
Nobility to Wanted Conjurer

nucleusemes · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Repulsive flames pt. 3

As he rode out along the night's dark blanket, He left the burning view behind him.

He ignored the loud growls and howls from behind him and kicked his horse to go faster.

After he defeated the beast from earlier, He wasn't able to ascertain as to where the most beasts were going to be rushing from, He simply burned and blew up the area around him to provide time.

He wished that he would encounter the line in which the beasts' numbers were more thinner than the others.

He thought that simply scattering walls of flames should've been enough, but convinced himself that blowing it all up was the right choice.

He once asked a question as to why villages were only allowed to harvest the lumber they simply needed and asked why they shouldn't be excessive.

After all, Wouldn't the village have enough money to pay their taxes and elevate their conditions?

The answer that was given him to him was a grim one.

If all the surronding villages were to cut an excessive amount of lumber, the magical forces would be disturbed and would attract beasts, either magical or not.

This would, of course, harm the villages and perhaps the entire territory they were located in.

Multiple villages have failed to follow this warning and has had led to them perishing as a result.

The man he asked this question for, recalled a certain event where a decent number of them were called to discipline a village which haven't paid off their taxes and speculated that they might have done something to the tax collector in charge of their village.

Upon reaching the village, they saw the entirety of its population turn into livestock by orcs, goblins, werewolves and even corrupted Ents.

Anyway, They eradicated the the invaders by using a wall of fire and attacking anything that manages cross over it, whilst getting closer and closer to the center of the village.

The women that were used as breeding beds were left to be taken care of by the monastery, while the surviving men were turned into slaves.

They attracted the beasts by cutting down trees to build a path for a water reserve that they recently had made. Shame it never came to fruition.

He exploited this strange mechanism to severely rattle the magical forces around the area, causing beasts to rush upon the scene, be stuck and harmed by the roaring flames, and be completely distracted to give chase to him and his horse.

He was able to encounter beasts, non-magical and magical, but they were easily dealt with by minimum use of magic or a swing of his sword. Also, the physical augmentation he cast onto himself has yet to wear off.

He cut down multiple branches that were in the way of his view, skipped over gigantic roots and pummeled beasts to the ground.

He eventually came upon a river and proceeded to dip himself in it, then rapidly get on his horse in one fluid movement, hoping to wash away the scent off of him.

Nevermind the horse, he could use it as an effective scapegoat.

As he felt the breeze while his horse galloped forward getting colder and colder, He spoke.

"I was never a good egg, was I?"