his supreme insight, millions of martial arts are superimposed on his body. With a physical body so powerful the gods, demons, and succubuses dare not approach. He seemed…no longer human! But that was a tale for the future. Among the banks of the eternal river of time, the pages of a book quietly lie. A mysterious figure approached, his upper body obscured by the gentle force of destiny. With a tender smile, the figure picked up the book and turned the pages…bringing the eager audience watching to the very beginning. To a story a long long time ago. During a time where the martial myth was still a young boy. A time where Dugu was a just little liar whose reputation far exceeded his abilities. A time when the poor helpless reincarnator realized that all travelers were nothing without cheats, a system, or plot armor. (please dont attempt to practice the martial arts technique listed in this work. the author IS NOT responsible for any injuries!!)

arthuronuranus · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Prologue (the order is not wrong, everything is your imagination :3) [2837]

Dear weary readers, welcome! Among the vast sea of choices, I'm glad you stumbled across this one. 

I'll say it's the loving work of destiny ehh? Why not take a rest here for a while? I promise to make your time worthwhile!

In the meantime…Sip on a heart warming cup of tea or something and come enjoy our story together!

Hmm, now where do I start?

A little more than a century ago, the age of great exploration started and the leaders of the west and east united to jointly explore the Central Plains.

A few years later under the banner of the royal family, the human federation was established in the Central Plains and border disputes resolved.

The age of exploration had ended and the world was at peace. The human race united as a collective against the demons in the north and the beasts in the south.

The world was modernizing at a rapid pace. The current emperor established destiny for the human race by setting up schools, passing down martial arts, and teaching the common people.

Another few years later, the purge against the world's martial artists would begin. The emperor wanted to centralize power and stop the wanton destruction caused by the competition between various sects of martial arts.

Unfortunately, his efforts were largely unsuccessful and sometime later the emperor was old.

Undercurrents were surging in the federation as the fragile peace threatened to break. The human race had become soft due to years of peace, the bloodshed by their ancestors in the dark ages had long become tales sung by tavern bards.

Beast tides grew in the south freely enjoying the delicious aroma of human meat eating their victims alive.

Demons from the north descended and secretly infiltrated the human race displacing the homes of millions.

But the brilliance of martial arts still stands! Talents come out from schools in large numbers replacing the old soldiers at the front line.

In the land of the Human Federation, martial arts was extremely prosperous.

Experts in the Federation unified and set standards for the level of martial arts classifying them into four realms. Starting from official, to innate, then grandmaster, and finally saint.

Various schools of martial arts had different approaches and philosophies the martial way.

"The human body may have limits but the spirit has no limits."

"If the human body has limits then…from today simply stop being human!"

But they all had one common goal. 

Exploring the subtleties of the martial road step by step until the very peak. Mine the potential in the human body in order to break the limits!

Oh weary reader, that is the most gorgeous existence in the world…I must confess that thee are not good very good at writing conspiracies (˶ ‾᷄﹃‾᷅˵).

 So thee is striving for a lighthearted funny mood for my stories. Aint the world is hard enough already huh? So why not let us all be happy together!! (pulls out a packet of totally safe suspicious white powder) 

There will be bloodshed and revenge, after all this is a martial world, but overall thee would like to state that martial arts is not just about fighting or killing.

There is a famous chinese saying "有人的地方就有江湖,江湖就是人情世故". (yes go ahead and ggl translate if ur interested :> )

It basically means that the "river and lakes" (referring to the intricate world of martial arts) is all about human relationships. The meaning of this saying is that communication, connections, and charisma are very important. How can one reach the top studying like a hermit holed up in the mountains? Unrealistic!!!

You need to fight with others to understand your own martial arts. With two legs(maybe 4), walk the world and learn. Have a tough backing and acquire resources to form your own community. Seek inspiration from new perspectives. And most importantly, the classic plot of hero saving the beauty! Doesn't this all require human relationship? And in some cases…negative distance in depth contact ;p


Martial arts is essentially a complex web of interpersonal relationships hence the term "江湖" (jiang-hu) which directly translate to rivers and lakes. The complex path of wandering rivers is the same as the unpredictable human nature. An intricate relationship of love and hate between brothers, rivals, lovers, and enemies All in the while not losing yourself in the mundane world. This is martial arts. Listening carefully to the sermons, views and feelings of the wise. Acknowledging your own weaknesses in humility and challenging your fears.

On the darker note…

Your relationship with anyone actually does not depend on how nice you are to others. It depends on your strength and the number of chips in your hand.

People are generally more tolerant of the strong, while the weak will be treated harshly even if they have done nothing wrong.

