
The Trial

The sun is right above our heads, shining it's radiance like a crazy diamond. It's high noon, and the square was packed with people looking forward to today's trial, honestly these people were either lacking in entertainment, or they have nothing to do. Looks like my plan to build schools and libraries needs to take precedence, sadly I am lacking in both qualified educators and books. Unlike some other person who came here with 'photographic memories of books' that he could literally write down many books without any semblance of mistake, I am just a normal guy here. So for that plan of mine to work, I need some kind of help from the heavens.

While I am sitting here in the judge seat while rambling inside my head, the convicts were called out one by one, and no, there should be no magical girls here. Yep, no magical girls, I am so disappointed right now. Only buff, rough, men.

"They're all heretics caught by the church, my Lord. Please give them fitting judgement." Said one of the many beautiful wardens.

Honestly, were these ladies okay handling a prison full of rough men? Why were my wardens, in a medieval fantasy setting all female? I will never know.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" I asked.

"Nothing. We live by the code, and die by the code." Said one the meanest looking person there.

Good, now they're speaking cryptic, what a great day. Nothing was going right for me ever since I came here.

"So, what code is that?" I asked.

"On behalf of the moon, we will right wrongs and triumph over evil! WE ARE THE SAILOR SOLDIERS!" they all shouted.

At this point, my expectations are very very low. But this bunch managed to get it even lower. So I, as a cultured man, stood up and went into a fabulous pose.

"Good grief." I said, in a deep cool voice.

Looks like even in this world, I have to jack up my sweet body too (to get that rectangular body shape fitting for poses).

"Rerorerorerorerorero" One of them seems to test me.

"Noriaki, may he rest in cherries." I answered confidently.

"Road Roller." It seems they are not believing me yet.

The World." So I answered again.

"What a beautiful city." Oh, that's a good one.

"Duwang, you mean?" As I was saying that, I stood up from the judge's seat, went up to the execution platform, used my sword to cut the rope binding these newfound friends of mine.

"My Lord! What are you doing??!?!?? Those are heretics branded by the church!!!" One of the wardens shouted, unsheathing her sword.

"I am freeing them, I found no mistakes are with them." I answered.

"If you freed them, then you are also a heretic, bind them up again to show us you are not." Said one of the lasses from the warden team.

I whispered to the guys, to give them knowledge of how to run away, as gramps already guessed my intention and gave me a piece of paper where the full map of the country and sewers connecting it were laid bare .

"Choose now Lord, choose the right choice and you may retain your status. Choose wisely."

Looks like I am right in questioning why my wardens were all female. Looks like they're with the so called church.

"If I have to choose, then I choose them." I jumped down from the back of the execution platform, right down into the sewers.

Well, of course I'm the first one to jump down the manhole. Every man for himself, I won't sacrifice my life for a bunch of burly men (otakus). And I need some way to wash away all influence from myself.

The adventure starts now.

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