

Chapter 479: Even a Divine-Level Expert Can't Withstand It

The fourth passage is equivalent to the fourth stage. Lin Moyu estimated the power of the lightning he would encounter.

As soon as he stepped into the fourth passage, a bolt of lightning silently exploded in front of him.

The skeletal armor shattered without any hesitation.

A massive amount of electric elements surged forward, forming a faint membrane on the surface of Lin Moyu's skin.

Passive Skill: Damage Transfer!

80% lightning element immunity, and the remaining 20% was further weakened by his own elemental resistance, ultimately shared by all members of the undead army.

The damage was not significant.

Lin Moyu believed that even a divine-level expert would not be able to withstand it as well as he could.

"The damage has indeed doubled, my guess was correct."

"Each increase is 10% more than the previous one. Last time it was 60%, this time it's 100%."

Lin Moyu felt the doubled power of the lightning, still bearable, the damage was not too great.

However, previously he needed to rest every 2000 meters, now he needed to rest every 1500 meters, slightly reducing efficiency.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Moyu's face showed a hint of strangeness.

"Why is there only one star?"

The stars did not turn into four as he expected, but instead became one.

The number decreased, and its appearance changed slightly, becoming obviously larger and brighter.

Lin Moyu was startled, "Could it be that the BOSS level has increased, from an ordinary BOSS to a lord-level BOSS?"

Lin Moyu felt a headache, he would rather face four ordinary BOSSes than a lord-level BOSS. An 80-level lord-level BOSS could be compared to an 88-level ordinary BOSS.

At this moment, Lin Moyu inadvertently looked at the road behind him.


His face turned extremely ugly.

The retreat path had disappeared, behind him was a blank space, with no way to retreat.

He immediately checked his items.

Except for the Abyss Teleportation Stone, all other teleportation items were invalid.

This place was neither a secret realm nor an instance, so high-level escape scrolls were originally invalid.

Random teleportation scrolls were also unusable at this time.

Lin Moyu finally understood why top-level experts had fallen here.

And why this place was marked as a high-danger area.

It was a high-danger area because top-level experts had fallen here.

But the place where top-level experts fell was not just a simple high-danger area.

At least this place was not so, according to Lin Moyu's estimation, the top-level experts who entered the Burial Thunder Valley.

Either they exited before finishing the first three passages.

Or they entered the fourth passage and couldn't leave.

Since entering the fourth passage, there was no retreat, only moving forward to the end.

Although there were elements of a trial, it was completely different from the safe divine secret realms.

The Burial Thunder Valley was too dangerous, unimaginably so.

Lin Moyu was now riding a tiger and couldn't get off, he could only continue forward.

Enduring the lightning, he moved forward all the way.

Until the stars fell from the sky.

A huge lightning beast charged out from the starlight.

Lin Moyu didn't need to use detection to know that this was a lord-level lightning beast.

Ordinary lightning beasts were only five meters tall, but this lord-level lightning beast was over 10 meters tall when standing.

Ordinary lightning beasts were tiny in front of it.

The skeletons were even more insignificant, the two-meter-tall skeletal berserkers were like ants in front of it.

As soon as the lightning beast appeared, it charged at Lin Moyu, as fast as lightning.

Lin Moyu had already released the undead army when the starlight fell.

The skeletal berserkers charged forward, with lightning constantly exploding on them during the charge.

The Lich General continuously cast the army healing skill from the rear.

Facing the lord-level lightning beast, Lin Moyu did not dare to be careless.

He summoned all the liches except for the lightning lich.

Auras appeared under the skeletons' feet.

The skeletons' speed increased, and their defense was enhanced.

The lightning beast was frozen and poisoned.

Red, green, and white lights almost simultaneously lit up.

Curses, poison, and bone prisons descended on the lightning beast one after another.

Although the bone prison couldn't stop the lightning beasts from self-destructing, it could interrupt their charge.

The skeletal berserkers quickly surrounded them, while the mages and archers retreated under the lightning, maintaining distance.

This at least allowed the mages and archers to avoid self-destruction damage.

