
No Romance, Please

Fate or accident? I don't know what it was. It played a cruel trick in my life and one day, I was not living anymore. I died! I got transmigrated into my favourite novel, ‘Romance, Please’! (Ok, I agree that it's not a good title but still, I used to love this story.) In the book universe, I pretended to be a princess, started to live in the palace, and even got my very own platinum tiara. I lived much better than in my previous life. But I had to pay the price... The book I loved the most wanted me dead, just for the sake of another character’s development. I had to die in two years, again for the story to progress. Should I wait and watch for the plot to kill me? That's not me! I just chose to rewrite the novel from scratch, together with the villain. Fates started to change. I was made into a queen, the sole ruler of my kingdom. Then again, I had to pay the price. This time it was to sacrifice my love. Plot twist, No Romance, Please, cause it's injurious to health. ************************************************************ Warning: This is a twisted, erratic, nonsensical romance book.

DyaAran · ファンタジー
144 Chs

The Execution Day

The day of execution arrived faster than I thought. I and my three maids were able to survive these days as we planned. When the day finally arrived I prepared myself well.

I wore a snow-white cotton gown and pulled my hair into a high ponytail and tied it with a snow-white ribbon. I wore a thigh dagger holster and sheathed Victor's dagger in it. I looked at myself once in the mirror. I looked pale. My lips looked paler. I looked like a female vampire. I painted my lips red with some tinted lip balm and put on some make-up. I should look presentable. The reflection before me was now slightly changed. Contrary to my frivolous nature, I did look innocent and genuine, more like a princess.

I turned to Flora. "Is Darth ready?" 

"Yes, Your Highness. Also the hostler."

I nodded at her. When I reached the ground floor with my maids, as expected, the queen's guards stopped me from exiting my palace.