
New world

Do you know the feeling of reliving the thought of your own demise? It is frightening. My name is Jack Rippele, 40 years old and I am dying of cancer. Despite my physical weakness, my family visited me regularly in the hospital. Exhaustion often prevents me from doing much, but I've gotten used to it. As my mental strength waned, I fell asleep But when I woke up, the hospital was dark and my body no longer felt sick. The feeling of being healthy is really much better. I haven't felt this good in years. When I looked out the window, the landscape was completely different than I remembered.

So I looked out the window and saw a once vibrant city now reeling from the devastating effects of meteor strikes. The inviting streets are littered with rubble, buildings are in ruins, and an oppressive silence reigns over a once vibrant center. The sky is filled with dust and smoke, and remnants of a once-thriving metropolis silently speak of the power of cosmic destruction Suddenly I noticed something eerie in the rubble - monstrous shadows moving in the darkness. As I looked closer, I could see the outlines of creatures roaming the ruined city. They were frightening monsters, their eyes glowing menacingly in the dark ambience. A further element of horror was revealed in this post-apocalyptic scene, as if cosmic destruction had spawned not only the city but also eerie creatures