
Part #1 Destroyer

"Thanks, Uncle, Honey," I said with a smile as happy and sweet as possible. Even though I feel like throwing up myself.

I took the wad of cash that was given to me to pay for my services tonight. Because thirty percent had already been paid to Mami as a down payment.

I was still sitting on the bed curled up with a thick white blanket so that my body was covered.

"You're really good. You're second to none. You can really make Uncle feel good." He stood by the side of the bed and pinched my chin.

"Tomorrow, use me again, okay, Uncle. Jan will use something else."

"Ready." He kissed my forehead, I want to kick his big belly but I need the money. "Lan, Uncle come back first."

The hotel fee was indeed paid by my girlfriend.

"Iya, ati-ati, Om."

I cleaned up my scattered clothes. Uncles with fat bellies but still charismatic at the age that I think are fifty years old have come out. I went to the bathroom to clean my dirty body. Maybe you will never be clean even if you take a bath with seven kinds of flowers.

My body is 163 cm tall, olive skinned, with a beautiful face typical of Indonesia, so compliments from the men who are happy to moan with me are now dressed neatly again.


I came out of the hotel room while playing on my cell phone. There are several messages from my best friend Resti.

[Why didn't Mr. Bambang go to college? I can't believe it, remember that it's our final semester.]

[Busy, looking for money, Res. You know, the money doesn't use a mold.]

[There is an APTL Mathul assignment,] explained Resti.


There's another new message.

[Lan, seven o'clock to Green Fresh Hotel. Number 310.]

[OK, Mami,] I replied.

Then switch to replying to Resti's message.

[Res, copy and paste, the task. Martabak, okay.]

[Ah, always. Two servings of martabak, beef and chicken, using matcha boba.]

[Yeah, matcha eagle or matcha najwa are also okay. For you, what's not.]


Not without reason I do all this.

It all started with my story a few years ago.

Mas Afri is my fiancé, as far as I know, he is the son of a rich man, owner of a villa business and coffee distributor, but we live in different districts. The plan was for me and him to get married. Even though I just graduated from high school, I'm ready to sail the household ship with him. At least I can lighten the burden on my father and mother.

I feel like the luckiest woman to have him. For me, even though he is young, Mas Afri is very responsible.

He didn't play games with me, as a sign of his seriousness, he brought his parents home to propose to me and we were going to get married to justify this step of the relationship before he went to town.

Until then, when it was a few weeks before we got married. Father and mother went to town to buy wedding supplies. My sister is still at school. I'm still in the room getting ready to leave for a coffee plantation not far from my house.

"Lan, assalamu alaikum!" That's Mas Afri's voice. I quickly ran out of the room towards the front door.

"Wa alaikum salam. How come it's still early here, Mas?" I asked.

"Miss you," he teased, smiling at me.

"Duh, can I make coffee, Mas?"

"You don't have to. Yesterday, you ordered me to bring a photocopy of my family card and my ID card. To take care of our marriage certificate. I'm going to town, I need something today."


The sound of an old rattan chair after Mas Afri threw his body to sit on the chair. Then I sat down next to him.

"Well, father and mother to town, Mas."

"To the city?" Mas Afri sat up straight while looking at me.

"Yes, shopping for our wedding preparations later."

"Tari ke mana?"


"You are alone?"

"Yes, if it's crowded, it's called a demo."

"Hihihi..." he chuckled then he leaned closer to me. "Can I kiss you?" he continued.

"No, I'll go too far. Where's the KTP, I'll be late to the garden again."

"It's late because of me, Lan." Mas Afri suddenly hugged me to make me surprised.

"No, sir," I nervously said.

"Just once, Lan. After all, we're getting married soon. Now or later it's the same."

"It's different, Mas. Now we are punished for adultery. It's a sin."

The tighter he wrapped his arms around my body. I pulled his hand to let go but in vain. His body is too big and strong. Obviously, I, the smaller one, must lose.

"Come on, Lan."

He held me half lifted. I struggled, trying to break free from his strong grip.

