
Ninja World (Naruto)

What if someone lost his loved one in Uchiha Massacre? A reincarnated OC, Slow fic, slow revenge. . . . . . . I originally wanted to test my morals but I failed and wrote this. Recommend the tags for it. Long chapters, Updates, once every 3-5 days. You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot

Logical_Dot · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Ninja World: Chapter 31-35


Moments later, Kaito and Kurenai separated and looking at her, Kaito understood that Ataraxia had done something and because of this, Kurenai had also gotten Otsutsuki's blood in her.

Looking at Sharingan in her eyes, He knew that she would awaken Rinnegan in future and for now, he has to deal with something else.

Kaito turned to the side and saw Anko looking at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

His Sharingan started to spin and Anko found herself in an illusion, She saw the blood-red moon and her expression changed as she saw Uchiha Itachi killing his clan members.

She saw everything that happened in the night, how Itachi acted on Danzo's order, how a masked man helped Itachi in killing everyone, Hiruzen's hypocrisy, Naruto's childhood, Danzo's methods and many other things.

As she came out of the Illusion, her expression changed and she asked, "I have already thought about some things but I didn't think they were this bad."

"Though instead of this, I want to ask about changes in you and her."

"Hm, I know." Kaito said as he 'explained' a few things about his research and now Kurenai has another bloodline in her.

"And when are you going to do the same to me, or do I also have to put a Genjutsu on myself?" Anko said with a mischievous smile but his words changed her expression.

"Before doing that, it would be better if I take care of the Orochimaru's seal on you."

"Hah?" Anko said with a stunned expression on his face, and then her expression changed as she saw his eyes changing and Kaito put his hand on the seal and used Human Path to absorb the part of the soul in the seal and he threw it in King of Hell's mouth.

Seeing all this, Anko was too stunned to speak, and as for Kurenai, she still hadn't come to her senses and she was in her world.

"I-I, Am I free now?" Anko said as her voice cracked and shaking his head, Kaito said, "No, I have to fully remove the seal as even without Orochimaru's soul, it still corrupts your mind and when I am done, you will be free."

"And, you can do it?"

"Huh? You still don't believe me?"

"No, it's not that. It's just, I ..."

"Everything feels unbelievable, isn't it? After all too strange things happened in just an hour, right?" Kaito said while patting her and Anko nodded at him.

"I think it would be better if you sleep and by the time you wake up, you will be free."

"Really? Are you sure about this? What is it is all just a dream and when I  will wake up, everything will disappear."

"It won't," Kaito said as he kissed her forehead and he made her sleep by placing her in Genjutsu. Now that Anko had slept, he created a clone that started to work on the seal and looked at Kurenai.

She was still staring at him, and tilting his head, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Kurenai didn't say anything and holding Kaito's face, she kissed him again and again. Ten minutes later, she rubbed her lips and asked, "How can a beautiful feeling like this exist? It's like I am in a garden full of flowers, and...Arr! I can't even explain what I am feeling."

"And?" Kaito asked as he didn't understand what she wanted to say.

"And I have to thank you for letting me feel something like this."

"Hmm? You don't have to thank you, I am just following your words and to be honest, I don't think I will ever meet someone like you."

"Of course you wouldn't." Kurenai said with a nod and then she looked at Anko and asked, "What happened to her?"

"She feels that everything is a dream so I made her sleep. When she will wake up, she will finally be free." Kaito said while patting her head and Kurenai nodded at him.

"You know, Anko had already her will and she only had one goal in her mind."

"Hmm, Killing Orochimaru or making him repent, right?"

"Yeah, but now looking at the smile on her face, it's my second time seeing her smile with her heart, not the fake smile she always showed."

Kaito didn't say anything as he heard this, he thought of something and he remembered how Anko always acted.

"But now, she doesn't have to worry about anything, and with your help, everything would be easier."

"Nope, I won't help her. Orochimaru is a trauma, which she has to face and I will provide her strength so that she can face Orochimaru without worry and after dealing with him, it will depend on her what she wants to do." Kaito said while shaking his head and Kurenai nodded at him. She became silent for a moment and asked, "When are we leaving the village?"

"Hmm? Where do you want to go?"

