

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 61

Daria was back in the room after Nancy left.

"What happened?" She asked as I walked over to the bar at the corner of the room poured myself and Daria a glass of wine.

"I said yes! "Taking a swig of the Burbon, placing it down to pour more in. Gazing at her with scared eyes. Her outfit changed as she walked to me into sexy blue lingerie that made her eye pop bluer. Asking her to change to her original form, she hesitated to look a little nerve, she changed, looking at me with that one eye I raised my hand with my finger sticking out I moved her hair to the left exposing the rest of her face. A tear started to form in her right eye which in turn made my eyes start to water. A scar ran down the left side of her face from the forehead down to her cheek. Her left eye was white from the cut that had given her the scar causing her to go blind in that eye.

At age twenty-seven, Amity was out tilling the crops for her father. Brushing the sweat away from her brow, seeing out the corner of her vision her daughter Claire running around chasing the chicken with her blonde hair bouncing and making the cutest laugh as the little one just missed the chicken. Amity's father Roderick used the horse to plow the field mumbling something about the rain. Clarimonde, Amity's mother, just finished washing the clothes hanging them on the cloths line to dry. Amity was a widower after her husband Horatio of four years died of the Dysentery was left to take care of her daughter and move back in with her parents. Life was a hard life at the farm, especially this year. The draught has killed off the crops, with the only water supple left was the well. They as a family were able to grow some crops that would feed the family for the year but if the drought continued, they did not know what would happen for the next year. After a long day's work, they sat done enjoyed their dinner of chicken and vegetables from what was left of the garden. Amity held Claire in her arms as they slept. Waking up to the sounds of horses outside the dwelling, steps could be heard walking around outside. The door bashed in Roderick shot with his rifle killing the first man who walk through the door with his shotgun but before he could shoot another round two shots from a revolver hit him in the chest. Clarimonde reached for the shotgun but was grabbed by a man and dragged outside. Amity was able to cut the man dragging her mother across his face before another man punched her in the face knocking her out. Waking up she saw her mother being raped by two men, still numb from the punch she saw her daughter Claire looking at her but not at her. She had died at some time when Amity was knocked out. Looking lifeless Amity only hoped it was a quick death as the tears ran down her face. Feeling hands come upon her brought her attention back to the present as the sound rushed in as if the volume in her ears were just turned on. One of the men grunting as the rapped her mother was now clear as the numbness started to wear off feeling the hands around her neck lighten the grip from around her neck as fresh burning air hit her lungs. Looking at the man who had torn off her clothes between her legs spat out something in a foreign dialect of English speak without understanding he brought the knife into her view. Blood dripped down the man's face onto hers as she was held down as the words ran out his mouth, which she heard the words this time around.

"An Eye for an eye!"