
Nobody Touches The Empress

Empress is a title every young lady wished they owned. But not for Qin Lingxue. She's a princess from a foreign land. For the sake of peace keeping, her father the Emperor sold her to another country. She was forced to marry the cold young Emperor that manage to conquer 80% of the land. The very night of their marriage she committed suicide for the first time in her life. She'd rather die than submit herself into her father demand. Thinking dying is the best choice. But when she survived, she felt helpless. Suicide after suicide didn't turned out successful. ......... Seeing that his young Empress were depressed on their wedding day makes him unfeeling heart aches for the first time. He wanted to treasure her and tell her that it's going to be alright but he doesn't know how. He never learnt to court a woman before. Seeing her hurting herself broke his heart so much that he wishes to just conquer that country of hers and killed that selfish father of hers. In order to preserve her life, he personally sent her to the 'cold palace' which isn't. He wanted her to think that she meant nothing to him. ......... One day, when the Empress decided to throw away the thoughts of dying, someone poisoned her to the brink of death. After gaining her consciousness, she started to think carefully of her miserable life. What will happen to her? Will two heart be connected? Or would they stayed the same for the rest of the life? Will the Emperor win the Empress heart?

Capital_E_22 · 一般的
1 Chs

Abandoned Empress?

Born as a Princess, abandoned by the Queen. Coming of age, abandoned by the King. Just like that, she finally threw away her hopes. Continuously treated with disappointment, an innocent little girl finally stopped believing in everything.

On her 18th birthday, she was married off to foreign country as a peace treaty. They had been facing each others at the battlefield. Their battle had lasted for years and to no solution. After their enemy Crown Prince ascend the throne, they're at disadvantage.

Fighting against them any further would bring large casualties on their side. Conclusion brought them into offering a tributes as a peace treaty resulting with them offering their Princess as the Emperor's bride.

Sick and tired of her manipulative father, the girl decided to end her life on their wedding night. Thinking that she would finally left the world peacefully, she commit suicide but strange enough she would survive every single time.

After countless of suicide attempt, her husband the emperor finally locked her up in the 'cold palace'. While residing inside the cold palace, she tried ending her life a few times and still survived.

Tired of killing herself, she finally relented and gave up her dying attempt. But the moment she stopped taking her own life, someone poisoned her food. On her death door, she saw the silhouette of the emperor coming toward her with fear stricken face.

. . . . . .

Qin Sihan the newly ascended emperor, watched his soon to be wife the princess of another kingdom came into his land. The moment he land his sight on her makes him felt something tingling inside his heart.

Nevertheless, looking at her eyes makes his heart clenched tightly. She looks lifeless almost as an empty soulless doll. Their supposed to be happy wedding ended in chaos when he first saw her bloodied lifeless figure in their wedding room.

She commit suicide after suicide as if dying is better than living. He sent his shadow guard to take care of her whenever he wasn't around. That way he succeed in preserving her life.

Thinking that she might loathe living under one roof with him, he sent her to the Phoenix Palace where the former Empress Dowager lived. On the pretense on sending her off to the 'cold palace'.

She did took her life two to three times there but thanks to the shadow guard he planted nearby, he manages to save her life. It's not that he doesn't cares about her, it's just that he never involved himself with any woman before. So, he doesn't know how to coax woman.

In the midst of work, Qin Sihan was disturb by a loud noise. "Your Majesty! The Empress..." Hearing the news about the Empress, he hurriedly discarded his work and flew toward the Empress residence worriedly.

The moment he arrived, his wife was coughing mouthful of blood. He went toward her worriedly as he supported her body in his arms. Pale face with slightly purplish lips. He pour some of his power inside her body making her throw out a black liquid.

He carried her into the bedroom for further assessment. "Investigate everything and everyone." he commanded. They concluded that the Empress was poisoned as they found the residue of poison in her food.

They questioned everyone related inside the palace, they caught the maid that poisoned Her Highness. That maid were working under Concubine Xu whom has the second largest authority after the Empress.

The Emperor was enraged after he knew about the fact. He bestowed death penalty to Concubine Xu, her father was dismissed as the prime ministry and their property was confiscated.

. . . . . .

Lingxue woke up in an unfamiliar room, she tried to rose from the bed but was stopped by a callused hands. "Rest more. You just passed the critical stage, you aren't allowed to walk around yet." he said gently.

"Your Majesty.. I.." Qin Sihan closed the book inside his hands and turned toward his wife. "I am not here as the Emperor, I am here as your husband. I am worried about you so sleep a bit more." he said as he rubbed her tangled hair softly.

Tears started forming on the corner of her eyes, the first genuine warmth that she received after waiting for so many years. A sigh escapes his lips. "I asked you to rest yet here you are crying your eyes out."

His cold but gentle tones soothe her heart which made her cries harder. He embraced her inside his arms and softly rubbed her backs. Though this is their first physical contact, they doesn't feel awkward even the slightest.

"Forgive me, I couldn't make you feel safe in my domain. Tell me how can I make it up to you?" She shook her head. "It's never your fault. I was the one in the wrong, I didn't consider your position."

"If you feel any discomfort, tell me. Even a small silly things, tell me everything. If you want to commit suicide, please do it beside me." his last word makes her chuckles. "Idiot." she retorted making the both of them smile.

"Sleep a bit more." he said putting her on the bed carefully. The moment her body landed on the bed, exhaust took over her figure as she fall asleep almost immediately. While she was sleeping, he stayed right beside her as he went through his paperwork.

Silence filled the room only leaving a soft breathing sounds. Sometimes, he would take a glance on her making sure she's comfortable.