
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Last Night at Manor

Nicolette POV

Earlier Morning at Kalinski's Manor, Nicolette's Room

"One of the most endearing aspects I've observed is her penchant for conversing with various flowers, as well as the charming manner in which she enjoys her cake, reminiscent of an adorable squirrel."

Nicolette's heart raced fiercely as she reminisced about the tender words spoken that evening, forever etched in the depths of her memory.

Gently rolling on her plush bed while embracing a soft teddy bear, she murmured with a hint of embarrassment, "He actually saw me talking to the flowers," before pausing and adding softly, "but he thought it was charming."

Her ears flushed a deep shade of crimson as she continued to roll on the bed, lost in her thoughts.

Coming to a halt, she pondered, "Why did he mention those specific aspects, calling me adorable while I eat? He's pinpointing my vulnerabilities… He's truly an peculiar, he's really…" Her thoughts trailed off as she resumed rolling in bed.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Kristine caught a glimpse of Nicolette's endearing antics. Silently, she closed the door with a knowing smile, as if she had witnessed nothing out of the ordinary.

Sensing Kristine's presence, Nicolette spoke in a frosty tone, "Kristine, I command you to erase this moment from your memory forever."


Unknown Cavern, Blaise Lichstenfel [Shadow Route]

Within the depths of the cavern, an radiant glow emanated from the intricate tapestry of magical spells, casting a soft illumination throughout the cave.

The rhythmic patter of water droplets echoed against the ancient walls, creating an eerie symphony that resonated in the damp air.

The man, his face contorted in pain, gritted his teeth as he sat upon the rough, uneven ground. His hand gingerly touched the severe wound on his abdomen, wincing as dark violet blood seeped from the gash, staining his skin and clothes. The viscous liquid also trickled from his ears, eyes, and other orifices, evidence of the brutal battle he had endured.

A witch, her pointed hat casting a shadow over her face, seated beside him. Her once resplendent garments now hung in tattered shreds.

Despite her own injuries, she focused her energy on healing the man. Her breaths came in heavy, ragged gasps, and crimson droplets of blood marked her body, a testament to the intensity of the conflict they had both survived.

The witch spoke with a tone of deep concern, her voice strained as she endured the pain of a severed ear and a bloodied, closed eye. Her hand trembled as she continued to heal him.

"Blaise," she said, her voice tinged with urgency, "your strength has diminished by half, quite abruptly."

Blaise, struggling to catch his breath, managed to utter, "The divine blessings are inexplicably fading from me; something is amiss."

He surveyed the foreboding environment, his eyes darting apprehensively between the lurking shadows.

Gathering his thoughts, he continued, "We must leave as soon as I've recovered. The artifacts that protected us during the skirmish have transported us a considerable distance, but our whereabouts are arbitrary. We now find ourselves in a perilous cave, and our assailants may be in close pursuit."

The witch gave a subtle nod of agreement, her expression resolute. "Very well. We shall make our way to the Witch Kingdom and meticulously devise our strategy. Do not worry, I will vouch for you," she assured him with an air of confidence and sophistication.

Blaise scrutinized her countenance for a brief instant, allowing a faint smile to grace his lips as his eyes lingered on her resolute visage. Bereft of alternatives, he reciprocated with a subdued nod, acquiescing to her proposition.


Present Night at Kalinski's Manor, Garden Area

Under a celestial canopy, the three moons cast their ethereal glow upon the night sky, their green and white hues intertwining in a mesmerizing dance.

Amidst this celestial spectacle, countless stars shimmered, and the occasional falling star streaked across the heavens.

In the garden below, vibrant blossoms and verdant foliage created a lush, enchanting oasis, where two individuals found solace in each other's company.

A man with dark crimson hair sat upon an intricately carved wooden bench, cradling a guitar in his arms. His deep, sonorous voice filled the air as he sang, each note resonating with the very essence of the night.

Beside him, not far away, sat Nicolette, her own voice a mellifluous and captivating harmony that perfectly complemented his. Together, their voices wove a tapestry of sound that seemed to breathe life into the very air around them.

As they sang, a golden, translucent mana swirled about them, coalescing into the delicate forms of countless fairies. These ethereal beings danced and twirled to the rhythm of their song, their movements as graceful as the melody itself.

Nestled between the two singers, an orb like artifact pulsed with a faint, otherworldly glow, as if capturing the essence of their voices and preserving it.

As the final notes of their song gently dissipated into the still air, Nicolette's smile radiated with heartfelt gratitude. "Sucura, I am truly grateful for your presence and for graciously agreeing to capture our performance," she expressed with sincerity.

Sucura reciprocated her warmth with a genuine smile of his own. "It's my pleasure, Nicolette. In fact, I must extend my heartfelt appreciation to both you and Master Kalinski for your unparalleled generosity."

Curious, Nicolette tilted her head and inquired, "Why do you insist on addressing my father as 'Master,' even though he hasn't taught you?"

With a serene smile, Sucura replied, "Ah you see, it seems Master Kalinski quite enjoys it,"

As the words left his lips, he sensed an impending threat. A sudden, powerful gust of wind whipped through their surroundings, carrying with it an air of foreboding.

Unfazed, Sucura pressed on, adding with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "Actually, I must confess that I'm the one who thoroughly relishes the formality."

Nicolette couldn't help but let out a melodic giggle in response to his humorous remark. As Sucura observed the captivating harmony of her endearing giggle, he found himself unable to resist the allure of his intrusive thoughts.