"You know what I am saying, don't you? I have heard about the fight between you and Kakashi and with your strength, it would be a piece of cake for you to take care of everything, so what are you waiting for?"

Kaito looked at Kurenai and then sighed.

"What am I waiting for? Nothing. I have decided when I will leave and I will do that. In the fight, I will lose and in a mission, I will die."

"And then?"

"Then? Then I will join Kirigakure, control it, become a 'Jonin', come back to Konoha at Chunin Exams, and kill Hiruzen and others. That's what I planned to do but it is pointless this way."

Kurenai looked at Kaito for a moment and asked, "You don't want innocents to be added to it, don't you?"

"Haha! Innocent? I don't know." Kaito said while thinking of Ataraxia and a sigh escaped his lips. Seeing this, Kurenai put his head on her lap and said, "You don't need to think too much, do whatever you feel like and your heart says, I will be behind you and follow your decision."



After the talk, Kaito took Kurenai to his base and marked her with his Hiraishin Seal. He told her to use the Shadow Clone Technique to practice the Transformation Technique to its peak so that she could use Sharingan in transformation without anyone noticing.

He also checked his body and with Byakugan, he saw the changes in his body and noticed that he had different bloodlines in his body and his DNA had changed and became more perfect.

Now he could see protons and nucleons in an atom and his bones had also changed and he could use them as he wished.

'Did I receive Hyuuga and Kaguya Clan bloodline? Hmm, she must have done it. I guess I will change Anko's body too.'

Saying this, he appeared in the house and before he could move away with Anko, Yukishiro appeared around his neck and she said, "Are you going to do something to this girl, like how you did with others? If yes, then I am coming as I want to talk to you regarding something."

Kaito raised his brows and then they disappeared from the place. After removing the seal on her body, he injected his more perfect cells and saw a message he hadn't seen for a long time.

[Mistress's orders! Adjusting the bloodline, Obtaining a Piece of Soul. The process will go with no side effects.]

{Hmm? System? What did she say?}

[Mistress asked me to help you when you are imparting the bloodline to others.]

Kaito nodded and then he saw Anko's body changing and nodded at it.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" Kaito asked as he looked at Yukishiro, who was looking at the process with a stunned and excited expression.

"You can change and modify bloodlines, can't you?"

"Huh? Yeah, you can say so."

"Then can you check my bloodline and clear the defects in it? It will help me in reaching the primal Dragon bloodline in me."

"Like Snake becoming a Dragon?"  Kaito asked with a strange expression on his face as he opened his Byakugan and checked her body and DNA. His expression changed and he noticed something extra present in her DNA, something that has been stopping or degrading her genes and he asked, "Are you from another world?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean I know that you three Sages have been before Kaguya had arrived in the world, but there are no records of that time. What was the world like before Kaguya arrived?"

Yukishiro looked at Kaito for a moment and said, "The world before Princess Kaguya, huh? It was the same, with humans killing each other, moving to other lands, and using everything as they wished."

"Did they have anything like chakra before?"

"Yeah, some people could use Natural Energy but only a few."

"Hmm! You know, your DNA has something extra that has been degrading your genes, I wonder what it is?"

"Huh? You can see it?" Yukishiro asked with a stunned expression on her face and Kaito nodded at her.

"Yeah, every cell in your body has it, I wonder if it is some curse?"

Yukishiro looked at Kaito for a moment and then said, "Yeah, it is. A curse placed on us, the survivors of past eras by the world."

'Now this is something I don't know. Past era? Does she mean that this world has been cleaned off once?'

"I can't tell you much because if I did, I would die as most of the remnants of the past era had been cleaned off by the world, Only me and slug remember it but unlike me, she had already forgotten most of it."

"Hmm, then what if I could clear the curse in your body?"

"Heh! Can you?"

"Not now, but maybe in future. In return, you will have to tell me everything about the past era." Kaito said as he thought of something and hearing this, Yukishiro laughed and said, "Hahaha! If you can really clear the curse placed on me by the world, I swear I will follow you while remaining in my human form for the rest of my life."

Kaito's expression changed as he heard this and then saw the red line between her and him strengthening.

'Fuck! So that's why it was red. Haha! I didn't expect something like this would happen.'

Shaking his head, Kaito looked at Yukishiro and asked, "Do you want your bloodline to be cleaned?"

