
Cry in Agony

[Warning: A 'little' inappropriate words will be coming… so yeah.]

'A god has died for someone? It's human no less. What the... what does she get from him? Is this really love? Is Nash was shocked about this too? I bet he will...'

Many thoughts just keep entering Gin's mind.

'Maybe... ah shit. I need to ask O about this.' Gin said inwardly as he massaged his temples on his forehead.

Gin straightaway said, "O. Does the higher beings are maybe… just maybe… eyeing him from the outside. Then what you said in the story earlier—"

Before Gin could continue, O interrupted him.

'Of course, many Divine and even Demonic beings already waiting for him outside. And many will bribe him some good words asking for him to be their apostle. Why would I say something you already know?' O stated.

After hearing the answer which he was thinking in the first place, Gin began to scratch his head annoyingly, 'Ah shit... Many things are keep coming. I should stop this now and just move on.'

Gin fakes a cough and said, "Ok O, I'll stop asking questions now. You can give me your Inheritance. What will I do to obtain it?"

'Hmm... are you sure? Remember that this is a one-time trial, Gin. You can decline and I will not force you or even form a contract with you.' O truthfully said but with a tone like that, Gin could only smile.

Even though the god's voice is monotonous, Gin heard the voice that seemed to be saying 'you need this, please accept'.

"Yeah Yeah. It's ok. I know you'll give me the best Inheritance. What did you say before? A perfect partner in my eyes and many more upcoming things, when I heard that I could feel it's good." Gin gives his honest answer.

'Hoho. So, it seems like you trust me a bit now, hehe.'

"It's more like using you. Come on. Let's start now I'm very excited." Gin said as he felt shivers on his body. 'You're a slightly good... god, O. I guess?'

Reading Gin's mind, O can't help but put a sad smile before the god continued, 'Ok, first, lie down on your bed. There will be a notification popping up, saying the words 'accept the attribute'. Two choices would be seen and you just need to accept and wait.'

Gin breathes nervously and asks. "Can you tell me what Inheritance is it?"

'No.' O quickly answered, 'Where would be the fun in that? All you have to do is lie down after you bring down the mirror. You must place where it will be safe because that is still needed later. Come on, do it.'

Gin quickly moved his body and does what O wanted. After doing it, Gin lies down on the bed and waited for the god.

O added, 'Oh, I forgot. Check the surroundings if you will bump something while lying down.'

Gin, lying down, formed a frown, He asked in a confused tone, "What do you mean bump and check? I will just lie down and do nothing, you know."

'Just follow me, will you?' O swiftly answered.

Gin became even more confused but he still gets up, sees his surroundings if he will bump something when he is just lying down? After scanning for a few minutes, Gin makes sure that there is nothing.

Seeing it that way, Gin nodded and began to lie down on his bed again. He said, "I'm ready O."


As O gives its call, Gin lies down on his bed, waiting for almost a minute now. He waited for another minute and that's when he saw something popping up, just like what O had said.

What appeared is the same misty screen that O is using, entirely different from what the system and the administrator had used.

It's not exactly the same as there was something weird on O's name. There was three question mark. It had a question above saying 'will you accept ??? Inheritance?', with two options that are accept and decline.

"Accept." Gin said loudly and waited afterward.

After saying accept, another screen appeared that wasn't supposed to be here. A timer of thirty seconds has now appeared! He didn't know why a timer is here but he began to lose his composure because of it.

'Clear your mind and don't worry, it's my Inheritance you'll be getting.' O said, reassuring Gin, who calmed himself a little bit.

Twenty seconds and decreasing and Gin tried to calm his beating heart but it just continued to thump faster, which is not what he wanted.

'Relax, geez. It's not like you're going to die.' O reassured that seemed to be holding its laugh or something.

"But it's like a ticking bomb to me! Like I only have seconds left to live." Gin shouted as he breathes nervously.

'Really, don't worry because I'm here...' O said, which made Gin touched as the monotonous voice gives a worried response.

He looked at the screen that only has ten seconds left, but he felt reassured as O keep giving him a worried response.

Gin smiled faintly and was about to say something, saying "Tha—"

But he was interrupted by the god, O, itself.

'I'm here to watch you suffer, of course.'

Gin froze at the stop when he heard something he didn't expect. Also seemed to be really dangerous.

"Huh...? What do you mean...?" Gin muttered in disbelief as cold sweats started to form on his head, which continued to worsen when O continued.

'I said, I'm here to watch you suffer. You will feel extreme pain like you're dying, Gin. Then, because you feel like dying, you will bed to die instead.'

At the same time he heard O's voice, he looked at the screen which only had three full seconds left on them.

'It's been too boring to me you know. Entertain me, ok? Hehe.'

That's when Gin realized, something was off.

But, he was too late to realize it.

"O…! You lying bas—!"

Before Gin could shout loudly, an agonizing pain entered his body, making him stop cursing O. In his lifetime, this is the first time he felt intense pain like this.

