

**Chapter 814: Stop Pretending, Go Move Bricks**

In the deep, dark world, a purple flame was moving rapidly. At the center of the flame was Lin Muyu's soul.

He gritted his teeth, occasionally letting out groans of pain, as he quickly returned.

Along the way, clusters of flames scattered, leaving a long trail of fire behind him.

The purple flame burned fiercely, using the entire soul world as fuel.

The soul world and the soul body combined together were considered Lin Muyu's soul.

Any damage to either would cause intense pain.

As more flames scattered and the fire trail grew longer, the pain intensified.

Lin Muyu knew there was no turning back.

From the moment he grasped the talent seed, there was no retreat.

He could only move forward, success being the only option.

Under the continuous roasting of the talent flame, Lin Muyu felt his soul fading, his consciousness slipping away.

"Is this the limit?"

A thought suddenly emerged, but he quickly dismissed it.

"No, it's far from the limit."

"This is just the first talent; there are still the second and third talents."

"The Chosen Ones have moved up to ten talents; I only have three, so what?"

The sound of his soul echoed, breaking the dark silence.

Lin Muyu had no idea that talents varied.

His talents were of the highest unique type, making them particularly difficult to move.

Lower-level ordinary talents were much easier to move.

With his previous first-tier peak soul quality, he could have easily moved them.

Antares didn't tell Lin Muyu this, nor was there a need to.

The light of twenty-two spell stars illuminated the soul world, rendering it silver-white.

Suddenly, a purple light appeared in the soul world.

The purple light quickly overshadowed the light of the spell stars, adding another layer of color to Lin Muyu.

The spell stars had light but no heat, making the soul world slightly cold.

But from the moment the purple light appeared, the soul world suddenly became warm.

Soon, a purple flame appeared in the soul world.

Lin Muyu, engulfed in flames, returned to the soul world and immediately released the talent seed, letting it fall into the soul world.


The purple flame exploded, turning the soul world into a sea of fire.

The spell stars flickered, and the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal roared.

The entire soul world began to shake violently.

Even stronger pain surged in an instant, causing Lin Muyu to let out a scream. The talent flame ignited his soul, turning the soul world into a burning sea of fire.

Waves of intense pain kept coming, making Lin Muyu feel worse than death.

He wished he could faint on the spot, but his mind remained clear, making it impossible to lose consciousness.

Outside, Lin Muyu's entire body was smoking, with purple light occasionally seeping out.

Antares opened one eye slightly, chuckling, "You brat, enjoy it."

It was clear that Antares knew this would happen but didn't tell Lin Muyu.

This continued for a full ten minutes, ten minutes of agony worse than death.

Suddenly, the pain disappeared without warning.

In the next second, an indescribable sense of comfort swept through his body.

After extreme hardship comes ease, after suffering comes sweetness.

Lin Muyu couldn't describe his current feeling in words.

This sense of comfort was unprecedented.

His thoughts were clearer than ever, and the world seemed different.

"How could this be!"

The flames in his soul had disappeared, and a flame of talent was flickering beside his soul body.

The entire soul world looked like it had been burned through, exuding a noble aura.

This burning made the soul world much stronger, at least ten times stronger than before.

The previous soul world was like a net, with wind blowing through everywhere.

Now, the soul world had a glass-like shield on the net, protecting the soul.

The soul world is the shell of the soul; the stronger it is, the safer the soul.

Not only did the soul world become stronger, but the soul itself also improved.

The burning along the way had further purified Lin Muyu's soul.

The soul quality seemed to have improved again, getting closer to the third tier.

"Unexpectedly, moving talents has such benefits."

Lin Muyu exhaled deeply, feeling that the pain he endured earlier was worth it.

Antares snorted, "The benefits are more than that."

At some point, Antares had returned to Lin Muyu's soul world.

It was also admiring the changes in the soul world.

"Now this is more like it. Such a soul world is worthy of a third-tier soul." Antares commented on Lin Muyu's soul world, seemingly satisfied.

Lin Muyu asked, "Do you mean that after I move all three talents, my soul quality can reach the third tier?"

Antares nodded, "Almost, it should be possible."

"Should be possible" meant there was a certain guarantee.

A third-tier soul is something even true god-level powerhouses may not possess.

The soul is the foundation of everything; only a stronger soul can bear more powerful strength.

A second-tier soul is the foundation for becoming a true god.

At the same time, the limit of a second-tier soul is the true god level.

If one wants to go higher, the soul quality must also improve.

To break through the true god level, one must first have a third-tier soul.

Lin Muyu had the potential to reach a third-tier soul first, laying a solid foundation for his future.

The talent flame finally stabilized, now much closer to the soul, and Lin Muyu could clearly feel its presence, closely connected and inseparable.

"I feel like my talent has become stronger." Lin Muyu suddenly felt that his talent seemed to have changed.

Antares said, "It's normal for it to become stronger. The original talents didn't belong to you; they were just temporarily residing in your soul world."

"If you didn't move them out, when you reached the super god level and the talent world closed, these talents would leave you."

"Now that you've moved them out, the talent seeds have your soul imprint, and these talents truly belong to you."

"Do you know why these are called talent seeds?"

Lin Muyu thought for a moment, "Is it because they can grow?"

Antares chuckled, "That's right, they can grow."

Lin Muyu asked, "Can all talents grow?"

"Yes, all talents can grow. But different talents have different growth limits. Some seeds grow into grass, while others grow into trees."

Talents can grow with Lin Muyu's strength.

Starting from seeds, they take root and sprout, eventually growing into towering trees.

Antares told Lin Muyu how to strengthen his talents, which was actually simple: use the soul to irrigate them.

But to irrigate talents, one first needs a high-quality soul.

Especially for powerful talents like Lin Muyu's, the higher the soul quality, the better.

Lin Muyu was eager to irrigate his talents, but Antares stopped him.

"Don't rush to irrigate. You can do it after moving all three talents."

"The first irrigation is crucial, like laying a foundation. The higher the soul quality, the better the effect."

Lin Muyu understood. After moving all three talents, his soul might reach the third tier.

Using a third-tier soul for the first irrigation would yield better results than now.

"Thank you!"

Lin Muyu sincerely thanked him.

Antares snorted, "Stop pretending, go move bricks."