"No need, instead of bloodline, I would be happy if the curse could be cleared. If you really think you can do it, then I will wait for you." Saying this, Yukishiro disappeared from the place and Kaito shook his head.

'I can choose not to do it but I am curious about the Past Era. As for the will of the world harming me, Hahaha! It will have to deal with Ataraxia if she wants to do it.'

'Now the method to destroy the curse, well, I will use the most primitive method, using PoD or creating Destruction Energy. But that should be impossible considering current circumstances.'

'Or I can create something that would swallow the curse in her body. Hmm! A small controllable black hole of the same size as her gene and then use it to clear off the curse in her body?'

'Separating body and soul, hmm! Now this is a good way, I just have to convince her to do this.'

Deciding to speak later, Kaito used his Rinnegan to summon different animals and put Hiraishin Seal on them.

He dismissed them and then tried to sense his seal and check the location of the Dimension in which they lived. After all, he wanted to have a personal dimension where time flowed slowly and then send his clones to master Natural Energy in that place.

A few days passed since the event and the relationship between Anko, Kurenai and Kaito had changed a lot. Now, they would just send their clones to deal with Ninja work while spending time to train their powers, mostly Anko who wanted to deal with Orochimaru ASAP and get him out of her mind.


While Kaito was dealing with Kurenai and Anko, Koharu had been working on her mission and she had gotten the location of Tsunade, and Going at night, she had placed her version of the Flying Thunder God seal on her so that she would know her position anytime.

Sensing her location in a forest, Koharu disappeared from the place and appeared behind her, and before Tsunade could do anything, Koharu sealed Tenketsu and sent chakra in her hand.

Tsunade, who was walking was stunned by this as she didn't even sense when her hands had been sealed and just as she was about to move away, she heard the voice and stopped.

"If you will move, Shizune Kato will die."

Hearing this, Tsunade stopped as she looked to the side and saw a white-haired woman with white eyes holding an unconscious Shizune by her neck.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Tsunade shouted as she looked at her with anger on her face and then she saw Shizune disappearing from the place.

"I have sent her to a place so that you will know your place. If you won't listen to me, she will die but you won't." The woman said and hearing her, Tsunade grit her teeth and nodded.

"Hmm! As I heard, you are close to her and she will be your weakness." Koharu said as she put her hand on Tsunade's shoulders and they disappeared from the place.

They appeared in an underground place and Tsunade saw Shizune lying on a bed with a clone beside her.

"Just who are you? What do you want from me?" Tsunade asked while trying to unseal her hands, but she failed as Koharu's chakra was much stronger than hers.

Before Koharu could say anything, he felt a hand on her head and she heard, "Enough, no need to bother her like this, I have changed my mind and there is no need for her."

"Yes, Master~" Koharu said as she backed away and Tsunade looked at the man who had arrived at the place. She didn't understand how someone could arrive at her without her noticing as if teleporting into the place.

'Wait? Teleportation?'

"How do you know my Granduncle's technique? Are you someone from Konoha?"

Looking at Tsunade, Kaito appeared in front of her and he held her chin.

"Tsunade Senju, you, who had lost everyone, Your clan, your brother, your lover, and everything. Why did you decide to run away instead of fighting and taking revenge for your loved ones?"

"With your potential, if you had decided, you could have become one of the strongest people in the world and even achieved your brother and lover's dreams. You could have become Fourth Hokage and taken care of the village your grandfather built."

"But why did you run away and drown yourself in sorrow? Why did you lose all of Senju Clan's properties and half of Konoha in the gambles that you knew you would always lose, and why did you also destroy the life of Shizune Kato, who had to leave the village and everyone and live like a run away with you?"

Kaito asked these questions as he held Tsunade's chin and the more she heard, the worse her mood became and she got angrier.

"Who the fuck are you to say these things from? Fucking shit who must haven't lost anyone and doesn't know what it feels like to love anyone. Do you even know how it feels when you will look at your lover's dead body and your brother's body that can only be recognised by the items he wore?"

"Do you know how it feels to your family and clan dying in war for the village that has been sending them on suicide missions?"

"Do you know how it feels when you get to know that your teacher is the one behind the demise of your clan and your relatives?"

"Do you know how it feels when you get to know that your grandfather's body has been used to experiment and children are getting killed because of it?"

