Your name is Nick, you come from a place called Analand located near the Shamutanti hills. Analand is a city surrounded by 30 meter tall walls going all around it all the way until it reaches the mountain to the north east of Analand's and a beach to the south of it. You have been gifted by the power of magic since childhood. You were taken in by a sorceress and raised by her and her husband. You can cast any spell if the proper stars align and you know the purpose of the alignment. You have learned from the sightmaster Kim, the greatest fighter of Analand. Your sword skills are unparalleled. Your natural hight of 1.9 meters and bulky body amazes your friends and scares your enemies. You're going to embark on a journey to Mampang to kill the evil sorcerer who stole King Alan's Magical staff. He is know as the archmage of Mampang and the strongest wizard who has lived for a thousand years. You have 10 gold coins, a spellbook with 20 spells and an iron sword. Your journey to defeat the evil archmage shall begin! A.N. This story is based on one of my favourite fighting fantasy game called Steve Jackson's sorcery. I loved that game and highly recommend you check it out if you enjoy my story.
You see an old man with goat like horns and a crown made of gold on top of his head as he stares at you while holding a piece of paper in his left hand and laughing quietly underneath his bushy brown beard. The old man stops laughing and says "May we not meet."
You suddenly jump out of your bed with sweat pouring down your forehead and your heart beating faster than ever before. You quickly calm yourself down and try to remember where this weird panic came from. "What did I see in my dream? I can't seem to remember any of it."
You spend a couple of minutes trying to remember your dream, but you only managed to remember a golden crown and wonder what that crown was. It looked similar to King Alan's crown, but it had signs of stellar energy on it, unlike King Alan's. You don't waste any more time and get dressed for the day. Today is a big day and you cannot afford to waste any time.
You walk out of your house, ready for adventure and walk towards the king of Analand, Alan. You shake hands with the man you have known your entire life and King Alan hands you a small ring. You examine the ring and can't figure out exactly what it is. It seems to be made out of silver and has no magical properties. The king of Analand smiles and hands you a small scroll tied with a blue ribbon. "My wife asked me to hand this scroll to you when I think it is the best time to. I think now is as good as ever to give it to you."
You open the paper scroll and read it's content. It reads "LIV, the spell of the living. Requires you to have a silver ring and 1 stamina to cast. Has the power to enhance any weapon with holy stellar energy, bringing it the power to deal damage to the none physical, the astral and kill the undead."
You are amazed! To think king Alan would gift you such an amazing item. The undead are a disease that plagues the Backlands and the Middiki Forest. You will have to pass through both of these on your journey to Mampang, so the ring will be extremely useful. You rejoice at the opportunity to learn such an useful spell as well and thank your deceased master. You take out your spellbook and examine the last page of it. The 21st page has appeared and now you have the LIV spell registered in your spellbook.
[Any new spell you discover and understand will be added to your spellbook]
The sight master who taught you the art of combat hands you a small bag. You look inside the bag and see 2 provisions, 30 gold coins and a small launch firework. You look at the sight master confused. He understands your confusion and explains the use of the rocket "This is for when you achieve victory. You can shoot it up high and I will see it. The moment we spot it, we will activate the end gate portal on our side. To connect the points, you will have to cast POP and then DOP in order to succeed."
You remember your training with the sorceress Anne, King Alan's wife. The first spell she ever taught you was the DOP spell. You still remember the words she used when explaining the spell to this day "DOP is one of the weakest and most widely used spells. It opens anything locked physical. It only costs 1 stamina. Even though it has no combat potential, it is a sorcerer's most useful tool!"
Your master passed away before she finished her research on spell fusion. She only left the technique of fusing POP and DOP to open a dimensional gate from 2 different points and the way of fusing PWR and PEP to create a miraculous strength buffing spell.
You look at your master, your king and your friends. It is time to being your journey. You go up to your master and say "Master, before I leave, could we have one last fight? I want to see if I am ready to take on the outside world!"
Your master nods at you and takes you to the fighting arena near the gate of Analand. All of Analand's citizens have come to watch the fight between the legendary hero and his master. Sightmaster Kim picks up his bow staff and gets ready to fight.
Combat with sightmaster Kim engaged.
You have 20/20 stamina and 14/14 power. Sightmaster Kim has 13/13 Stamina and 12/12 power. He is determined to go all out in your last test. He bows to show you respect and you do the same. The battle begins.