"Mas, let go. Or I will scream," I threatened and Mas Afri didn't stop walking.

"Just shout, the houses here are far away. Besides, if they come, they really kick me out of here and we won't get married. Your parents will be ashamed, Lan."

"I don't care. Your attitude like this is clear if you can't control your lust, you don't respect me, Mas."

"We're going to get married, Lan. After all, I'm going to be the one enjoying it too. Don't worry, it's delicious," he coaxed.

I shook my head.

"Aakh--" my mouth was quickly silenced, my body was lifted with one hand. He walked towards my room.

"Silence, Lan. Nurut, I am your future husband."

"Mmmhhh... hhh... hhh...." his mumbling on my mouth got stronger.

I can't hold back my tears.

"Shut up!" he snapped and put my body on the bed, he bent over me.


I kicked his body as much as I could but only hit his thigh, even though my goal was to get his genitals so that he was helpless and I ran.

Mas Afri is a bit away from my body. I quickly got up and dodged while running to get out of my room and leave this man.


My neck suddenly felt sore and heavy, something hard hit the back of my neck. It looks like Mas Afri hit me.

I suddenly unbalanced and fell. My consciousness is thinning.


For a moment I was unconscious.

I started to feel my body being pounded, there was pain, sore and warm between my legs. I opened my eyes.

"Huh!" I screamed surprised to see Mas Afri already above me, moving in an orderly manner, crashing my body until I was mentally. My hands gripped the sheet tightly.

His hands were clamped to my mouth, his body was pressed against mine, until I could no longer move. Only my tears are free to slide out.

I started shaking my head weakly. He buried his head in my neck. His body stiffened with a heavy breath coming out of his mouth.

"Ahhhggg..." he moaned as tears filled his eyes.

Not delicious, but excruciating pain. The pain, wetness and pain down there penetrated my heart and then pumped through my veins.

Mas Afri's body got up. I pulled the blanket that I folded neatly near the pillow to cover my dirty body.

He quickly put on his long black jeans.

I was still scared while bending my knees, I covered my whole body with a blanket.

"It's okay, Lan. We're going to get married, now we'll do the same. Okay, the important thing is that I'm responsible. Come on, I'll take you to the plantation, he said he wants to work," he said casually as if nothing had happened. Even though he forcibly took away my honor that I had been guarding.

Mas Afri corrected his short sleeve shirt.

"But not by being forced like this, Mas," I said, shaking with tears.

"Come on now. Quickly put on your clothes. Before anyone sees and it will embarrass you for the rest of your life."

"You are shameless!" I rebuked.

"Halah ...." then Mas Afri came out of my room.

I'm still crying nervously while wearing my original clothes.

"Hurry up! Do you want to go to work or leave?" he asked.

Mas Afri returned to face me with his head poking in the doorway. I still didn't answer.

"Fine, you just take the day off. You're tired right? I'll pay you later today. Go ahead, just lie down. I'll just go home, OK? I'll have a copy of my KTP in the front cupboard."

Mas Afri walked into my room. I stared sharply at the man who had just molested me.

Now he is standing next to my bed.

"Don't be afraid anymore. I'm doing this with you because I love, love you, Lan. So that you'll only be mine. Sorry, honey."

His head leaned in, probably about to kiss me but I backed away clutching my blankets tightly.

"I love you, Lan. I will take responsibility for my actions."

Mas Afri's hand reached out and rubbed the top of my head.


There is no other choice, I will still marry Mas Afri. After all, preparations for marriage have already been made, neighbors and relatives already know. After all, who wants a woman who is no longer pure like me.

Three weeks have passed.

Today is my wedding day, everything is ready. My big family with neighbors came. My face is completely made up. The calf-length kebaya that my mother from the city bought fits me perfectly.

It's eleven in the afternoon. The marriage contract was supposed to be held at eight o'clock, but we are still waiting even though we are a bit worried.

Indeed, the road before entering this village will be busy from eight to ten o'clock and coincidentally there is a cattle market today.

