

 Chapter 2008: Rule Fusion, Slight Success

The two rule star rivers kept colliding, and each collision would unleash an astonishing power.

The Celestial Venerable finally understood why even the cultivation room in the Divine City couldn't withstand it. It was the collision of rule star rivers, how could it possibly hold up?

"This is too reckless!" The Celestial Venerable said with some shock and confusion.

He naturally knew about rule fusion, which was very difficult, especially the fusion of time rules and space rules, which was extremely challenging.

But rule fusion also required technique. How could Lin Moyu be so forceful?

Based on his understanding of Lin Moyu, he wasn't this kind of person, which made him feel puzzled.

Gradually, he discovered some clues.

The seemingly barbaric and unreasonable collisions actually had technique behind them.

The two rule star rivers collided at a fixed point each time.

What really collided wasn't the main body of the rule star rivers, but a tiny tributary belonging to Lin Moyu.

The rule star rivers formed naturally, and Lin Moyu couldn't control them, but he could control his own tributary to some extent.

This was how Lin Moyu, through repeated collisions, attempted to fully master the part that belonged to him.

Lin Moyu had long entered a state of forgetting both self and object, completely unaware of what was happening in the outside world.

He treated the rules as runes, and moreover, as runes that would never be damaged or collapse.

In the constant collisions, he sensed the differences and similarities between the two types of rules, searching for the point of fusion.

And in the continuous collisions, Lin Moyu's understanding and mastery of both types of rules were improving.

Lin Moyu hoped that the two types of rules could progress side by side, and now, he had realized his idea in this peculiar way.

The Celestial Venerable's golden sun appeared distorted again, as the power released from each collision constantly eroded the golden sun.

The Celestial Venerable had no choice but to increase the power of the rules to maintain the stability of the golden sun.

Otherwise, the explosive force alone would be enough to level the surrounding area.

"This guy, how long is he going to keep this up?" The Celestial Venerable thought to himself.

There was no other way; he could only stay here until Lin Moyu finished.

For a moment, the Celestial Venerable felt like he had become a tool for Lin Moyu's cultivation.

Two days later, the Celestial Venerable suddenly sensed some changes, the explosive force seemed to have weakened somewhat.

In two days, the rule star rivers had collided thousands of times, and finally, there were some changes.

The impact of the explosions had weakened, but a more terrifying power was born.

A strange aura appeared in the golden sun, a tiny air current generated during the collisions.

Where the air current passed, the Celestial Venerable felt his rule power suddenly lose connection.

Every bit of rule power contained his will, which he could control at will, as easily as moving his arms.

But now, his power suddenly disappeared, and only part of it disappeared, which felt very strange.

What surprised him most was that the disappeared part of the power recovered in the blink of an eye.

It was as if that moment of disappearance was just an illusion.

The Celestial Venerable was shocked, "He succeeded!"

He realized that this disappearance was just like when those Divine Venerables outside the small world were cut down.

His rule power didn't disappear, but was taken into another time and space.

If you consider the entire golden sun as a whole, a small part of it, its time suddenly changed, becoming a few seconds slower or faster than other parts.

The part that changed would separate from the whole, temporarily disappearing.

When the influence disappeared, the missing part would reappear, returning to its original state.

With his knowledge, although the Celestial Venerable didn't understand what time rules and space rules were, he could roughly analyze from this.

Lin Moyu had indeed succeeded, at least partially.

Lin Moyu had fused part of the space rules and time rules, producing a new power, which Lin Moyu called space-time power.

The part of the golden sun that disappeared was affected by the space-time power, temporarily leaving the real time and space.

Just like those Divine Venerables killed outside the small world, their souls and bodies entered different time and space, their bodies shattered, and their souls couldn't sense anything at all.

Finally, when the two time and spaces recovered, they would suffer all the damage, which would be the end of their lives.

Lin Moyu naturally couldn't achieve that level, but he had made a breakthrough.

As long as his time rules and space rules continued to strengthen, he could eventually achieve killing without form.

The rumbling sound disappeared, and the rule star rivers stopped colliding, returning to calm.

Lin Moyu returned from the state of forgetting both self and object, with a hint of satisfaction in his expression.

The fusion of the two rules, he had finally taken the most important step.

Sensing the familiar golden rule, glancing around, Lin Moyu already knew what had happened.

He bowed respectfully to the Celestial Venerable, "Thank you, Celestial Venerable, for your protection."

The Celestial Venerable withdrew his power and laughed heartily, "Not bad, really not bad."

Lin Moyu said, "I've caused damage to the Divine City, I'll find a way to compensate."

The Celestial Venerable smiled, "No need to compensate. Let alone just one cultivation room, even a hundred or a thousand wouldn't matter. As long as you don't blow up the Divine City, you can do as you please."

It was rare for the human race to have such a genius, what did a mere cultivation room matter?

Now Lin Moyu and his sister were the greatest hope of the human race.

The Celestial Venerable also hoped that these two siblings could break through to become Divine Venerables, rebuild the divine path, and allow them to advance further.

Compared to these, mere losses indeed didn't matter.

The Celestial Venerable led Lin Moyu away, this ruins would naturally be dealt with by others.

Returning to the central divine hall, the Celestial Venerable asked, "If Young Friend Lin wants to continue closed cultivation, I've found another place for you."

Obviously, ordinary cultivation rooms were no longer suitable for Lin Moyu.

If even the Divine City's cultivation rooms weren't enough, other places' cultivation rooms would be even less so.

The Celestial Venerable had experienced Lin Moyu's power - the collision of rules could unleash destructive power surpassing peak Divine Venerables. Unless a cultivation room was built with materials from the other shore realm, it simply couldn't withstand it.

But materials from the other shore realm weren't easy to find. The human race didn't have much to begin with, and most were used for Wu Jian. Using them to build a cultivation room seemed too extravagant.

However, if Lin Moyu really had such a need, it could be considered.

Lin Moyu shook his head slightly, "This closed cultivation lasted for several years. I've mastered some new things and also gained some information from the Holy Rune Venerable's legacy."

"I need to go to several places to retrieve some things."

In the Holy Rune Venerable's legacy, there wasn't just methods for learning runes, but also things that the Holy Rune Venerable had left in the great world.

It wasn't enough to just be able to draw runes. If you wanted to use them in battle, you needed special methods to preserve them. Otherwise, if you had to draw them every time you needed them, how could your opponent give you such opportunities?

So rune masters created rune devices, which were rune artifacts.

Rune artifacts were used to store runes, ready to be used when needed.

Rune artifacts could also be transformed into various weapons, battle puppets, or even have runes refined into the body, using oneself as a rune artifact.

Rune artifacts were the techniques of rune masters, serving a similar purpose to artifacts created through refining.

Ancient rune warriors were the strongest rune artifacts created by the Holy Rune Venerable.