You use a skillful attack with 5 power and swing your sword towards the opening on the sightmaster's left side. Sightmaster Kim wasn't intending to attack and rises his staff to meet your sword. You manage to deal 1 damage. Sightmaster KIm now has 12/13 stamina and 12/12 power. You have 20/20 stamina and 11,5/14 power left.
Sightmaster Kim laughs and says "You finally fixed your bad habit of going all out whenever you attack. That is good news. Such stupid tendencies might cost you your life out there." The Sightmaster nods in approval and gets into a fighting pose.
You have less power than the Sightmaster and decide to play it safe. You use 0,2 power.
Sightmaster Kim is surprised. You figured out his fake out and managed to counter his 0,1 power Jab with your 0,2 power jab. The Sightmaster takes 2 damage and jumps back. He says "Good, good, very good! I am quite amazed you managed to figure me out!" You smile and say "I learned from the best." Sightmaster Kim has 10/13 stamina and 11,9/12 power left. You have 20/20 stamina and 13,4/14 power left.
You gather your strength and attack Sightmaster Kim with a 12 power strong attack. Sightmaster Kim managed to read your movement and blocked the attack. Sightmaster Kim only got slightly injured from the impact and took 1 damage. Sightmaster Kim has 9/13 stamina and 12/12 power left. You have 20/20 stamina and 7,4/14 power left.
Kim smiles and says "Now it's my turn to be on the offensive!" You decisively block the incoming attack.
The sightmaster's bow staff hits your sword with a 7,5 power strong attack. You managed to absorb the impact with your sword and redirected the damage. You only took 1 damage. Sightmaster Kim has 9/13 stamina and 8,2/12 power left. You have 19/20 power and 11,4/14 power left.
The Sightmaster stares at you and waits for your next move. You don't leave him waiting as you use a 1 power jab. The Sightmaster smirks. He overpowers your jab with a 5 power skillful attack. The bow staff hit you straight on your left thigh. You are forced to retreat because of the impact and take 3 damage. Sightmaster Kim has 9/13 stamina and 5,7/12 power left. You have 16/20 stamina and 12,9/14 power left.
You look at your master and say "That was a mighty blow. Didn't think I'd have to get hit by your staff again before my journey." Sightmaster Kim laughs and says "You will meet a lot more surprises on your journey than this!"
You get up and charge an 8 power strong attack. Sightmaster Kim mistakenly thought you were going to Jab at him and used a 2 power jab. He was hit by your full force attack and his chest was slashed. He took 4 damage and his body now has a huge cut on the chest. Sightmaster Kim has 5/13 stamina and 6,7/12 power left. You have 16/20 stamina 8,9/14 power left.
Sightmaster Kim mistakenly thought you had less power than him now and went all out with his next attack. He used a 6,7 power skillful attack. It's a good thing you also went all out and used an 8,9 power strong attack. You overpower the Sightmaster easily and he falls on the ground. Your sword stabs into his left leg and he takes 4 damage. Sightmaster Kim has 1/13 stamina and 3,3/12 power left. You have 16/20 stamina and 4,4/14 power left.
"I yield!" Says the Sightmaster. He looks proud of you. You have never seen him so proud in all of your life.The crowd of Analand's citizens cheer you on. They are all screaming your name loud and clear. You help your master stand up and the healer tends to your wounds. Your stamina recovered to 20/20.
The king guides you to the city gates and gives you your final instructions "The first town near Analand is Cantopani. Go there and spend the coming night there. If you miss sleep or don't eat at least once a day, your stamina will decrease. Make sure you secure the Staff of Kings and bring it back to Analand. No one other than Analand's King should wield such power!"
You nod and say "I will bring back the Staff of Kings at all costs!" The citizens of Analand cheer you on as you weave the stellar energy of Davo, Osiris and Procious above you into a DOP spell and shoot it at the giant 30 meter tall 10 meter wide iron gate.
The gate opens and the sound of it opening is like thunder, majestic and mighty, as if a dragon has awoken or heaven itself is watching you on your journey. You leave through the city gate and hear the thunderous sound of the gate closing and the cheering of Analand's citizens quite down until it become complete silence.
You feel determined to complete your mission and repay King Alan, Sightmaster Kim and sorceress Anne for all they have done for you. You look up at the stars and see the grateful lion guardian constellation radiating it's stellar energy towards you.