All action has consequences. Far into the world all alone can be an enjoyment and worst some other time. "Disney, cinderella princess story is not real in the real world, nothing like meeting prince charming who makes you a powerful woman at the end of a kiss"This was her belief and she strikes for it. "The world is harsh, their is no free lunch no where. Standing up for himself in this world with no support was all he wanted" The worlds of two teenager who left home to explore the world for their future, with danger all the way. """author note""""This story is meant for people who are striking for their goal and need encouragement. I won't put unnecessary fairy tale scene into the novel, am just writing to show how people struggle for their future, career and love. How life play them but never give up
"Awww, finally the problem is finally solve and am free"I moved to the other side of the road as my friend adele screamed as we walked home.
"What do you mean,you are free. Gosh their is still another exam a week from now infront of you, lazybones" I ruined her hope of having fun.
"Which other exam, after this one that I almost fainted for reading in the middle of the night. I Adele Wood is not studying for any examination ever again, fuck all of them all" she says aggressively as she walk backward infront of me
"Sure, no problem then say that to Mr and Mrs Wood am sure they will understand you better" I said mockingly as her face twist and she just pout her lip at my words. Gosh is she a 15 years old girl, trust me she is a big baby' I thought.
"As if all this exams matters. Everything is all planned by our parents, after the exams the results doesn't matters, the university we are to go and the course is all planned. After the end of the course, the plan is to get a job and get marry and have a peaceful life" she signed heavily and I can't help feel sorry for both of us but I got my plans.
"But you know if you don't want that, you can choose your way though" I try to advise her to avoid her suspecting me.
"Actually, I have no problem with it because my parent agree to my choose of course" oh, I said at her word. At least her parent still agree but I have to fight my own way out, we aren't on the same road.
"But what about you, are you still going for nursing"she ask a while after we reach my house gate.
"Yes, catch you online later" I said as I wave at her.
"Sure" she said and I watch her go home and I entered the house.
Finally, am at home alone as always. No, don't get me wrong I super enjoy it, being alone with no noise that my two siblings always make and my mom's nagging.It what I enjoyed the most in my entire life and any one with annoying but sweet siblings could possibly relate.
I put off my wears from uniform to bra on the sofa and head for the fridge. I picked up a cold drink and a snack then pick my phone to start my once in season free enjoyment. After checking for any messages online then I started watching my C- drama have been watching for such a long time due to my exams.
Continuous giggling can be heard in the living room as I keep turning and rolling while turning the room upside down. But fuck!!!, the sound of my dad's car interrupt my fun and I move like a lightning in clearing the living room before they move into the house.
" Iris" I could heard my mom voice calling me and I immediately rush what am doing.
"Yes mom" I answer as I appear infront of the garage and help her pick up the goods they brought.
"How was your exams sweetheart" My dad asked with a smile as he place a bags of chips in my hand for me to carry inside.
"It was great and I hope for good result" I said with a smile and my parent smile too after to all am a smart girl but lazy. Yes! lazy, assuming am putting my brain to use as my dad says I would have been the best student in the country but hell no, always on novels and movie 🍿.
"That my girl, get a good result and be a great nurse or doctor"My mum said smile at me as we walked into the house and I force a smile at her.
*signed*'humm, it not like my parent are forcing me into the course. I chose it myself back then before I finally found where I was heading to but problem is the job is complicated to say in my country.
Being a fashion designer is nothing but a mere simple job in my country, their isn't a university for it or registration as a course in the university in my country although their are a lot of fashion house, celebrity stylist but they all study the course later after studying a professional course because no parent will even accept. It is taken as a business you can create if you have money but not as a professional you will chose to study. But parent will allow you to study it as handiwork if you wish.
But I Irish Hunter we go for my dreams no matter what, it what I chose and I won't regret my action but accept both lose and win myself, I thought.
"Your sisters haven't arrive from school yet" my dad ask as he noticed the house silent.
"Yep, they usually arrive from school 4:00pm and this is 3:00 pm.I said casually as I sat on the sofa with the chips my dad bought.
"Iris, have spoken to the VC about your admission in to the university and it decided no matter what your score is, you are getting admission into 'University of Axis' early next year"he announced happily and my mum was smiling too
This is really not a surprise coz my dad is Deputy vice chancellor of the one of the best university in country and my admission to the uni should be a piece of cake for him but geez going to that school is a problem for me, I probably have been known by almost all teaching and non teaching staff of that school. That it to say my life in the school is practically monitor with no moments of misbehaving coz even an ant will tell my actions to my parents .
"Oh, dad that so great" I said faking a perfect smile while I hug him.
" That my baby girl, anything for my children"he said hugging me back while am lamenting in my mind,that God should grant my plan with success.
The next moment my younger sisters arrived and my mum pull out a champagne to celebrate. The moment was perfect but am sure it won't be for long if my plan were to work.
But let enjoy this moment to the fullest....
****Author note: How was it, I know it may seem slow or boring but pls it going to interesting soon. much love🥰🥰