

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 99

Rising from the chair almost throwing Daria to the floor. "Unknown to us, demon births are between five to six days. Her child is already at the demon compound where they raise the children." "Oh, and you have a baby girl! Name is given to the child after the baby is examined and tested."

I grabbed Samantha's chin. "What will happen to the child if they find something to be different about her?" "They will sacrifice her to our Lord." She grumbled out." Do we know how to contact the Demon families?" I asked looking between Stacks and Daria.

I asked Samantha but she was too exhausted to answer any more questions, I could feel it. I told Catherin to take Samantha someplace to rest so she can join us later for dinner. I will inform the Elders of what has been acquired.

After spending the rest of the day discussing with the elders and the other royals of the families, we finally adjourn for the day to pick up the conversation in the morning. For my evening was about to start.

That night the girls set up a table to sit the four of us for dinner. They went all out with the tablecloth and settings. Fancy napkins and pure silver utensils. Dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie I walked into the dining room that was in Daria's quarters, that was our new family home. I looked at my two beauties as they walked into the room. Daria's hair made up as if she were royalty heading to a wedding in a long white dress with a slit raised up to her hip with the back fully exposed. Her breasts delightfully covered by a strap clipped around her neck showing off her cleavage. Catherine was gliding across the floor wearing a dress the color of the sun at sunset. This is all I could think of as the light yellow and orange blend. The long dress was ending at her ankles with a slit they raised to her hip as well as the strapless dress exposing the top of her breasts. She looked like a sun goddess as she walked around from the table to me as her hair moved with her movement.

Samantha was the last to arrive by entering from a side door from the hall adjacent to the room she was recovering. Samantha's red hair straightened falling past her shoulder blades that reminded me of an actress from the nineteen forties, but their beauty had nothing compared to hers. Her skin was looking as if never touched by the sun looking so pure and soft. The long black dress strapless exposing her cleavage was a sight to see as she seemed to glide across the floor towards the table.

I pulled the chair out for each of my dear girls. I went from Daria pulling out her chair holding her hand to help with sitting. Doing the same with Catherine and Samantha. Samantha hesitated at first then sat as I held out my hand to help her into the chair. I Pushed in the chair after she sat and placed the napkin on her lap as I did for my two other ladies.