"Fucking imbecile you shitty pack of meat and bones, do you even know anything?"

"Threatening me with my student's life and kidnapping me, what the fuck do you want to do? Huh? What? Can't speak? Haha! I was right! You are just a fucker who knows nothing and has gotten power, like a kid who got new toys to play with."

Tsunade shouted as she looked at Kaito with a mocking expression, but even after this, Kaito didn't say and just gave a smile. He unsealed her Tenketsus and he did, She punched with everything she had, but her punch was easily caught by him

At the side, Koharu looked at Tsunade with killing intent in her eyes but the only reason why she is holding is because Kaito hadn't ordered her. If he did, Koharu would make Tsunade pay for every curse she had spoken and then the disrespect she had shown for her master.

"So weak!" Kaito said as he held her punch and seeing this, her expression changed and before she could do anything, she heard Kaito speak, "I am Kaito Sato from Konoha. When I was an infant, I was adopted by a woman named Kushina Uzumaki."

Hearing this name, Tsunade's expression changed but Kaito continued, "Early years were good, and she became a sister figure to me instead of a mother figure. But everything thing changed on 10th October. When I was five, I lost her and Minato and I became what you would call an orphan."

"You asked if I don't know how it feels when your family dies? Now you know the answer."

"Next, when I was in the academy, I was friends with almost everyone in the class but there were two people who were special to me. We were together in almost everything. The boy and girl were of the same clan and we were best friends."

"Though we were in different genin teams with me and the girl together and the boy in in another one."

"Me and the girl fell in love, but everything changed because their clan's situation wasn't good."

"That night, my whole life was turned around and I lost everything. Do you know why?"

Kaito asked as he looked into Tsunade's eyes, who kept on looking into his eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Because they were members of the Uchiha clan. The name of the boy who was my best friend is Itachi Uchiha, and the name of the girl with whom I was in love is Izumi Uchiha."

"With you being Jiraiya's friend, you must have gotten a letter about Uchiha Massacre, right? My best friend killed my lover and all the clan members."

"You asked if I knew how it feels to see your family die? Well, now you have your answer."

"You asked if I knew how it feels when your relative is the cause of your family's death? Well, now you have your answer."

"You asked if I knew how it feels to see your lover's dead body? Well, I don't but..." Kaito said as Sharingan appeared in his eyes and he continued, "I do know how it feels to see the eyes of your loved one every day in the morning and remember that she is dead and you won't see her again."

"Tsunade Senju, now I will again ask you, What do you think of me now?"


Looking into Tsunade's eyes, Kaito asked his question and this time, Tsunade didn't say anything and she kept on staring into his eyes. Even though she knew that he hadn't lied, and if he did, then he must be the biggest bastard in the world.

"You are unlucky, just like me," Tsunade said as she took her hand from his hold and held it. Hearing her, Kaito looked at her for a moment and laughed.

"Haha! Unlucky? Haha! You are wrong. I might have suffered but I am not unlucky like you, in fact, it would be an insult to me if you compared yourself to me."

"At first I thought of using the information but now that I know you are aware of those things, all my respect for you has decreased. Even after knowing everything, you didn't do anything against those fuckers, Haha! I wonder how Tobirama and Hashirama would feel if they knew it."

"If Mito knew about this, no! She actually knew about all this but she didn't do anything. Just like you, she remained silent hoping they would stop after decreasing the influence of the Senju Clan but they didn't and now you are the least Senju Clan member left."

Kaito said with disdain in his voice as he looked at shivering Tsunade, who crushed the floor and shouted, "What did you expect me to do? Do you think I didn't think about doing anything? Fuck! If I wanted, I could have killed him but I didn't have any proof."

"Damned Danzo, Damned Hiruzen, Damned Jiraiya and Damned Konoha! They didn't let me do anything and if I did, If I did..." Tsunade broke down as she said and tears appeared in her eyes as she looked covered her face.

"What would have happened if you did?" Kaito asked as he crouched in front of her and held her crying face with her chin.

"If I did, Minato and Kushina would have been targetted. Shizune would have to suffer assassinations every day, and not only that, knows about my granduncle's experiment would have been released, and it would have shamed my dead clan."

