

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

chapter 58

Looking around the dance floor seeing the others dance, feeling that atmosphere rise. Noticing that I could read the room as well as the intensity rose around me with pure joy and happiness, not only with Daria, that I was physically touching but of the whole room it seemed.

We left the club scene headed back to the room that I had woken up in with Daria at my side.

"Daria, I have a few questions if I may"? I asked as we entered the room.

Daria walked into the kitchen, brought out some drinks, holding one in my hand, the other she sipped, motioning me to sit next to her on the couch. I sat; she placed her legs over my legs pressing the rest of her body next to mine.

"Ask away."

Thinking carefully how to ask it "How long have you been" pausing a second or two "a vampire?"

"Ok, well, let us see I was born in 1823 and turned 1847 so that would be 167 years. Not bad for my age I would say though."

"And if the next question is, do I regret it? No, I made my decision back then for the sole purpose of staying alive. In my 20's my husband died of flu and with no kids I was considered useless or a harlot if I looked at any man. Until Mother by accident showed up in took me away from all the death and disappeared out of the small town that had no future for me. With the drought and farmland drying up, it was a dire situation.

"So, you are from the mid-west then?"

"Yes, I was, for I do still go back on occasion. I have to say Tagem that was very perceptive of you figuring out my region of birth."

I love history and just by what you were saying, it just reminded me of that era. I must ask, why do you use one of your forms instead of your true self. I mean I just happen to notice that this is the form you seem to use around me.

Before what looked like she was about to answer the question, Daria placed her legs on the floor stood up walked to the door. At the same time, Elder Nancy walked in greeting her daughter with a hug and a kiss.

May I have some time with Tagem, Daria? Daria glanced at me.

I will be outside of when she looked back to her mother. Daria left the quarters.

Nancy walked up to me by this time I was already on my feet facing her direction. "Tagem, I know this has been out of your comfort level, and I want it to be clear about what will happen when or if you convert to the family. Before I could even say one thing, she placed her finger to her lips silencing me before I could speak.