I called Mas Afri's cellphone repeatedly. But the phone is dead, no answer.

Now I can no longer hide from my brothers and my mother and father how messed up my mind is right now.

"Really what's wrong, Lan?" asked the mother who now came with the father to my room.

"It's past eleven o'clock, but your husband-to-be hasn't come. What did he say?" asked father.

"Wulan doesn't understand. Why doesn't Mas Afri pick up Wulan's phone, and now the phone is off," I worried.

I massaged the nape of my neck while biting my lips trying to calm my anxiety at this time.

I can't imagine if this marriage failed. No... it's impossible for Mas Afri to betray me.

"Wulan, the master has permission to go home. I want to marry another bride," said Pakde Pur who joined me in my room.

"Well, don't. Then what about my son, brother," said the mother in a panicked voice.

"No, you can't, Nik. The headmaster doesn't only work in one place," replied Pakde Pur.

We flocked out and the penghulu said goodbye.

We couldn't prevent the priest from leaving, because he was waiting for him not a moment from the estimated time of the marriage contract.

The guests had already formed a mob and I'm sure they were talking about this pointless marriage.

My mind is hallucinating. Does Mas Afri not want to be responsible? Has he changed his mind? Or maybe an accident on the road?

I threw my ass on the floor.

I took a deep breath. What should I do?

"Lan, you try to contact Afri again," said the father while the mother was already crying in her room with my aunts.

"Yeah, but I can't," I replied.

"Try once again."

The cell phone that I'm still holding, I just keep connecting it to Mas Afri's number but only the operator answers and states that the number I'm calling is no longer active.

Increasingly, the guests one by one came out of my house. Some brothers still survive but some also leave.

I remember that the photocopy of Mas Afri's KTP that was given to me before is still in the cupboard. There is an address there, I was never invited to his house. Only in the past his parents came to this house to propose to me, gave money for peningset and set an auspicious day for the wedding date.

I got up and took it. Together with Pakde Pur I went there, driving the pickup truck that is usually used to deliver coffee beans. But before that I changed my clothes into simple neat clothes.

You can't come because you have to accompany your mother who has fainted over and over again. Meanwhile, my younger brother Mentari is still too young to look after my mother.

"Are you sure, Lan, that's Afri's address? You're so determined to come to his house anyway?" Pakde Pur asked when we were on our way to Mas Afri's house.

"Sure Pakde, I don't want to be toyed with like this," I said with dewy eyes and rubbed them.

I looked at the clock on Pakde's hand, it was already a quarter to two.

Not long after, we entered the street address of Mas Afri's house.

"Number fifty, Lan?"

"Yes, uncle."

Then the speed of the car slowed down in the lane on the left.

"That, his house?" asked Pakde while dropping his gaze on the big and luxurious house to the left of our car.

"Yes, Pakde. I've seen Mas Afri take a photo on the terrace of the house there."

"Okay, let's go inside. We ask for clarification from Afri's family," Pakde said, then we both went down to the magnificent house.

There was someone sweeping the yard of his house, because the gate of his house was wide open, Pakde and I just went inside.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Is this really Pak Rusno's house?" asked Pakde Pur to the women who swept the yard.

"Really, what do you need, huh?"

"Can you meet Mas Afri?" cut me fast.

"Mas Afri went to Jakarta," answered the mother.

"Jakarta?" I was surprised.

"Yes, already from two days ago."

The tightness was getting louder in my chest. So this is the reason for being secluded, it turns out he went to town.

"Who, Rum?" asked a tall, manly gentleman who came with a woman dressed in a modern kebaya - neatly holding the father's hand.

"This is Pak Rusno, someone asked Mas Afri," explained the mother.

Mr Rusno? That's the name of Mas Afri's father, but it wasn't this father who Mas Afri invited me to propose to me first and his mother wasn't this mother either.

"Mr. Rusno? Rusno Setiaji?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. What's wrong?" said the father.

Then who was Mas Afri and the person he brought to propose to me at that time?