"I was also ordered to stop training and now years later, I am nothing more than an old husk of dead bones that can't do anything. If I did, Naruto would suffer and Danzo would make him the puppet."

Tsunade broke down as she said all this and hearing this, Kaito nodded and he understood that he had been underestimating Hiruzen.

"I didn't expect that Monkey would have this cold heart, Well, Tsunade Senju, what if I can give them the chance to take revenge against them? What if your body was back to your prime?"

"What if you don't have to worry about Naruto and Shizune, and you can do whatever you want without any worries?"

"Would you like to take this chance for any price?"

Kaiti's words were like sweet words of the devil for Tsunade and looking at him, she asked, "What can you do and what price do I have to pay?"

"What price can you pay?"

"For you to serve me with just your body, I can kill Hiruzen and Danzo for you."

"For you to serve with your body and soul, I can give you back your youth and I will let you kill Hiruzen."

"For you to serve with your body, heart and soul, I can give you back your youth, Pure Senju Bloodline so that you can use Wood Release, and I will let you kill Hiruzen and Danzo."

"But only after I have tortured them so that Death will be mercy to them."

Hearing all this, Tsunade's expression changed and she asked, "Are you sure you can do what you are saying?"

"Yeah, I can! I swear on my chakra that I will provide you what you desire, in this case, the three options I have given."

Tsunade looked at Kaito for a moment and then biting her thumb, she said, "I also want to torture them before."

"I, Tsunade Senju swear on my chakra to serve Kaito Sato with my body, heart and soul  for the rest of my life."

As she said, she looked at Kaito, who flicked her forehead and said, "Damn woman, you really love to play, don't you? For the rest of my life, not his? So you plan on killing yourself when everything is done and leave the world, huh."

Kaito said with a smirk and hearing this, her expression changed.

"Haha! Let's see if you will kill yourself, or choose to live in future."

Kaito said with a laugh as he picked Tsunade in a princess carry and threw her on the bed after knocking her out. He reminded her body's state and a marble appeared in his hand as he took out the DNA that had Pure Senju Bloodline he had, and inserted it into her body.

While doing all this, he looked at Koharu, who had been silent and asked, "What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, everything will happen as you wish," Koharu said and Kaito chuckled as he heard this.

"Later, you can learn Iryojutsu from her, okay? She won't deny you."

"Yes, Master."

"Hmm! I didn't expect Tsunade would know everything, and she would be threatened to stay quiet. Haha! Now I want to see Monkey's face when he will see Tsunade coming for her."

"I won't take out my anger on innocents, but it doesn't mean I can't make your life worse."

Saying this, Kaito looked at Tsunade, whose body had completely changed and a grin appeared on his face.

"Still, I am quite hurt from the curses she said before, How do you think I should punish her, Koharu?" Kaito asked as he looked at Koharu, who thought of something and said, "You should make her horny, and then stop her from pleasuring herself for days, it will be a good punishment for her, and then when she has done a task, reward her and her body will get addicted to your touch."


Leaving Tsunade and Shizune, Kaito ordered Koharu to take care of them and he disappeared from the place and arrived at his house. He was about to go and meet Kurenai, but his expression changed as sensed Kakashi coming in the direction, and he looked at his appearance and nodded.

"Kaito, you have been called by Hokage Sama."

"Coming!" Kaito shouted as he came outside and looked at Kakashi, who had gotten stronger and he could sense the seal on his eyes.

'I guess Hiruzen is quite serious about the match.'

Kaito thought as they moved away and arrived in the Hokage Office. There, he saw Hiruzen, Danzo and 'old' Koharu in the place.

"Hokage Sama, you called for me?"

"Ah Yes! Kaito. Before, I will tell you everything, here take this." Hiruzen said as Kakashi passed two scrolls to him and he opened them and read them. His expression 'changed' as he read them and asked, "What does this mean, Hokage Sama?"

"As written in scrolls, you have completed the two S-Rank Missions I had given to you and now you are free from it."

"Chunin Kaito, you will be given a new mission and the reason why I am giving this to you is because it is related to you."

Saying this, Hiruzen passed another scroll to him and after reading the mission, Kaito's expression changed and his killing intent was leaked.

"Kaito!" Hiruzen shouted and Kaito came back to his senses and calmed himself, he looked at Hiruzen and said, "Sorry, Hokage Sama, I lost control over my emotions."

