

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 48

I told him; we proceeded up until the doors opened.

"I wish you had told me first that you were going to contact him Mother. You know we do not just tell the individual what is in store. It is gradually planned out as they are slowly filled in with the on goings during the first week to see if they have the intention of following our ways.. I cannot believe that you and Tagem had a little sit-down to explain about the ceremony?" Daria was pissed, with anger in her eyes as she yelled.

"Did I hear you correctly? You told him about the ceremony!" As Vixen tone of anger was easily heard.

"What are you thinking Mother?" Vixen started on a spree of words that would even offend a drunken sailor during her reaming of the Elder Mother.

"Vixen; relax all I did was get to know him a little better before the Ceremony. I learned you were right to bring him here. Even after the Gather's reports he is something of a mystery to me. I do not usually have anyone especially a man who would think of trying to put me in my place, but he tried and succeeded at times. "He is a unique one, I will say". Nancy explained as she walked to the big hall looking over the final additions for the Ceremony.

Besides, I only moved the process a little faster than usual. She turned to look at her red-faced daughters looking like they were about to explode.

Wattie stepped in "alright!"

"What's done is done where do we go from here?" As he stood between Vixen and the Elder trying to calm the situation before it built up out of control. Since Vixon was the oldest daughter of the Queen of NC, she had the right to talk to the Queen with freedom and sometimes Vixon would use that freedom a bit too much.

Vixen closed her eyes calmed down "nothing else to do but have the talk with Tagem."

"I will send someone over to gather his stuff."

Then the Elder Mother interrupted "I have already sent someone to do so". Mischievous smiles appearing on her face as she pondered the view around her.

Vixen had to hold he tongue on this one. Turned to Wattie "We need to get the room ready for our little talk." Sending PM to Tagem now to meet us in our room and hopefully we can at least get this part right as she voiced it loud enough for her mother to hear.

Darkness was all that could be seen when the doors opened "this is your floor Master Tagem" the old white man proclaimed. Get yourself going young man I have people who use this contraption beside you.

He pushed me out into the darkness.