"Ahhhh!" Gin shouted the best he can shout. "Shit!!What the fuck?!"

'Oho, you better keep it down if you don't want anyone outside hearing you. They'll think you're a crazy son of a bitch.' O warned seriously, different from the way the god is doing now as it laughs loudly after.

"Ahhh! Fuck… you, O! You…! Ahhhh! Should have…. Ahhh! Told... me! Ah, Fuck!" Gin breaks his words as he felt the writhing pain keep coming.

'Yes, more. Hahahahaha! This kind of repayment is good enough. Come on, cry in pain, entertain me.' O laughs widely as the god continued to watch Gin.

"Ahhh! What the...! Fuck is this?!" Gin shrieks in pain loudly as he continued to cry in agony.

He is only lucky that Nash and others have already departed, if not and once they heard Gin screaming, they will immediately hear him and run straight to his room to barge in.

"Fuck! Stop! Holy shit!"

Still shouting loudly inside his place, the people passing by was either blushing slightly or running away when they're near his place.

Some have wild thoughts, saying they're two people inside the room, doing some hardcore sexual intercourse while some think that whoever inside is suffering from an illness and thought that he/she had become crazy.

Alas, all of them are wrong as Gin's eyes continuously produce blood when the inheritance starts. But nothing could be seen changing from his body or having an upgrade in stats, except for his that are wide open.

His attribute was involuntarily activated. His yellow eyes that have one dot at the middle and four, which are moving have stopped. After it stopped, the four started to change, forming a straight line. At one tip, a little line formed, facing to the right while the other tip is connecting to the one dot, that is in the middle.

That's not all. New circles formed between the lines, disappearing after, leaving the mark of those circles. It was too faint though to be seen clearly.

Alas, Gin couldn't see and feel all of it as the only thing he had been thinking right now is how to stop the pain he keeps feeling that still continues, not stopping any moment.

/Outside the Village/


"Boss Fritz, Why are we just here outside, watching them inside the gigantic cave when we can just kill all of them?" A man said, calling his boss named Fritz, who is said to be watching the cave and the people inside it.

The man, who just talk, saw the cave is really big as two holes were also big, which is either the exit or entrance on each side. He could also see many are roaming around with smiles on their face. Just by their expression, the man could see that they're happy when it was supposed to be the opposite.

Hearing the man's voice, Fritz answered back, still looking inside the big cave, "Didn't you see they're some people hunting outside? And the big guy I'm recruiting earlier is included at their hunting!'

Fritz inhaled before he continued. "Didn't you see it is their second time now? I think they will hunt more because the food they have wouldn't be enough for that many people. Be patient Luke, we'll watch them for a week before we attack them."

Hearing it, the man, named Luke, answered in a calm tone, "Ok boss. And one last question? Do you have a plan in mind?"

"Hehehe." Fritz laughs as he turned around to smile at Luke, that is reaching from ear to ear, "Say, are you good at acting? Oh, and tell the boys, who are confident with their speed to come at me."

"Huh? W-well, it's similar to my occupation. What about it?" Luke asked with a nervous tone, gulping a mouthful of saliva after,

"First we'll hunt too and upgrade our stats. Leave some boys here and eat all they want. The others will be hunting with us." Fritz gives his order.

Luke bowed respectfully before he started to walk towards the others, "Then, I'll leave now."

After Luke said it, Fritz saw him leaving before he turned around once again to look at the big cave and said inwardly, 'Are you here, kid? If not for you, that big guy would be already mine. You shit... I'll kill whenever someone steals from me.'

Alas, Fritz didn't know that the person he is talking about is now rolling on his bed, biting hard his lips just to endure the pain he is feeling.

"Motherfucker! How is this still not done yet?! Do I have to endure this for minutes now?! Fuck, O! Wait for me because when we meet outside I'll—Ahhhh! Holy shit!"

'Ohohoho, did I say minutes? Tsk, tsk, you never learn, Gin. I think you should be grateful that it is me who has given you Inheritance. If it's another god, you'll be feeling the pain for like twelve whole hours.'

"Then...?! How many hours do I have to wait?!" Gin shouted urgently.

O quickly answered with a chuckle, 'Around 2 hours I think? But it's worth the pain, Gin. hehehe. hahaha.'

"You...! O! I'll fucking kill you! I'll— Shit!"

Gin couldn't finish his curse on O as he began to hold his head, specifically his hair, trying to pluck them out from his head. He then started to shout continuously until then.

'Hahaha! You better stop that if you don't want yourself to be bald. We're still not training your proficiency about your eyes or are you doing the consequences yourself? Hahahaha!' O laughed loudly as he watch Gin, who is still in immense pain.

Watching him, O drew a smile on its face, continuing to watch Gin for the whole two hours. After the two hours passed, O began to be worried as O saw the pain that seemed to be not stopping inside Gin's body.

O then became anxious.
