

 **Chapter 1648: The Ancient Rune That Automatically Entered the Soul**

As Lin Moyu passed through the third stage, the power of the Human Emperor Network also smoothly penetrated. 

The giant hand full of runes was the manifestation of the Human Emperor Network's power.

Just like the previous two times, it reached out to grab the corner of the ancient rune, intending to take it away.

This was also the normal operation of the Human Emperor Network, and Lin Moyu watched quietly from the side.

Just as the giant hand was about to grasp the corner of the ancient rune, the rune suddenly emitted a bright light, causing the giant hand to stop abruptly in mid-air.

Immediately after, the corner of the ancient rune transformed into a stream of light, escaping from the giant hand's grasp and drilling into Lin Moyu's body at an astonishing speed.

In the next second, the corner of the ancient rune had already appeared in Lin Moyu's soul.

The corner of the ancient rune had actually entered his soul world on its own.

Even the Hell of Bones had no reaction, indicating that the corner of the ancient rune had no malicious intent towards him.

The giant hand was stunned, and Lin Moyu was also shocked.

The scene became somewhat awkward. The giant hand hesitated for a few seconds before slowly dissipating.

The secret realm began to tremble, space distorted, and the scene before his eyes rippled like water, gradually becoming blurry.

The secret realm had evolved from the corner of the ancient rune, and now that the rune had disappeared, the secret realm naturally could no longer exist.

A familiar aura rushed towards him, and Lin Moyu knew he had returned to the Divine City Star Domain, back to the great world.

Noises filled his ears, with sounds of shock, curiosity, and confusion.

"Why did the secret realm disappear?"

"I was clearly still in the secret realm, so why did I suddenly come out?"

"What happened? Why did this happen?"

"I had already collected nine portions of black water, just one more to complete the task."

"Now that the secret realm is gone, how will we complete the task in the future?"

Many people, like Lin Moyu, were in the secret realm. 

At this moment, with the secret realm's disappearance, they were all uniformly transported out.

Most people naturally wouldn't understand what had happened.

Their knowledge and experience determined their understanding.

Lin Moyu anticipated what would happen next and immediately transformed into a stream of light, quickly leaving.

The crowd was still marveling at the disappearance of the secret realm and didn't notice Lin Moyu's departure.

A few seconds later, those who had been forcibly removed from the secret realm simultaneously received messages from the Human Emperor Network.

[Your task has been completed, and you are rewarded with 10 Divine City merit points.]

[Your task has been completed, and you are rewarded with 10 Divine City merit points.]

Everyone received the same message.

They were all extremely surprised, "The Human Emperor Network says I completed the task."

"Me too, but I had just entered the secret realm."

"I had already collected nine portions of black water, so it's fair to say I completed the task."

"I wonder what happened in the secret realm."

Suddenly, a lazy voice interrupted their confusion, "What else could have happened? Just check the Divine City announcement."

In the Human Emperor Network, an announcement was prominently displayed.

[Divine City Announcement: Junior member Lin Moyu has successfully cleared the 'Primary Star System No. 13283 Black Rain Secret Realm.']

[This secret realm will be permanently closed, and related tasks will be canceled.]

Generally, the Divine City doesn't issue announcements unless something significant happens.

Sometimes, there might not be an announcement for decades.

Once a Divine City announcement is issued, it remains permanently.

Even if you want to find announcements from hundreds or thousands of years ago, you can still find them.

Currently, the top three announcements in the Divine City are all related to Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu had consecutively cleared three secret realms, an unprecedented feat in the history of the human race.

Indeed, some had cleared three secret realms before, but not consecutively.

Lin Moyu almost cleared a secret realm as soon as he entered one, with a 100% clearance rate. This was terrifying.

For a time, Lin Moyu's name spread like wildfire throughout the entire Divine City of the human race. As Lin Moyu distanced himself, he also received a reminder from the Human Emperor Network.

[Congratulations on completing the first stage task of the Black Rain Secret Realm, rewarded with 10 Divine City merit points.]

[Congratulations on completing the second stage task of the Black Rain Secret Realm, rewarded with 100 Divine City merit points.]

[Congratulations on completing the third stage task of the Black Rain Secret Realm, rewarded with 400 Divine City merit points.]

[Congratulations on clearing the Black Rain Poison Bee Secret Realm, rewarded with 500 Divine City merit points.]

Lin Moyu received the messages and was slightly puzzled, "The rewards are quite high this time."

"Is it because the Black Rain Secret Realm is more dangerous?"

"That must be it; otherwise, it wouldn't make sense."

Lin Moyu didn't dwell on it. He accepted whatever rewards the Human Emperor Network gave him.

If they were willing to give more, that was even better.

This secret realm journey felt incredibly long, like it lasted a century.

Especially the virtual and real illusions in the third stage, which left him deeply shaken.

In the end, he didn't know why, but the corner of the ancient rune had actively entered his soul.

It seemed like a treasure recognizing its master.

Did the corner of the ancient rune develop intelligence?

Lin Moyu didn't think so; at most, it was an instinct.

If it truly had intelligence, it wasn't impossible.

The ancient rune came from the blood of an ancient giant, carrying part of the giant's memories. At that level, anything was possible.

The series of strange experiences left Lin Moyu feeling deeply tired.

"It's time to take a break."

"I should study the 'Symbol Language' thoroughly and hope to master all the runes."

"And I need to research this guy in my soul."

With these thoughts, Lin Moyu flew towards the 'Primary Star System No. 13283.'

In the core area of the Divine City, the big shots of the Other Shore Realm held another tea party.

Rune Saint Venerable and Hao Saint Venerable had left not long ago and returned together after a hundred days.

Upon returning, Rune Saint Venerable looked solemn and remained silent, staying in a meditative state.

Seeing him like this, no one dared to disturb him.

Even among the Other Shore Realm, there was a distinction between Saint Venerables and ordinary members.

Hao Saint Venerable left again and only returned the day before.

When he returned, Hao Saint Venerable brought back a few pieces of Dao tea, and the group held a tea party.

After drinking several cups of Dao tea, Rune Saint Venerable finally relaxed, and his solemn expression gradually disappeared.

No one knew where Rune Saint Venerable and Hao Saint Venerable had gone or what they had experienced.

They didn't say, and no one asked.

Suddenly, Rune Saint Venerable frowned slightly, showing a look of surprise, "How could this be?"

Lady Yu gently held her teacup and asked softly, "Saint Venerable, what happened?"

Rune Saint Venerable pointed, and an image appeared.

The image showed the scene of the corner of the ancient rune avoiding the giant hand and automatically entering Lin Moyu.

Everyone watched with puzzled expressions.

Lady Yu was confused, "What is going on?"

Rune Saint Venerable shook his head, "He must have experienced something in the secret realm."

Hao Saint Venerable pondered, "The Black Rain Secret Realm is somewhat special. Its trials are related to the soul and can cause strange occurrences."

Old Lin also nodded, "I remember a few hundred years ago, there was also a secret realm related to the soul. In that secret realm, some people saw scenes that didn't belong to this era."

Lady Yu said, "Old Lin, are you talking about the Flying Flower Secret Realm? Unfortunately, those who came out of that secret realm had no memory of it."

Rune Saint Venerable murmured, "I wonder if Lin Moyu saw anything this time and if he can remember it."