

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 106

As for me, let just say my urge to bow was not all there. Nodding of my head was all I could muster keeping my eyes on the High Priestess. For one of the lovely young ladies of twenty or so, came up from behind me, tried to take my knee out from behind to force me down to one knee. Her enthusiasm was at a high for I knew these ladies loved to beat on their men. To show that they are the ones in charge. All did not go as planned as far as she had expected. The young lady fell to the ground as her leg swept to hit my leg. I had more strength to hold off her sweeping kick as it was like a bird trying to push a car.

The attention of the room now on me. Not my master plan nor did I intentionally want to cause the young lady to fall, but I wasn't going to let her knock me down either. I had looked at the one on the ground before she hurried back up; I put my attention back on the one truly in charge. She raised her hand in silence for as this was unheard of. A man of lower life was not kneeling in the presence of the high Priestess and to top it off assaulted a priestess. I just stood there waiting to see what the next move was.

The strange thing as I was sure my girls felt a little nervous, Sam's face priceless for the look of shock with a touch of red from the anger building inside her. I could not help but smile ever so slightly. Plus, with my right arm vibrating from all three with their emotions running high now.

The High Priestess waited as the room quieted down. Her hand lowered, pointing in our direction and with the two-finger motioning Samantha to approach. The anger in the room was at an all-time high, and these ladies wanted something from me for my disrespect. Samantha approached the High Priestess; Samantha kneeled in front of her. High Priestess leaned forward speaking softly for only Samantha to hear. The High Priestess leaned back in her throne Samantha raised from her knee with head down moved back into our little circle turned to me grabbed my hand.

I can feel my girls but more so when I connect physically with them. In this case, I could honestly believe in her, this started to worry me for who in just a brief time was just an acquaintance was known leading me to a demon family. For I was starting to get worried, did I do the right thing? Did my action go too far? But once she touched my hand, I felt calm running though my whole body. Her eyes rose from the floor to reach mine, nodding than pulling me toward the High Priestess.

Samantha walked me over to the High Priestess. We stopped about five feet away, and Samantha kneeled again and in turn I did as well. For I didn't think it would be wise to push my luck. Lights grew brighter in the room with the High Priestess rising from her throne stood tall. She walked ever so slowly until she was inches away from the top of my head. I felt the soft material of her gown brush up against the top of my head and face.

The High Priestess lowered her hands on top of my head feeling her way down the side of my face until her hands reached my chin. She added pressure on that hand motioning for me to rise as if it was her raising me up to my feet.