
Creating a Guild: Trial Version

Sunday Morning,

Neji sat in front of their table, and ready to chug his Breakfasts when his Mom and Dad looked at each other and nod, but the two didnt said anything until they finished their meal.

"Son? your father have something to say" said by his Mom.

"right Son, do you know what 'Guild' was?" Asks by his Dad.

Neji tilted his head but he answered "yes dad, by creating a guild, its is a gathering of different people that have the same goals that they wanted to achieve together in the future at any costs right?, just like a Game"

Neji answered, and just like he said, Neji already fond of this world and slowly forget other memories of his past life without him knowing, and like he said, a Game, for current 13 year old Neji he always played an MMORPG Game before, so the world 'Guild' isnt new to him.

His father nod to his immediate and exact answer and said "uhm thats right, yesterday the Head Chairman of Hero Association had a proposal and our city and other two at the side of seashores will become its 'trial' version, its so that if it was successful then it all Implemented not here in Japan but around the world, there are also many game-like events and just like the chairman said it was more likely become a Game, but before then, I think first, we have to scout an outstanding to-be-a Hero or licensed Hero, son Im counting on you and your mother for this Job!, especially for gathering people" said by his dad and reach atleast 10 pages of papers to him.

Guilds, Just like his Dad said, it was Cringey name to this modern world but useful especially for emergency incident such as robbers, murders or any crime related cases.

Though there are Hero Agency's out there, it was but an Agency where members of it was Hero with licensed and members were counted with only two to three hands. Not good for raiding big syndicate members.

as such 'Guild' can become unlisenced hero's goal to be enter from now on, especially to those with not-so-useful quirks in battle.

Hero, this word implies that a person was doing good deeds to others without waiting in return, doing justices works like community services and fighting villains, that was the biggest honor for hero wannabees.

But majority of people in this modern world aimed to be a hero only with the thought in mind that it was common job or was cool, and just to earn money and/or fame.

After Neji finished reading the papers he smiled and asks his Dad "so dad, you think I'll have to focus and help you build this Guild and stop studying?" he said.

"No son, dont even think about it, like I said, that actually was only for 'trial' and they only give me two to five years, if its fail or if they dont want to implement that in the future what will happen to you then? it'll affect your futute. so no." his Dad retort.

"but there are exciting events here, he he I wanted to be in this events in the future" Neji Smile.

"No sweety, study is very Important and climbing step by step to achieve your goal is the most important, so dont work yourself out, and dont worry Dad will hire you as part timer, what do you think?" Mom said and smiled.

"Thats more like it! thanks Dad and Mom! I love you both!" Neji then hug them both.

— — — — — — — — — — — — —

Same Day, Afternoon.

Neji recieved a call from Kaito Aizawa sensei and rushed there.

"yo Neji" Kaito said and looking at Neji Arm and Leg shinguard.

"Sensei" Neji said as he enter inside.

"so you still wearing that thing? what Kilogram are your weights this time?" Kaito curiously asks.

"it still 500 kilogram sensei"

"so you remember fighting me knowing that weights was still activated?"

"yes, Im sorry I didnt mean it, I just forget to turn it off last time"

Kaito smiled with his answer, changing the topic by saying "I doubt you still didnt hear it? as you are their son"

"eh?" Kaito surprised

"he he, yup, and this martial school became this City Guild Headquarters, I already know the details as we talk about it yesterday, and I can finish the paperworks until next week, hm?, what? you dont want your sensei to become your guildmate in the future?"

"but, they threaten you during my confinement"

"no buts, and I or either your parents didnt cling to those past, they wont become a successful businessman if those were their mindset, chill up boy" Kaito pat Neji chests heavily.

— — — — — — — — — — — — —

"So? what do you think? Brother?" Neji asks Koichi Haimawari, the Crawler, the one who found eco-bag of Neji full of clothes last week, today was Monday but Neji filed a leave of absense and his parents back him up, though his grades only were average, his teacher know that he was still a smart Young man, so she doesnt have any Complain.

After Neji give to Koichi the summary about Guild System Copy papers, he still talking what pros and cons if by chance Koichi Join their Guilds, and along with Koichi, Codename Pop✩Step was also join their conversation, after she heard that Koichi will met his brother 'that made his face swollen', she tagged along though she only said that was her only name.

"Hmmm" Koichi was thinking

"its the best way to get a Licensed right?" asks Pop✩Step to Koichi.

"I failed to get once maybe this year can?" Koichi said.

"Haaaaa, We can hire you two as part-timer then, just like me, what do you think Big brother? you can leave anytime after the contract expired" Neji tug his elbow with weak impact to Koichi right part of ribs while smiling

after they talking, Cased Close...

Neji hired his first 2 recruit members

that time.

— — — — —

3 Days Later, Neji recruited Licensed and Unlisensed heroes alike, Sparring with Kaito sensei, even with Shoji with their quirks activated.

also Kaito and Kendo now know what Neji secret Quirk, and about his 'Byakugan', and its Advantage and Disadvantage

Kendo only said "Ahh! so thats why After Dance Arcade you didnt open your eyes! I just thought your just too concentrated and it made your head and eye spin! y-you! B-Baka!" She shouts with worried tone and went home.

Shoji and Kaito stared at Neji after Kendo rushed outside, with question on their face "During Arcade? you two were Dating?"

"Ha ha, yup Shoji, Sensei, we Dated last week" while scratching his head.

they Interrogate him and asks a Questions here and there.

and after that concludes the end of the day.

— — — — —

"Name?" Kendo asks another question with sudden questions of Neji about their Guild name.

a weeks since then, The two was Dating after their classes even though with different schools, they always met and they dinner and eating together, Kendo also once went to Hyuga Households to sleep over, her family didnt object her decision after Neji's father himself called her parents to talk for 30 whole minutes.

but Neji's mother insist that he will only sleep at their living room, but all of them didnt sleep that night with their talks, stories and laughing together especially Neji's parents teenaged stories.

the two were now Officially Commited.

Also, all paperworks are ready but a Guild name was their very problem, all of them especially Neji' parents were frustrated about its Guild name, make it grand? an average? or low key name and if later gained fame what will happen?.

it was in the head of an Advance Thinker Businessman.

what are your thoughts about Neji? did he really changed?

what are your thoughts about my work?

please write at the comment section below

Aoi_Omoshiroicreators' thoughts