

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 52

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as if I were about to have a heart attack right then and there. Des who looked the same was as when I met her at the elevator was by my left side without me noticing her, handed me a drink.

"Drink this "as she placed the glass in front of me "it will calm you." with a sincere look to her face

Sipping from the cup with the swirling in my head was hard at first to focus then it started to subside after the second swallow of the greenish drink.

Vixen: I may just as well get it out in the air Tagem, as you can see, we a not what you thought we were. We are as people or your era would call us Vampires!

Vixen waited to see what my reaction would be but knew that the drink would help with my nerves as she paused for a few seconds.

Vixen: Yes, Vampires is what I said. We are not what you see in movies or read about in books. Those are just stories passed down from bad apples over time that had happen to let their power go to their head or simply made-up stories to excuse those who were just insane in the first place. Either away those who took on the persona were dealt with harshly.

Not knowing if it was the white knuckles or my heart beating faster, as if about to burst out of my chest. Tagem grabbed more tightly to the arm of the chair as that could easily be seen by all since Tagem's hand showed more veins and white in color for lack of blood. Daria looking sincere, holding the even more clinched hand without any concern

Vixen: Don't say anything yet let me explain more to you first.

Vixen: We have been around for hundreds of years; you might know it a place called Atlantis? Well, it was home to our kind but after the earthquake we had to abandon the city and separate to the mainland. Decided that an order of responsibilities had to be established, and those who did not follow the rules of our families tracked down and put to death. Such are the stories that people have written even to this day.

Wattie: We are a scientific culture. All that you have seen is what we have created. The contacts that you know for yourself are infused into your DNA lets you perform at a higher standard. We communicate without speaking, location finder, a library at your disposal. It is just a small aspect of what we have accomplished. When our equipment becomes third or fourth generation, we then leak it out to the outside world through our shell companies to provide the outer world with our advancements. This is how we provide funding for about everything you see here. But most of all, we are not the bloodsucking creature of the night.

He smiled to himself of the movie pretrial of the vampire kind.