Even if you keep swallowing your anger, It is often seen as cheap flattery.

…is what some villains will say. :3

But I feel that it's wrong. Where there is darkness there is also a blinding light!...that we for all for some reason choose to ignore. It's like that first sunshine in the morning when your mother opens the blinds forcing you out of bed. (def not personal exp)

Precisely the presence of a shadow means there is a light source nearby! As long as we don't lose hope and keep a little bit of delusion we can all forge our way forward. A philosopher once said that life is simple. It's just that you humans (fyi im actually a cat) all have negative bias…the tendency to focus on one negative experience and let it ruin all your positive ones.

There's no perfect solution to the troubles in the world. People that come from all sorts of different backgrounds come together to form all sorts of different perspectives. It's endless really! And beautiful! It means for every single problem there must be an endless number of answers! >.<

There are good and bad people but is it their fault to be born into such an environment? Nah. This cat doesn't think so. (scratches beard and nods with a light of wisdom)

Although human nature is inherently -selfish-1 questionable, it's because of this that the light can shine more brightly. Heroes will come forth when trouble times arise! *cat wearing sunglasses sounding very wise.jpg*

Everyone deserves a chance. Who knows when we ourselves will mess up? 

Oftentimes in this world, the voices of the weak, minority, and disabled often don't matter. That's one of the reasons why everyone looks up to idols(or great figures) so much. They want to be like them. Or at least a part of them reflects their ideal self. They want to live their lives, have their voice heard, and admired. 

Idols are like beacons of faith guiding the way forward for the lost but most forget that they themselves are a star. 

Maybe small flickering and weak at first but I'm sure over time everyone will become a giiianomrous supernova! 

There is a hope waiting for us in the dark. That's the embers and sparks left by the fire stealers. And that's why our hero Dugu will be continuously subject to trials not suitable for his age. Trials he never asked for hehe.

And that's also why I feel the villains in this cat's story may deserve a second chance and have their lives spared by the protagonist. But don't get me wrong! Dugu is not a soft, hypocritical saint that can only speak but not take action. Dugu ma boi, is a big meanie! If you kill someone dear to him he will never forgive you!

Ultimately the amazing thing about martial arts is something super cool called muscles! Yes, that's right. If you have any problems with the someone…just beat them up

What did you say? Brute strength can't solve everything? Hehe my friend, then that only means there's not enough brute strength. Mauurr moos-cles!!!

Think about it..

If you had the power to swallow the sun and moon, burst out a nuclear explosion with each punch, and eat cheese without having bulimia from the other end

…who dares not listen to you?

Since ancient times humans have always admired the strong. No matter which age the primitive beauty of muscles will always remain forever! In ancient times this strength brought about a sense of security and in modern times health.

It's also because of strength that we are able to live in peace and contentment in the modern world. Whether you like it or not the truth is that diplomacy is found within the barrel of a gun. Words means nothing in troubles times. If nukes were never invented would we still have the peace we enjoy today? The eternity of muscles will never fade, just change its form. I can only sit here and type because the country's military and police strength is strong enough to ensure stability. Would talk-no-jutsu work on someone with a cold heart? 

You see, it's too hard to get humans to unite because we can never truly understand others unless we are them themselves. How many can put themselves in other shoes? 

That's why generations of heroes in the Central Plains arose, fought hard, and established the Human Federation! The fire of humanity will never die!

A true martial artist never lacks courage. Small humans with mortal bodies dares to stand equal with the rulers of the sky. 

A hymn of the strong and a song of passion daring to change one's fate against the sky!

To not give up on life and fight with blood and passion! To not let obstacles deter one from what they truly find important. 

Have you heard the saying? The devil never disturbs those going the wrong way…

The path to the very peak is often lonely. When you walk far enough, turning around you will eventually realize there is no one by your side. They couldn't keep up.

So that's why this cat has yet to decide on a heroine for the protagonist meow. But there will definitely be plenty of amazing talents surrounding Dugu each with their spicy stories and big busty women/men hehe. Yes. If you're wondering. Yes. Men can be busty too.

Anyways, the point is that although Dugu is fated to explore the scenery at the highest peak of martial arts…it doesn't mean no one will walk the way with him. Martial arts is like sailing against the current…if you don't advance you will retreat.

It takes guts, luck, and the determination to sacrifice. Everyone likes sacrifices after all meow. Isn't that why most protagonists become orphans? Parents, family, and friends all sacrificed to the sky to obtain boundless magical powers. Humans are strange after all…

But when this cat says sacrifice he doesn't mean that. Nonono *cat shaking head.jpg*

Because by then isn't it pointless? If you have to make sacrifices to get to your goal what's the point? To be willing to sacrifice only means whatever you're willing to give up in exchange was never that important to you in the first place. Just a momentary tear. 

