

Can I be the only one for her? Eventhough we went through so much misfortune will she love me as she did. Can I be her only Bai Xi and can she be my only Chengchi? Will our love last in this time or lost in this time only our destiny decides but even it didn't will I be able to bring joy into her life. With love we can achieve things if you believe it, proceed.

monzvm · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Hello, I'm Helen sitting in this park I'm just thinking about my life. I'm sure I was born in this city hospital and never been out of the city .I have been living for two decades but I'm pretty sure, no confirmly sure I have never seen this man before but why do I feel like I have known him for a long time and what's that weird heart shaped ring and why do I feel familiar with it as if it's mine.

Meanwhile, 'Miss...Miss...I asked can I borrow your water what are you dreaming about?', he asked.

'Here it is, have it' she gave the water she had and ran away, only to slip and fall down. The handsome and enthusiastic guy came towards her for help and her heart was thumping ... lubb ..dupp...lupp....dupp.. and she felt sudden uneasiness in her chest, a feeling of tightness and short of breath. She fainted in his hands and him holding her shoulders tight with no sense of ease.

He sprinkled water on her face and brought he to the shady desk nearby the park and as she woke up she started crying because of pain.

He asked her,' are you fine?, do you feel your leg? are you alright?, do you want to drink some water?, is it to painful?, should I take you to hospital?, do you want something? ' in a fraction of second that she couldn't even listen properly.

She stared at him and said you are cute and fainted as she felt dizzy. He was shocked and he smiled. He was wondering how a girl can faint while she was crying. He shook her body , but couldn't find any response. He was worried and scared.

So he carried her in his back, took her pink bag and mobile phone in his hand and walked to the local hospital nearby . He said to the nurse who he saw in the entrance that the lady fainted after a slip and fell down and she was awake for a while and fainted again. The nurse bought the patient to emergency services department and called for a doctor. The doctor asked the nurse to check on the vital signs. As they found the vital signs to be normal. The doctor ordered a MRI brain and spinal cord to check internal bleeding. I added to the doctor that she was holding her chest when she fell down first, as I reminded him he added CT thorax, ECHO,EKG to the list of tests to be done. The nurse asked me to pay the bill. So I went to the cash counter to pay so. A heavy amount of USD 5000 was debited from my account and the bill was settled. I said that the bill was paid to the nurse and she can proceed with the examination. Helen was taken to the radiology department and I was waiting out for about two and half hours only to find the health team saying the tests are not yet over. I returned to them and again and they said the tests are over and I do not need to worry about my girlfriend and she will be back to patient room 112 in 10 minutes. I enquired the need for hospitalization and whether she was sick and the nurse replied that,' she has a small contusion in her head and she is still unconscious otherwise she is well and good with no other issues to health.

I waited in her inpatient room for few minutes and the nurse asked to talk to the patient for few seconds as she was unconscious and let her rest after that. I went towards with my hard sunk heart with sorrows. I held her hands and said sorry to her. A sorry to startle her out of blue, a sorry to love her, a sorry to make her love me and a thanks for loving me all the time.

After half a day of sleep she woke up and was surprised to find me near her bedside; seeing the environment she understood that she is in hospital. I was excited and called the nurse in her office. The health team checked on her and decided to discharge her after 2 hours.

On the fine dusk, I asked her whether she wanted to go down to hospital park. In awkwardness and thankfulness she said a yes to it. I bought a wheelchair to her and carried her to wheelchair; I saw her blushed with shyness , only to remove the chains of struggle in my heart.

When we went to the park, she started listening to music and relaxing herself in the dusk. And I was staring at her back from the park seat.