

 **Chapter 1746: The Well of Ancestral Water, the Starry Sky Beasts Are Coming**

The soul continuously drew the bow, and for a moment, arrows rained down like a storm. Lin

One soul, one bow, yet it produced the effect of an entire army.

Hundreds of arrows flew out every second, striking the multicolored water dragon.

The sound of explosions was constant, and water splashed everywhere. No matter how Lin Moyu attacked, the multicolored water dragon could instantly heal.

The multicolored water dragon got closer and closer, and Lin Moyu's soul quickly retreated.

Suddenly, the multicolored water dragon accelerated and crashed into his soul with a bang.

Intense pain spread throughout his body, and Lin Moyu couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Fortunately, he was already accustomed to soul pain, having experienced it countless times between life and death. Such pain was nothing to him.

The multicolored water dragon roared and spewed dragon breath, which turned into ice, as if it wanted to freeze Lin Moyu's soul.

Lin Moyu felt a bone-chilling cold, a temperature he hadn't felt in many years.

Under the cold, his soul's actions and perceptions began to slow down.

Soul power surged madly, and a star of magic shone brightly. Lin Moyu activated his original spell within his soul world.

His soul realm rapidly ascended, breaking through the cold.

The Soul Shooting Bow became sharper and more powerful.

Each arrow could create massive splashes, and the multicolored water dragon seemed to sense a threat, roaring continuously.

The ice in the dragon breath shattered, followed by flashes of lightning, and countless water bolts exploded simultaneously.

The water bolts struck his soul, sending it flying again.

Lin Moyu groaned again, "So strong!"

The lightning continued to flicker, striking Lin Moyu's soul repeatedly.

His soul was paralyzed, and Lin Moyu himself trembled uncontrollably, unable to react much.

"A God Sovereign's soul is no match for it."

Lin Moyu temporarily elevated his cultivation to the fifth rank of God Sovereign, and his soul was at the fifth rank, combined with the Soul Shooting Bow. He felt that his soul combat power was enough to contend with an eighth or even ninth rank God Sovereign.

Yet, he still couldn't defeat the multicolored water dragon.

The multicolored water dragon was not something a God Sovereign could handle.

Lin Moyu struggled in the water bolts, trying to avoid them, but with little success.

If his soul weren't strong enough, he would have been killed by the water bolts.

Failing to obtain the ancient well could result in being killed by the multicolored water dragon. Subduing the ancient well was extremely dangerous.

Lin Moyu noticed a layer of earthy yellow light flowing on the surface of his soul.

It was this light that blocked most of the water bolt attacks.

"The Scourge Scepter, the Soul Gem!"

The earthy yellow light came from the Soul Gem of the Scourge Scepter, rarely used, but its defensive power was astonishing.

Lin Moyu had an idea on how to deal with the multicolored water dragon.

He struggled to lift the Scourge Scepter, using it as a shield to block some of the water bolts, giving his soul a moment to breathe.

Lin Moyu mustered all his strength, wielding the scepter to deflect the incoming water bolts.

His small soul charged at the massive multicolored water dragon.

The multicolored water dragon seemed provoked, roaring in anger and spewing more dragon breath.

Its eyes shone with boundless colors, and two beams of light shot towards Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu swung the Scourge Scepter, deflecting the beams with two loud bangs.

He then wielded the scepter like a shield, smashing through the dragon breath to create a path.

The Scourge Scepter was his last resort. If it failed, he had no other options and would have to give up.

His soul, wielding the Scourge Scepter, charged at the multicolored water dragon and struck it hard.


Water splashed everywhere, and the multicolored water dragon was thrown into disarray.

Its head exploded and couldn't regenerate, unlike the results from using the Soul Shooting Bow.

Lin Moyu struck again and again, each blow causing the multicolored water dragon to disintegrate further.

In just a few seconds, the multicolored water dragon collapsed and completely disintegrated.

The multicolored water dragon disappeared without a trace, and a stream of information flowed into Lin Moyu's soul.

"So, you're called the Well of Ancestral Water."

He learned the name of the ancient well, the Well of Ancestral Water.

The multicolored water was also known as the Ancestor of All Waters, and the well that could contain it was the Well of Ancestral Water.

This Well of Ancestral Water contained a total of ten thousand drops of multicolored water.

Moreover, the Well of Ancestral Water could continuously produce multicolored water, generating one drop every ten days.

With it, he would have an endless supply of multicolored water.

But that wasn't the most crucial part. The most crucial part was what lay behind the Well of Ancestral Water.

However, that was still too distant for him.

Lin Moyu suppressed his thoughts. Obtaining the Well of Ancestral Water was already a great fortune.

He not only learned the name of the Well of Ancestral Water but also discovered many uses for the multicolored water.

Lin Moyu opened his eyes and surveyed the space.

This place was located in the deepest layer of the Great World, a chaotic and mysterious world.

The space was not static but constantly active.

Through countless battles, the space had gone from damaged to repaired, with many things entering the spatial turbulence and eventually arriving here.

So, this world was mysterious and chaotic but not desolate.

In this chaotic space, energy turbulence was everywhere.

Combined with the surging Black Tide, the space was frequently disturbed, causing massive spatial waves and making this world even more chaotic.

Relying solely on the Eye of the Soul at the Boundary Realm was far from enough to see this world clearly.

Before obtaining the Well of Ancestral Water, Lin Moyu had no way to deal with it.

But now, with the Well of Ancestral Water...

Lin Moyu lightly tapped his finger, and a drop of multicolored water flew out, splitting into two and entering his eyes.

The world before him changed instantly. The original chaos disappeared, the fog cleared, and everything became clear.

The lines of space laws appeared, and Lin Moyu saw the lines of space laws again.

At the same time, he saw something else.

Wells of Ancestral Water lay quietly in this space!

There wasn't just one Well of Ancestral Water; there were many.

Looking around, there were about a hundred Wells of Ancestral Water. They had existed here for countless years, and no one had ever been able to take them away. Lin Moyu was the first.

Besides the Wells of Ancestral Water, Lin Moyu saw, in the far distance, God Sovereigns fighting and starry sky beasts moving.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. He saw countless starry sky beasts flying towards the gushing area of the multicolored water.

The multicolored water would attract starry sky beasts, but this situation was different.

These starry sky beasts seemed organized and commanded, not chaotic, like an army.

Each starry sky beast emitted black gas, tainted by the power of darkness. They were no longer creatures of the Great World but slaves to the power of darkness.

"They're not here to seize the multicolored water; they're here to kill."

"Someone must be controlling the starry sky beasts."

Lin Moyu looked further, using the magical effect of the multicolored water and the unique conditions of the deepest space, he saw even further.

Finally, he found his target.

Lin Moyu felt a chill run down his spine.