
New Life In DXD (Rewrite in progress)

After death, a man starts his new life in the world of dxd . accompany him on his new journey

dreaming_dog · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Basement [Edited]

after the agent left, I created 5 shadow clones and started adding enchantments to my house, I started working in the basement myself, and I sent 3 clones to work on my garden, one on the first floor and one on the second floor.

for the basement, I decided to divide it into three parts.

one part will be for my magic training area, the second part will be for storing miscellaneous stuff. which I can hold in my gate of Babylon, but I rather not because the best of the best should go in the king's treasury, and the third part will be a study, there is a room in the basement, and it can be utilized as a study, it will mainly contain books on magic and artifacts but will be only there for show.

you ask me why I need a study for magic when I have [akashik grimoire], because, WHY NOT. and I cannot use the grimoire for now. back to the topic

I added enchantments like extension charms, fortification charms, time acceleration charms, space stabilization charms, and some more on the walls and added some dummies with magic resistance and magic nullification charms for practice. in the magic training part. I added some space and containment charms in the second part.

I finished modifying the magic training area and the storage area in about 3 hours, then I moved toward the room present in the basement, when I entered the room, what was present in it, surprised me, the room has a size of a standard office. the room looked very old and there was woodwork everywhere, the floor and the walls everything is made of wood, when I entered the room there was a table at the front of the room alongside it were two separate small tables and 3 chairs and there was a bookshelf at the back. what surprised me was, THIS WAS ALL AN ILLUSION.

The whole room was nothing but an illusion. it would have even fooled a satan class being, I was only able to sense it because of my ability [Child of mana].

the ability [Child of mana] gives me extraordinary capabilities of sensing, molding, and controlling mana around me. it also gives me extraordinary mana regeneration and mana capacity.

I usually turn my mana sense off because of the overwhelming amount of information it sends to my brain. because everything has a small amount of mana inside them. and it sends me information about all the things which have mana, around me.

so to not fry my brain, I keep it off, but after the unexpected attack from the fallen angels, which could have been avoided, I keep it on constantly, and to control the flow of information, I created an ability that filters out the useless information from the useful one, and send only the useful information to my brain. when I saw this room was practically glowing with mana, it was apparent in my magic sense that it was a magical construct. which is not the case naturally. now back to the topic.

the whole room was an illusion, I think illusion is not the right word to say here, the right word would be a hologram, it is like a touchable illusion.

I looked around for a bit, sitting on a chair, reading a book, it did not feel like an illusion, it was comparable to reality. the one who made this illusion had a good mastery of space and illusions till the point he was able to fuse the two.

I roamed around the room looking here and there, I was trying to find the core of this illusion.

as I was searching the room I opened the drawers again I checked the first door it was empty, then I opened the second drawer, it has some pens, a blank paper, and a stapler as I was about to close the drawer when my eye fell on something shiny, something that was small but giving off a powerful mana signature, it was a COIN.

it was a yen coin at the end of the drawer, and from what I can tell it was the core of this barrier.

after examining the coin, it took me a full hour to find a way to disable the barrier safely.

as I disable the barrier, the illusion started to fade and the real room started to appear in my sight.

the room appears to be empty, there were only two things in this room, they were two magic circles in the middle of the room, with unknown uses.

the magic circle on the left has weird demonic symbols carved on it. they were glowing in red color with the help of [true insight] and [true comprihention] I was able to find out it is a summoning circle. it is used to summon a demon, not a devil a DEMON.

I was unable to find out the function of the second circle, except it is also used for summoning.

as I was inspecting the 1st magic circle I felt an unexplainable tug toward the magic circle, it feels like it is calling for me and in my curiosity, I stepped on that circle.

the second I stepped on that circle it started draining my mana at an insane speed. I now possess a very large amount of mana, thanks to all my training and abilities, now I possess mana more than anyone else. but at the rate it is sucking my magic it will take almost 90% of my mana before it stops.

after almost 10 minutes of drying my magic reserves it finally stopped, the magic circle pushed me off of it and started glowing in red color. the symbols started glowing and then they raised in the air. slowly the magic circle started spinning, after a minute of glowing and spinning the magic circle disappeared and in place of was standing a man.

the man has Black hair with streaks of red and gold, as well as golden eyes with black sclera, he was finely dressed in garments like that of a prince. Other than that he looked like a normal human, though he was possess wings as dark as the night, wings that of a devil.

"Are you the one who summoned me," said the man in a hoarse voice.