"Hmm, I understand. What do you think, do you want to take part in the mission?"

"Yes!" Kaito said immediately and Hiruzen smiled at his answer.

"As it is an undercover mission, you will be receiving another mission as cover and it will be to escort Elder Koharu to the capital."

"Yes, Hokage Sama." Koharu said as he glanced at 'Old' Koharu and nodded.

"What about my team?"

"You will be 'alone', and others will be hidden, do you understand?"

"Yes, Hokage Sama."

"Hmm! Now go and prepare for the mission, You have one hour before you will leave. Also, don't tell anyone about the mission or you won't be joining it, especially Sasuke Uchiha."

"Yes, Hokage Sama," Kaito said as he disappeared from the place and seeing this, Danzo's expression darkened as he was now losing his pawn.

'I can't even fake his death as Kakashi will be joining the mission. Damn You! Hiruzen, I wasted my good pawn because of you, but I will get back at you by controlling both of them with this.'

Leaving the Hokage office, Kaito travelled back to his house and prepared for everything. Without meeting anyone, he disappeared from the place as his clone took his place and Kaito appeared inside his lab and started to prepare.

Creating clones, he looked at them and said, "You two, prepare two three-tomoe Sharingans that would match Izumi's DNA."

"You two, go and control Isobu and bring him here."

"You two, go and take over Kusagakure."

"As for you two, prepare traps in the place of meeting and create barrier seals and trapping seals."

"As for you two, prepare Koharu's old body. Here, use these to create a body."

"Haha! I didn't expect that he would even sacrifice his old friend for this mission, Hiruzen, It will be fun when I will see the look of despair on your face. With memory erasing technique, every time I will torture you, your reactions will be genuine."

The mission Hiruzen had given was about the location of Itachi Uchiha and they planned to attack him by surprise. Of course, Kaito knew that it was a fake mission as he could sense Kakashi's guilt and Danzo's anger.

Not only that, it seems Hiruzen had plans regarding the Elder Council, which he would start after sacrificing Koharu in the mission.

"Sasuke, Naruto, I wonder what face your two will make when you will hear my death's news. If they remained silent and wouldn't say anything, then they have grown up and passed the last test, and if Naruto made a mess, they both would fail."

Saying this, Kaito grinned and a malicious smile appeared on his face.

"Go and keep an eye on Konohamaru. Even if I am faking, I don't want Hiruzen to be relieved. Haha! I wonder how he would feel after receiving the body parts of his grandson?"

Thinking of this, Kaito smiled as Rinnegan appeared in his eyes and his vision changed to that of his clone, who had been travelling with 'Old' Koharu.

'I should inform her about this.'

Thinking of this, he sensed her location and summoned her. Before she could say anything, Kaito sent her to Genjutsu and she received the information about it.

Coming out of illusion, Koharu looked at Kaito and asked, "Any order, Master~?"

"Not for now, I will give if I have one."

"Yes, Master~"

In Konoha, Sasuke, who had been training with Naruto, he stopped suddenly and his expression changed. Seeing this, Naruto looked at him and asked, "What happened, Sasuke?"

"I have a feeling that something is going to happen." Sasuke said and hearing this, Naruto's expression changed and asked, "You too? I also felt that something bad was going to happen. Should we look for Kaito-Nii?"

"Hmm, let's go! Also, Naruto, do you remember what I told you before?"

Naruto's expression changed as he heard this and his expression became dim, "Yeah, I remember,"

He said in a low voice and seeing this, Sasuke patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Just believe in him and even if others say anything, just accept it without bickering much. I am sure you have noticed many things, don't you?"

"Yeah, I have," Naruto said as he thought of the fox inside him, the fox he had been talking with daily and now they could talk to each other mentally.

{Foxy, what is going to happen?}

{How would I know what is going to happen?}

{Then why do you act as if you know everything?}

{Shut up and let me sleep! Just do what your Uchiha Kit is saying and you will be okay.}

{Tsk! Useless Fox!}

{Don't forget who gives you healing and chakra.}


Naruto clicked his tongue and both of them left to look for Kaito, not knowing they wouldn't be able to meet him, for years.


Read 15 extra chapters at P@treon: p@treon.com/Logical_Dot