If the self-destruction was too powerful, causing the Comprehensive Connection talent to fail and instantly killing the skeletal berserkers, the loss would be minimized.

At this point, Lin Moyu no longer thought about a perfect victory.

As long as he could win, paying a price was acceptable.

He cast detection, knowing it was a lord-level BOSS, but still wanting to see its attributes.

**[Lightning Beast (Lord-level BOSS)]**

**[Level: 80]**

**[Strength: 800,000]**

**[Agility: 800,000]**

**[Spirit: 600,000]**

**[Constitution: 700,000]**

**[Skills: Lightning Absorption (Passive), Lightning Strike]**

**[Traits: Lightning Element Immunity, Can Absorb Lightning to Enhance Itself, Vitality Enhancement, Strength Enhancement, Speed Enhancement]**

Apart from the attributes, everything else was the same as an ordinary lightning beast.

An 80-level lord-level lightning beast had total attributes of 2.9 million.

An ordinary lightning beast had total attributes of only 1.6 million, a difference of 1.3 million.

Such a large gap caused a qualitative difference in combat power.

Although the attributes increased by less than double, it could single-handedly take on three ordinary lightning beasts, or even more.

After seeing the attributes, Lin Moyu glanced at the primordial rune on the back of his hand.

He thought for a moment but did not use it.

It wasn't the right time yet, but he estimated that if he continued, he would have to use it sooner or later.

He might even have to use other trump cards.

In the face of the lord-level lightning beast's immense attack power, the skeletal berserkers seemed somewhat weak.

Each of its attacks could send a large number of skeletal berserkers flying.

Fortunately, there were enough skeletal berserkers, and the Lich General's healing was fast enough.

Each time they were sent flying, they would run back as if nothing had happened and continue attacking.

Tens of thousands of skeletal berserkers firmly surrounded the lightning beast, not giving it a chance to charge. The mages and archers focused their attacks on it, never stopping. Lin Moyu watched, his eyes flickering.

"The fifth stage should be two lord-level BOSSes." "The sixth stage, three."

"The seventh stage, will there be a world-class lightning beast? I hope its level isn't too high." The lightning beast was finally on the verge of death under the siege of the undead army. It began to glow all over. Killing it wasn't difficult, the hardest part was this moment. Except for the skeletal berserkers, Lin Moyu and the other members of the undead army retreated to the farthest point, over a thousand meters away. Lin Moyu didn't know if this distance was enough, he wasn't sure of the self-destruction range of a lord-level BOSS.

The extremely dazzling lightning made Lin Moyu instinctively close his eyes.

There was no sound in the Burial Thunder Valley, no matter how intense the battle, it was like a silent movie.

Lin Moyu closed his eyes, seeing nothing.

In his mind, he continuously sensed the skeletal berserkers.

A large number of skeletal berserkers were melted in the lightning.

The self-destruction of the lightning beast had a range of about 500 meters, much larger than an ordinary lightning beast. The power was on a completely different level.

The lightning was powerful enough to instantly kill the skeletal berserkers, causing the Comprehensive Connection talent to fail completely.

The Undying Aura revived the skeletal berserkers, but within 0.1 seconds, death came again.

In a sense, the Undying Aura also lost its effect.

This self-destruction killed at least 3,000 skeletal berserkers.

Lin Moyu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, he had made the skeletal berserkers retreat early, otherwise, the casualties would have been even greater.

After dealing with the lord-level lightning beast, Lin Moyu took a deep breath.

No matter what, he had grasped the situation of the lightning beast's self-destruction.

In the next stage, he could handle it more calmly.

He continued forward, summoning skeletal berserkers as he walked to replenish the losses.

Once Lin Moyu grasped the situation, the subsequent stages became much simpler.

The fifth and sixth stages were as he expected.

The lightning beasts first became two, then three.

All were easily dealt with by Lin Moyu.

Half a day later, Lin Moyu arrived at the seventh stage.

Looking at the four passages in front of him.

Lin Moyu took a deep breath, "The real battle begins now!"