

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 115

"Well, Tagem I see that you found a seat." With her smile as genuine as I guess she could muster. "Yes, thank you." I replied, surprising myself that it did not come out with sarcasm.

"Please enjoy the entertainment, a performance that is dear to our hearts and one of my daughter's favorites. Oh and, by the way, the drinks might have a little more oomph than what you may be used to." Again, with a smile.

Samantha had told us before that those demons drink is more filled with alcohol than we would be used to, so we were all ready for what was to come on that part of the feast.

As the lights dimmed, a full cast of women and males performed a tragic love story ending with the two main charters dying. The performance from the cast brought a tear to my eye at points. I could not tell if it was the drinks or the story, but it was touching no less.

The food was brought out afterward with the leads of the play eating with us. The conversation covered the play to politics of the Normals to sex. It had also shown me there were more to demons than just what I have seen or thought. Since I had been a Normal up until a few weeks ago, Demons were only a fantasy of imagination.

The High Priestess placed a chair next to mine, after taking a few sips from her drink her white soft delicate cheeks started to redden as she started to speak. "I know in the past demons have been portrayed as vicious creatures that kill babies and provide horror stories for the movies. We have dealt with the past, for if to live in the past only brings chaos and anger to those who believe in it. With sadness for those who must Indore those who have the power to hold back those who see a future. So, we have changed ourselves to look forward and live amongst the Normals. We have realized that if we are to succeed in this ever-changing world, we would have to adapt to the surroundings. Corrections have been made as we now believe in culture and economics over all else." Finding this out started my mind to think of the possibilities for myself and the two cultures could do with our interest joined.

The one thing that did strike as odd had to do with male-female structure. For I am sure women would love this type of power over men but usually it comes out to be a mess at some point or another. When a class assumes a higher existence than the other, it never ends well.

What caught my eye though was not the separation of the sexes but the way they worked together in unison. For instance, the females place themselves in the leadership role only because of the effects of when they mate. Besides that, sole purpose, they live as a tribe. Noticing the food on the table only made by a specialist in the demon family that had happened to be both male and female.

The conversations proceeded on at the table. The subject of what happens to the children once taken away from the mother came up. I thought this might be a difficult conversation but in turn, the conversation was as if it was an everyday type of water bubbler type talk.