However, to sacrifice something truly important for strength, wealth, or status…

Then for what reason did you want to acquire that said thing in the first place? Wasn't the whole point to obtain strength to protect that said "important" thing? 

The whole point of getting stronger is to never sacrifice again and better guard that very important thing residing deep in your heart. Not the other way around!

So strength never comes from false sacrifices. Exchanging life for strength is heresy!

The real strongman comes through constant training. Sacrifice doesn't mean having to lose something important. It only means to trade the present for the future. Trade time for results. Sometimes sacrifice is just like the choice between family and dreams. Only children make choices, adults want them all!

The road to the peak of martial arts may be lonely but the journey along the way doesn't have to be. Dugu will meet many wonderful people along the way. Just like you oh dear reader!

You have met this cat! And I have met you!

These wonderful people will teach and nurture the fire of humanity in Dugu helping him to grow into a world destroying monster.

Just kidding.

Alas the human heart is complicated and some events are forced against our will. Perhaps we are all secretly robots controlled by chemicals in our brain? After all, neuroscience and math says we don't have free will… 



Alas! The author just wants to emphasize happiness and spread positivity.

Martials are not just about fighting and killing. Not just bloodshed, revenge, or ruthlessness either.

It's about sitting on the eaves on a moonlit night giving a toast to the bright moon. 

It's to be able to hold a cup of wine saluting the vast blue skies. 

On a cold rainy night, drink a cup of warm osmanthus wine with your friends watching the splatter of raindrops discussing the ups and downs of the world. 

It's about flying freely in the sky without a worry about the mundane mortal life. 

To be able to boldly pursue love and have the strength to protect that budding love. It's about providing for your family and having the strength to give them a better life.

Martial arts is not just about the pleasure of decapitating your enemies but to live in peace without fear of oppression. 

To be able to ignore opinions because you are confident in your inner strength

To live and laugh to your hearts content. 

There is no "real system" or cheat here. Everything is achieved by the protagonist's hard work and...maybe just a little bit of talent ahahaha. ;D

A story beginning with the second young master of the Yun family.

This is the martial world of the Central Plain!

 And the ruler at the end of martial arts is called…

The martial myth! 

The person at the peak of martial arts!

Martial arts is mankind's hymn of courage. 

Not afraid to challenge one self. Not blaming others for weaknesses. Riding oneself of victim mentality and constantly challenging ones limits!

This is the true nature of martial arts. 

To live. To laugh. To love

And evolve!

This is a story to the peak of martial arts. 

One day heroes will become legends

And legends will become myths.

One day the bards will sing our stories and the tales of you, me, and Dugu will be passed along the winds.

Come! Let us sound the horns of freedom and train our bodies to obtain the capital of revolution!

Until our blood boils like star fire, soul transforms into the universe, possessing a mortal body rivaling the heavenly beings!

Godspeed now weary readers, this cat has been meandering in the dark for several millennia. Because I have been in darkness my whole life and know the preciousness of light I wish to share my joy with you. 

Yes. Do not question me. I am a cat. The spirit of the dark night. The noble beast wandering in the shadows. A proud representative of the orange faction. (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )

You have not been fooled. This story was really typed by a pair of paws.

*btw please do not imitate the martial arts in this book! everything is purely fictitious!*

…or is it? Mwehehehe >:3 


Since the death of Akira Toriyama(author of DBZ and considered by some the father of anime) I have long wanted to write about the subtleties of martial arts. The story started around the time of his death. His works have always been a huge source of inspiration for me. I hope to paint a vast world of martial arts to bring you the readers(if any) a sense of substitution. I will try to explain and capture the essence of martial arts along with the power of qi. All abilities in this story are pseudo scientific! 

I must reiterate again…this book is purely fictitious PLEASE do not practice the martial techniques in them. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURIES!!!

--I would like to dedicate this story to the readers and akira–

--(-real author speaking here-)--(crossed out by mysterious forces)


Hello ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

-New author-2Cat here who is only -21-31126 years old with more than 200 brothers and sisters to feed. Only have written several short stories and survived two world wars. We are clearly newcomers without much experience!

Thereby Cat asks everyone to take care of new book seeding and give more likes! Thank you all!! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ *bows and salutes*

*Best to listen to passionate music while reading the battle scenes here for full experience!!!*

*I only write for a hobby so updates will only be thrice a week, if you enjoyed your stay please make sure you bookmark and return!* (fri, sat, sun)