With a sincere tone, he said, "Nicolette, your smile possesses a remarkable purity and radiance that can be utterly devastating."

Upon hearing those words, a warm blush suffused Nicolette's visage, casting her cheeks and ears in a rich hue of crimson. She was consumed by an irresistible desire to seek refuge beneath the ground, as Sucura's gaze was drawn towards the vast expanse of the star studded night sky.

A tender zephyr whispered around their necks, its delicate touch a soothing balm. The garden, bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, was shrouded in a profound stillness, broken only by the mellifluous murmur of a nearby fountain and the susurrus of tree branches swaying gracefully in the wind.

After a few moments, Nicolette managed to collect herself, her composure slowly returning. "Sucura," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He gazed at her, his eyes filled with attentiveness and patience.

She hesitated for a brief moment before resuming, her words escaping in a timid murmur. "Can you promise me that we will meet again?"

Sucura's eyes appeared to shimmer subtly as he contemplated her heartfelt request. A warm, reassuring smile graced his visage as he responded, "Of course, Nicolette."

Her own smile blossomed in response, yet it was evident that her thoughts still weighed heavily upon her. Sensing her lingering hesitation, Sucura gently inquired, "Is there something else you need, Nicolette?"

She inclined her head in affirmation and spoke, "In truth, there is one more thing." Her question emerged with frailty, "May I… touch your face?"

Sucura spoke with tenderness, "By all means, Nicolette."

He gracefully leaned forward, offering his visage for her perusal.

Nicolette cautiously extended her hand, her fingertips gently caressing his cheek with the utmost reverence. She meticulously traced the contours of his features, as though etching them into the recesses of her memory.

Gavin cast a glance at her daughter, exhaling a resigned sigh before she disappeared into the enveloping darkness.

Nicolette's slender fingers gently withdrew from Sucura's visage, their exchange gradually drawing to a close.

A wistful smile graced her lips as she observed him retreat from the garden.

'Thank you, Sucura,' she mused silently, her thoughts brimming with gratitude. 'I shall cherish the memories of our time together, even if it was merely a facade. Deep within my soul, I recognize that you still perceive me as a stranger, and I am acutely aware that there is only one who truly occupies your thoughts.'

A gentle breeze whispered through the air, causing her platinum tresses to sway gracefully like a silken curtain.

Lost in contemplation, Nicolette's thoughts turned to a secret she had yet to reveal. 'I never told my father that I have few years left to live,' she mused, her heart heavy with the weight of her unspoken truth.

At that moment, Kristine appeared, her voice soft and tender as she called out, "Nicolette."

Sensing Kristine's presence, Nicolette composed herself and replied, "Alright, I shall retire to my room."

With a final sensation at the enchanting garden that had borne witness to her inner turmoil, she sauntered away, her footsteps echoing the bittersweet melody of her heart.


Night at Kalinski's Manor, Sucura's room

Sucura reclined gracefully in the chair, his gaze fixated on the Angel's quill that lay before him.

At first glance, the quill appeared quite ordinary, yet upon closer inspection, its true beauty was revealed. The inner vane of the feather was a pristine white, while the outer vane boasted a mesmerizing blend of bluish hues. A resplendent dark orange orb adorned the downy barbs, adding an air of mystique to the quill.

As Sucura began to channel his mana into the quill, he could feel the enigmatic, viscous energy that resided within. This energy seemed to pulse and flow, as if it were alive.

Carefully, he concealed the quill, opting not to store it in his dimensional ring, but rather in a more secure location known only to him.

His gazed pensively out the window, 'Tomorrow huh…'

Sucura's eyes took on a dull, lifeless hue as he contemplated his innermost thoughts.

'In all honesty, the promises I made were nothing more than hollow words. I never truly intended to locate the Chrysanthemum for the Grandmaster's daughter, nor did I plan to obtain the elusive pure Aether Crystal for Shalanta or fulfill my obligations to Nicolette.'

'I have contemplated exploiting my negotiations with Shalanta in the past, as well as taking advantage of Kalinski's magnanimous nature. Yet, my conscience persistently echoes, urging me to recognize the inherent kindness they possess. Ultimately, this serves as a reflection of the moral principles my mother so diligently ingrained within me.'

Abruptly, Sucura's eyes widened in distress as an overwhelming wave of agony engulfed him. The sensation was not necessarily more intense than previous experiences, but it was a persistent, gnawing discomfort that compelled him to clutch his countenance with one hand.

As he did so, his vision became saturated with the vivid hues of blood, painting his surroundings in a macabre tableau.

Amidst this unsettling scene, the cryptic message reappeared on the screen, demanding his undivided attention.


En◼️h◼️◼️◼️◼️e◼️ (¿?¿)

I◼️◼️o◼️a◼️ce (¿?¿)

S◼️i◼️◼️ D◼️v◼️◼️rer (¿?¿)

Co◼️p◼️◼️◼️◼️l D◼️◼️◼️n◼️◼️◼️o◼️ (Sy◼️t◼️e◼️◼️◼️◼️: 14%)

The pain gradually abated, supplanted by an icy shiver that slithered through Sucura's veins. He dismissed the enigmatic letters on the screen as they vanished once more, his focus unwavering on the journey ahead rather than these inexplicable occurrences.

Inwardly, Sucura mused, 'The moment I dared to set foot within the Accursed Forest, my fate was irrevocably bound... This shall serve as my ultimate act of conviction.'